`systemd(8)` configuration file for LDM - Unidata/LDM GitHub Wiki

The script for starting the LDM at boot-time that's in the LDM package's documentation is useless on a system that uses systemd(8) (e.g., CentOS 7). Here's a systemd(8) configuration-file for the LDM. Install it as file /etc/systemd/system/ldm.service.

Description=Unidata Local Data Manager
After=network.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target
ExecStartPre=/home/ldm/bin/ldmadmin delqueue
ExecStartPre=/home/ldm/bin/ldmadmin mkqueue
ExecStart=/home/ldm/bin/ldmadmin start
ExecStop=/home/ldm/bin/ldmadmin stop


Note that this configuration-file can be modified to invoke a boot-time script that's similar to the one in the LDM package's documentation rather than re-creating the product-queue and executing ldmadmin start. You should do this if you want the product-queue to persist between system reboots. Do not, however, install the boot-time script in $LDMHOME/bin because that directory will be re-created by the next update. We recommend installing it in the directory $LDMHOME/util.