Lua API: Blocks - Unarelith/OpenMiner GitHub Wiki


Blocks can have the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id* string ID of the block without the "mod:" prefix
label* string Label of the block
on_block_placed function Called when the block is placed
on_block_activated function Called when a player right-click the block
on_tick function Called every tick
harvest_requirements u8 Set which tools are more effective
hardness float Hardness of the block, affects mining speed
is_opaque bool Whether or not the block let light pass
is_light_source bool Whether or not the block is a light source
is_rotatable bool Whether or not the block is rotatable
bounding_box float[6] Bounding box of the block {x,y,z,w,d,h}
draw_type string Draw type of the block (see Draw types)
item_drop ItemStack Item stack that is dropped when the block is broken
color_multiplier u8[4] Only grayscale colors are affected by this attribute

NB: Attributes with a * means they're mandatory

Data types

ItemStack is a table composed of:

  • id (string): item id with the "mod:" prefix
  • amount (u16): amount in the stack

Draw types

The currently allowed draw type values are:

  • solid
  • xshape
  • leaves
  • liquid
  • glass




  • pos (vec3): position of the block
  • world (World): instance of ServerWorld



  • pos (vec3): position of the block
  • player (Player): current player
  • world (World): instance of the ServerWorld
  • client (Client): client that activated the block
  • screen_width (u16): width of the screen
  • screen_height (u16): height of the screen
  • gui_scale (u8): current scaling setting



  • pos (vec3): position of the block
  • player (Player): current player
  • chunk (Chunk): current chunk
  • world (World): instance of the ServerWorld