Home - Ultan-Kearns/eCommerceApp GitHub Wiki
3rd Year Professional Practice in IT
This is a eCommerce webpage built in angular with a mongoDB backend!
Authors @Ultankearns & @RossHeaney
This project was made using a MEAN(Mongo,Express,Angular,Node) stack and will provide the user an intuitive interface and will allow the user to purchase and review items. The app is designed as an SPA(Single Page Applications) and will have pages for each category and allow the user to add items to cart and checkout the items. The app will allow the user to login, submit bug report and to register a new account.
How we use the application
To start application use ng serve in project directory to start the angular application, then open a new terminal navigate to backend and type node Server.js to start the server. NOTE: you may have to use npm i to install project packages
Mean Stack information and justification
MEAN(Mongo Express Angular and Node) is great for building websites fast and it utilizes angular which is ubiquitous in the modern software development environment. It is also very easy to write maintainable code due to each page being broken into a component which has it's own functions which will reduce complexity greatly. Angular also has many great packages for UI design, security and many other types of functionality which we will utilize in this application. The design of angular allows the page to update asynchronously which reduces the load time for the user and allows for a much smoother user experience. Node is fantastic also, as it allows us to install a tonne of useful packages with a simple npm i command. From the above statements it is clear why we chose a MEAN stack.
Project Goals
- Allow user to login to application - Completed authentication need to keep session active
- Allow user to purchase items from site - in progress
- Allow user to enter and change information stored on site - in progress
- Allow user to create accounts - Completed
- Allow user to submit bugs with site - Completed
- Allow user to navigate site easily - Completed
- Make UI intuitive - Completed
- Allow user to navigate by category - Completed