Continuous Integration - UltraStar-Deluxe/Play GitHub Wiki


GitHub Actions are used to build the project after every push to the main branch.

The configration can be found in .github/workflows.

Unity build is based on game-ci/unity-builder and game-ci/unity-test-runner respectively. They provide both, GitHub Actions and Docker images to test and build Unity projects. Many thanks to them! See also the GameCI website.

Build Artifacts

The build results (aka. artifacts) are uploaded to GitHub and available for download.

Only the main branch is built to create executables for all target platforms. Pull Requests run the tests, but do not create an executable every time.

Unity License

Each Unity license is bound to a specific hardware configuration and Unity version.

Thus, when upgrading the Unity version, then a new license has to be activated and stored as UNITY_LICENSE variable for GitHub Actions .

Manual Unity license activation is done in two steps:

  • Get license request (.alf file)
    • Use the Acquire Unity License Request GitHub Action. It uploads the .alf file as build artifact.
  • Get activated license response (.ulf file)

The contents of the .ulf file is the value for the UNITY_LICENSE GitHub Actions environment variable.