Database Table Schemas - Unidata/rosetta GitHub Wiki

Database schema for derby tables as per:


Contains data entered by the user while using the wizard. This table will be refactored.

Column Name Data Type Key Null
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY cannot be null
platform VARCHAR(255) can be null
community VARCHAR(255) can be null
cfType VARCHAR(255) can be null
dataFileName VARCHAR(255) can be null
dataFileType VARCHAR(255) can be null
positionalFileName VARCHAR(255) can be null
headerLineNumbers VARCHAR(255) can be null
noHeaderLines SMALLINT can be null
netcdfFile VARCHAR(255) can be null
zip VARCHAR(255) can be null


Contains CF type data taken from resources/cfTypes.xml file data during application initialization. There should be no need to modify this table after it is initially populated during startup.

Column Name Data Type Key Null
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY cannot be null
name VARCHAR(255) cannot be null


Contains community data taken from resources/communities.xml file data during application initialization. There should be no need to modify this table after it is initially populated during startup.

Column Name Data Type Key Null
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY cannot be null
name VARCHAR(255) cannot be null
fileType INTEGER FOREIGN KEY cannot be null


Contains file type data taken from resources/fileTypes.xml file data during application initialization. There should be no need to modify this table after it is initially populated during startup.

Column Name Data Type Key Null
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY cannot be null
name VARCHAR(255) cannot be null


Contains delimiter data taken from resources/delimiters.xml file data during application initialization. There should be no need to modify this table after it is initially populated during startup.

Column Name Data Type Key Null
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY cannot be null
name VARCHAR(255) cannot be null
characterSymbol VARCHAR(10) cannot be null


Contains metadata entered by the user while using the wizard. This table will be refactored.

Column Name Data Type Key Null
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY cannot be null
type VARCHAR(255) cannot be null
metadataKey VARCHAR(255) cannot be null
metadataValue VARCHAR(255) can be null


Contains platform data taken from resources/platforms.xml file data during application initialization. There should be no need to modify this table after it is initially populated during startup.

Column Name Data Type Key Null
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY cannot be null
name VARCHAR(255) cannot be null
imgPath VARCHAR(255) cannot be null
cfType INTEGER FOREIGN KEY cannot be null
community INTEGER FOREIGN KEY cannot be null


Contains rosetta properties data taken from file data during application initialization. There should be no need to modify this table after it is initially populated during startup.

Column Name Data Type Key Null
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY cannot be null
propertyKey VARCHAR(255) cannot be null
propertyValue VARCHAR(255) cannot be null
dateCreated TIMESTAMP cannot be null


Contains user information. Default users added during first initialization of application. Subsequent users add via user interfaces.

Column Name Data Type Key Null
userId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY cannot be null
userName VARCHAR(50) cannot be null
password VARCHAR(80) cannot be null
accessLevel SMALLINT cannot be null
accountStatus SMALLINT cannot be null
emailAddress VARCHAR(75) cannot be null
fullname VARCHAR(100) cannot be null
dateCreated TIMESTAMP cannot be null
dateModified TIMESTAMP cannot be null