Project Architecture - Ultan-Kearns/eCommerceApp GitHub Wiki
Project Architecture
This project was made using a MEAN(Mongo Express Angular Node) stack.
The project is comprised of the following pages:
- About page - Talks about the fictional company emart
- Account page - Allows user to change account details
- Books page - Categories page containing books
- Cart page - Contains items user wants to purchase
- Deals page - Contains deals of the day
- Electronics page - Categories page for electronics
- Forgot page - Allows user to enter email then sends the password to email specified, works by sending request to the backend through the retrieve service which will take the email at the end of the URL and send the email to the specified email.
- Homepage - Home page for project
- Login page - Allows user to login, works by taking the parameters entered and appending them to the retrieve service request to backend. If the password and account number are correct the user is logged in and returned to homepage else the user is informed that the information is incorrect and is not logged in.
- Outdoors page - categories page for outdoor goods
- Register page - Allows user to register for the site
- Sports Page - Categories page for sports
- Support page - Allows user to submit bugs about site
The project uses angular routing to navigate the project pages. All pages that can be routed are defined in App-routing.module file, which defines the path to each file the user needs to access. The application uses @angular/routing module to navigate to the pages in the project. All the routes are defined in the Routes array.