Opening the War Simulator - UneasierSine/Discord-Nations GitHub Wiki
### Disclaimer: There are three images I have attached, but only open if they are downloaded, so don't get sp00ked
In making the War Simulator, I decided that I wanted this to be in a command line style, probably because I think it is cool to enter the parameters for programs in that kind of bare-bones environment. That and it makes me think of the simulations that scientists ran during the Cold War. Good times. However, I found that you can run the program from the cmd in Windows or the terminal in Mac and Linux. So here we go.
You need this to run the program, which runs in Java. Unless you plan to actually program (for which you need the JDK), the JRE should be good enough to run the program. Many computers do not have JRE installed by default, so see if you have the JRE, and if not, then download the appropriate JRE at the link below. Afterwards, follow instructions to install the JRE on your computer. If that doesn't work, then just download the Java JDK.
The program in question comes in the form of a Java executable with the file ending .jar. From the Discord Nations GitHub repository, navigate to the War_Simulator folder and open the file, "War_Simulator.jar". There should be an option to download it somewhere on that page.
Keep it in the Downloads folder (or any folder of your choice).
I am a Windows person, so I cannot help you Mac people. But I do have experience with the Linux terminal, so I can help Linux users too (wherever you are). Open CMD, or terminal. You should open up in the users folder of the main directory. Navigate to the folder in which you saved your .jar file. To navigate into a file from your current directory, type the following command cd and hit ENTER. Then continue to do so until you are in the folder of the .jar file. If you goof and need to go back, use cd .. and hit ENTER> These two commands work on all three operating systems, and so I can help you with this file navigation. The following is the path I had to do, because my .jar file is with all of my other programming folders.
Next, run the following command exactly: java -jar War_Simulator.jar and hit ENTER. This will initiate the program.
To enter responses, simply type the answer and hit ENTER. You do not need to use arrow keys as the command line will automatically change the line. If you mess up in the middle of the program, you may not go back. However to copy a response both in the file navigation and the war sim, simply use the up arrow, and the input line is the same as whatever you previously input. For more help with the command line work: ASK GOOGLE BEFORE ME. However I can help if you cannot find anything.