Things we learned - Ultan-Kearns/eCommerceApp GitHub Wiki

Things we learned in this project


I learned a lot about web design and architecture. I learned a lot about teamwork and communication. I also got a deeper understanding of mongoDB as well and angular. I learned a lot about working in a pragmatic manner. This could still be improved as closer to the semester end my commitment to the project waned slightly due to other assignments and resulted in not getting the cart function implemented fully

I also learned about clean code. Working in a team has meant I had to consider someone else when writing the code. It wasn't enough to just get it to work, It had to eligible to whoever was working on the project



I learned more about routing and how the Angular app communicates with the backend. I also learned more about how to develop a full CRUD(Create Read Update & Delete) application.


I learned more about sever-side logic and how the application can utilize server side responses.


I learned how to work in a team and also how to communicate within a team.

Time management

I learned how to manage my time effectively while working on the application, allocating a block of time for each feature I was working on.


I learned more about Angular and how to design an effective e-commerce site. I also learned alot about UI design and minimalistic design. I learned on how to handle git merges and also how to work with two branches in a github repository. I also learned how to communicate effectively with teammates and how to delegate work.