I 26 fares should be bundled in the offline data delivery - UnionInternationalCheminsdeFer/OSDM GitHub Wiki

I-26: Bundle Share in Offline Data Delivery


RUs that import the OSDM-Offline fares should have the possibility to easily identify a subset of fares to be associated with a tariff (e.g. standard single fares, group fares, pass fares). Therefore the attributes combination constraint, personal data constraint, travel validity constraint, sales availability constraint and fulfillment constraint shall be defined within bundles, which are linked then to the fares.


  • Christiane Walking / Sören Meyer (DB)

Business Value

For experts working on fare management the handling of large packages of fares becomes easier and more efficient and thus fare management costs decline.

Business Outcomes

The measurable benefits that the business can anticipate if the epic hypothesis is proven to be correct.

Reduced fare management cost.

Leading Indicators

The early measures that will help predict the business outcome hypothesis.

This feature is included the OSDM Offline Plattform release in April 2021.

Nonfunctional Requirements

Nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) associated with the epic.

Non identified.


See branch https://github.com/UnionInternationalCheminsdeFer/OSDM/tree/I-26_Fares_should_be_clustered_in_the_offline_data_delivery_(Offline-Only)

Specification Effort: SMALL