Resources (Stats) - UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS GitHub Wiki

Resource Stats

This is accurate as of USI Kolonization Systems (MKS) version 0.50.0


This page provides a breakdown of the stats and properties of the various resources used within MKS. KSP includes a number of stock resources that MKS utilizes and that players should already be familiar with: ElectricCharge, LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, Monopropellant, XenonGas. Until KSP 1.0, resources could only be acquired in a stock game by building them into a vessel at KSC. KSP 1.0 introduced a new resource Ore as well as the ability to extract resources while away from KSC and use them for other purposes, generally called In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU). The KSP stock Ore resource is not used by MKS and therefore is not covered here, but is covered on the [KSP Wiki] (

USI Kolonization Systems (MKS) and USI Life Support (USI-LS) add a number of additional resources that can be used to simulate everything from life support to permitting construction of vessels off-world. Fully operational colonies will require a number of different vessel modules with operational converters forming significant supply chains to manage. These can be easily built up in stages allowing for a sense of progression within the game. Life support resources are covered in a separate life support page. Life support is optional, as is the type of life support players wish to use.

Two other USI modules add additional resources and accompanying parts:

  • Karbonite (Adds Karbonite)
  • KarbonitePlus (Adds Karborundum)

These will be covered separately, but the principles here apply to them as well.

Resource Stats

MKS relies on the Community Resource Pack to define a set of shared resources with common properties allowing additional KSP mods to extend play without having to introduce incompatible resource types. Below you will find tables listing the Density, Cost, and Flow mode stats for resources used within MKS. There is also a short explanation of why each of these stats can be useful to players.

In the table below, resources in Italics can be harvested with drills. Bold written resources can only be delivered from the spaceport on Kerbin.

USI-LS Resources

These are provided by the Community Resource Pack (version 0.5.0) for USI-LS (0.4.0).

Resource Density Cost Flow Mode Transfer
Supplies 0.001 2.5 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Mulch 0.001 0 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Fertilizer 0.001 2 ALL_VESSEL PUMP

UKS Resources

These are provided by the Community Resource Pack (version 0.5.0) for UKS (0.40.2.).

Resource Density Cost Flow Mode Transfer
Water 0.001 0.00080 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Substrate 0.0016 0.30000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
MetallicOre 0.0055 1.76000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Minerals 0.0027 0.80000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Uraninite 0.0075 0.70000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Dirt 0.0016 0.30000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Gypsum 0.0055 0.01000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Hydrates 0.0015 0.50000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Polymers 0.00104 8.00000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Metals 0.0078 14.24000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Chemicals 0.0025 16.00000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
SpecializedParts 0.00378 32.00000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
LqdHydrogen 0.00007085 0.03675 STACK_PRIORITY PUMP
Plutonium-238 0.019816 4000.00000 NO_FLOW NONE
EnrichedUranium 0.01097 865.00000 NO_FLOW NONE
RareMetals 0.0078 140.00000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
ExoticMinerals 0.0025 160.00000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
DepletedUranium 0.01097 0.00000 NO_FLOW NONE
Recyclables 0.00378 7.00000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Machinery 0.00378 15.80000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
MaterialKits 0.001 2.00000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
ColonySupplies 0.001556 15.00000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP
Organics 0.001 0.50000 ALL_VESSEL PUMP

Every resource type has a density. A ship that brings a given volume of MetallicOre to orbit for processing expecting to return a comparable volume of Metals should be prepared to carry 40% more payload mass due to the higher density of Metals over MetallicOre.

Every resource also has a cost. This is automatically calculated into the cost of the part when designing ships at KSC and players should pay close attention to whether the storage containers they intend to fill off-world are coming pre-filled at KSC. Using the tweakable menu to empty the storage container not only saves money but also launch weight. Cost is also calculated into the recovery cost of a vessel being returned to KSC and an appropriate mechanism for earning money in mid- to late-game is to extract and convert valuable resources off-world and return them to KSC.

Flow Mode determines how resources move about your vessel. STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH is how LiquidFuel and Oxidizer flow, though fuel pipes across non-crossfeed parts, and from the farthest to the nearest reachable tanks. ALL_VESSEL resources can be reached from any connected part, pipes not needed. NO_FLOW resources cannot be automatically transferred within the vessel, but can be manually transferred by an Engineer. Transfer indicates how the resources flow, via pump in all cases for resources that can flow internally.