Audio Configuration - UltraStar-Deluxe/Play GitHub Wiki

Microphone Configuration

Tick the Use for singing checkbox of the recording device that you want to use.

  • These devices will be available during song select.
  • The microphones that are used for singing must be explicitly selected before one can play. UltraStar Play does not guess which microphones are eligible.
    • For example, on a laptop the integrated microphone are typically not selected to use for singing karaoke.
    • Even on mondern mobile devices there is often more than one mic (e.g. top and bottom microphones).

Mic Delay

Use Delay until the timing of the note recording matches your singing.

  • Delay in UltraStar Play is typically between 100ms and 300 ms.
  • Hint: a too big delay typically feels better than a too small delay.
  • Hint: Hold Shift key to increase the stepping amount

The delay needs to be configured to consider the time from

  • playing the audio file in game
  • to having the audio signal on the speaker and hearing it
    • prefer wired speakers to keep this latency neglectable
  • to having the sound of your voice on the mic
  • to having the mic's audio signal reach the game and processing it

Automatic Mic Delay Configuration

There is a button for automatic configuration of the mic delay.

It will play some notes and analyze its pitch using your mic. This will measure the round-trip time from playing audio to analyzing mic input.

Mic Amplification

Use Amplification until the device accepts input from you in normal voice volume.

Mic Noise Suppression

Use Noise Suppression if the device is mistaken ambient noise for singing.

This will ignore input below the configured threshold volume.

Assigning Mics to Players

This is done automatically.

A free mic that has been selected for singing will be assigned automatically to a player when choosing the players for the next round.

Speaker Configuration

Prefer wired speakers over wireless speakers.

Bluetooth and other wireless speakers typically have a higher latency. This means there is a larger gap between playing the music in game and hearing it in your ears. This may shift the timing of your singing, and thus the timing of the note recording in game.

One can try to increase the configured mic delay to counter the increased latency of wireless speakers. However, this is not optimal.

Smartphone as Microphone

You can use an Android or iOS device as microphone on your PC.

Companion App

The UltraStar Play Companion App connects automatically to the main game.

  • Connect to the same WLAN as the main game
  • Check the recording options of the main game. Your Companion App should be listed.
  • Start recording ;)

WO Mic

WO Mic allows you to use an Android or iOS device as microphone in Windows, Linux and MacOS. Only one such connection is possible at a time.

  • Install WO Mic app on your smartphone
  • Install Wo Mic virtual device on your PC
  • Install WO Mic client on your PC

For UltraStar Play, Bluetooth connection is sufficient.

  • In WO Mic app settings, select Bluetooth as "Transport"
  • Start the WO Mic microphone recording
  • Pair your smartphone with your PC (see Bluetooth settings of your operating system)
  • Start the WO Mic client on your PC
    • Under Connection > Connect... select Bluetooth and the smartphone device that has been paired in the above step. Hit Connect.
  • Finally, configure the WO Mic microphone device in UltraStar Play.
    • A "Delay" around 300 ms has been found to work fine.

EZ Mic

EZ Mic is an alternative to WO Mic.

Note however that EZ Mic does not provide unlimited usage in the free version.

Audio Jack Connection

Connecting the audio jack of the smartphone with the microphone input jack of the PC/Laptop is another option.

This requires a male-male audio cable.

Furthermore, you need to install an app that sends your mic input to the audio jack of your smartphone. The following apps have been found to work (of course, there might be further alternatives).

  • Microphone by Gaz Davidson: Google Play Store | F-Droid
    • Very simple, does not require additional permissions, no ads
  • Microphone by Wonder Grace: Google Play Store
    • More features and more modern UI, also wants telephone permissions, no ads

If your PC/Laptop does not have a microphone input jack, then a USB-adapter might be an alternative.

Other alternatives

See wikiHow for further alternatives.

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