Evolving questions - UkrSoft/choose-operator GitHub Wiki
What if some input criteria doesn't have any % calculated for some reason? - Just ignore them during calculation.
What are limitations for % value calculated? - Byte, from 0% to 100%. THe bigger value - more valuable it is.
In what way "how good" value will be assigned to each feature? - Manually through admin panel. This should be a separate field.
What are the limitations for "how good" field values? - Integer, could be both positive (feature is good) and negative (feature is bad). The bigger value is - the better particular feature is.
What if some features don't have "how good" value assigned? - Ignore this feature during calculations, write error message to logs.
How many packages could be outputted in 1 time? - Maximum amount is 6.
What should be done if more then 6 packages are found? - Cut resulting packages amount to 6.
What if 2 packages have the same resulting sum calculated? - Order these packages by name too.
How many operators could be outputted in 1 time? - Amount of operators is not limited.
How the features should be outputted in results? - Aligned table, 1 row for each feature (while operators and packages are outputted in the columns). If some operator doesn't have particular feature - leave this cell blank.
What is the order of features output? - It is alphabetical.
Should any inner values (or calculations) be visible to the end user? - No, only resulting operators with list of their features in correct order should be visible.
Should there be any highlights of results? - Cells with most interesting features should be highlighted in the resulting table (based on resulting value = "how interesting" * %)
What if user haven't specified any input criteria? - Just ignore empty criteria and use default values for other criteria while making calculations.
What should be done if no operator is found by the given criteria? - No resulting table should be shown. Only "no results found" message should be returned.
What is the longest time for results to get displayed? - Results calculation and output shouldn't take more that 1 second.
How external links should be displayed at the page? - Make them opened in the new page (use ).
Any feedback options should be provided to the user? - User should be able to leave feedback. This feedback should be logged in separate table.
Any other information to be displayed on the results page? - We may give people some clues on how to simplify switch to the other operator (which is actually suggested as the best in their case).
What if I still have some questions or there are some uncertainties for me? - Ask teammates or answer the question in the simplest possible way. This would keep solution as simple as possible.