Traits - UberWaffe/OpenRA GitHub Wiki

This documentation is aimed at modders. It displays all traits with default values and developer commentary. Please do not edit it directly, but add new [Desc("String")] tags to the source code. This file has been automatically generated for version playtest-20140709 of OpenRA.


Property Default Value Type Description
LingerTime 20 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
DockOffset 1,2 2D Cell Vector
ShowTicks True Boolean
TickLifetime 30 Integer
TickVelocity 2 Integer
TickRate 10 Integer
DockAngle 64 Integer


Renders a flame sprite on top of the actor.

Property Default Value Type Description
StartSequence fire-start String
LoopSequence fire-loop String


Property Default Value Type Description
Weapon Tiberium String
Resources Tiberium,BlueTiberium Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
CameraActor String Actor to spawn when the attack starts
CameraRemoveDelay 25 Integer Amount of time to keep the camera alive
Effect ionsfx String Effect sequence to display
EffectPalette effect String
Weapon IonCannon String Which weapon to fire
ChargeTime 0 Integer
Icon String
Description String
LongDesc String
AllowMultiple False Boolean
OneShot False Boolean
Prerequisites Multiple String
BeginChargeSound String
EndChargeSound String
SelectTargetSound String
InsufficientPowerSound String
LaunchSound String
IncomingSound String
DisplayTimer False Boolean
DisplayBeacon False Boolean Beacons are only supported on the Airstrike and Nuke powers
BeaconPalettePrefix player String
BeaconPoster String
BeaconPosterPalette chrome String
DisplayRadarPing False Boolean
RadarPingDuration 125 Integer
OrderName IonCannonPowerInfoOrder String


Renders the cargo loaded into the unit.

Property Default Value Type Description
LocalOffset Multiple 1D World Range Cargo position relative to turret or body. (forward, right, up) triples
DisplayTypes Multiple String Passenger CargoType to display.


Property Default Value Type Description
ViceroidActor vice String
Probability 10 Integer
Owner Creeps String
InfDeath 6 String


Deliver the unit in production via skylift.

Property Default Value Type Description
ReadyAudio Reinforce String
ActorType c17 String Cargo aircraft used.
Produces Multiple String e.g. Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft, Buildings


Provides an overlay for the Tiberian Dawn hover craft.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence roof String


Property Default Value Type Description
ProductionTabsWidget String


Create a palette by applying a scale and offset to the colors in another palette.

Property Default Value Type Description
Name String Internal palette name
BasePalette String The name of the palette to base off.
AllowModifiers True Boolean Allow palette modifiers to change the palette.
Scale 1 Real Number Amount to scale the base palette colors by.
Offset 0 Integer Amount to offset the base palette colors by.



Throws particles when the actor is destroyed that do damage on impact.

Property Default Value Type Description
Weapons Multiple String
Pieces 3,10 Multiple Integer
Range 2048,5120 Multiple 1D World Range


Reduces health points over time when the actor is placed on unsafe terrain.

Property Default Value Type Description
Weapon weathering String
SafeTerrain Concrete Multiple String
DamageThreshold 50 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
DeathSound Die String Death notification voice.
VolumeMultiplier 1 Real Number Multiply volume with this factor.
InfDeaths Multiple String InfDeaths that this should be used for. If empty, this will be used as the default sound.


Property Default Value Type Description
DeliveryBuildings Multiple String
Capacity 28 Integer How much resources it can carry.
LoadTicksPerBale 4 Integer
UnloadTicksPerBale 4 Integer How fast it can dump it's carryage.
PipCount 7 Integer How many squares to show the fill level.
HarvestFacings 0 Integer
Resources Multiple String Which resources it can harvest.
FullyLoadedSpeed 0,85 Real Number How much it is slowed down when returning to the refinery.
SearchFromProcRadius 24 Integer Initial search radius (in cells) from the refinery that created us.
SearchFromOrderRadius 12 Integer Search radius (in cells) from the last harvest order location to find more resources.


Player recives a unit for free once the building is placed. This also works for structures. If you want more than one unit to appear copy this section and assign IDs like FreeActor@2, ...

Property Default Value Type Description
Actor String Name of actor (use HARV if this trait is for refineries)
InitialActivity String What the unit should start doing. Warning: If this is not a harvester it will break if you use FindResources.
SpawnOffset 0,0 2D Cell Vector Offset relative to structure-center in 2D (e.g. 1, 2)
Facing 0 Integer Which direction the unit should face.


Property Default Value Type Description
CrushSound squish2.aud String
CorpseSequence die-crushed String
CrushClasses infantry Multiple String
WarnProbability 75 Integer


Donate money to building if it has the AcceptSupplies: trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
Payload 500 Integer The amount of cash the owner of the building recieves.


Property Default Value Type Description
CloakedTargetTypes Multiple String
TargetTypes Multiple String
RequiresForceFire False Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body
TrailLength 25 Integer
Color 255,255,255,255 Color
UsePlayerColor True Boolean


Use together with CanPowerDown/RequiresPower on buildings or Husk for vehicles.


Property Default Value Type Description
StartsRevealed False Boolean



Property Default Value Type Description
CargoType String
PipType Green PipType
Weight 1 Integer


This actor can be captured by a unit with ExternalCaptures: trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
Type building String Type of actor (the ExternalCaptures: trait defines what Types it can capture).
AllowAllies False Boolean
AllowNeutral True Boolean
AllowEnemies True Boolean
CaptureCompleteTime 15 Integer Seconds it takes to change the owner. You might want to add a ExternalCapturableBar: trait, too.


Property Default Value Type Description
Anim 1 String
Damage 1 Integer
Interval 8 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
Weapon UnitExplode String
EmptyWeapon UnitExplode String
Chance 100 Integer
InfDeath Multiple String


Fades the world from/to black at the start/end of the game, and can (optionally) desaturate the world

Property Default Value Type Description
FadeLength 10 Integer Time (in ticks) to fade between states
Effect None EffectType Effect style to fade to. Accepts values of None or Desaturated


Lets the actor generate cash in a set periodic time.

Property Default Value Type Description
Period 50 Integer Number of ticks to wait between giving money.
Amount 15 Integer Amount of money to give each time.
ShowTicks True Boolean Whether to show the cash tick indicators (+$15 rising from actor).
CaptureAmount 0 Integer Amount of money awarded for capturing the actor.


Property Default Value Type Description
ChargeTime 20 Integer Cooldown in seconds until the unit can teleport.
HasDistanceLimit True Boolean Can the unit teleport only a certain distance?
MaxDistance 12 Integer The maximum distance in cells this unit can teleport (only used if HasDistanceLimit = true).
ChronoshiftSound chrotnk1.aud String Sound to play when teleporting.


Property Default Value Type Description
CostThreshold 2,4,8,16 Multiple Real Number XP requirements for each level, as multiples of our own cost.
FirepowerModifier 1,1,1,15,1,2,1,5 Multiple Real Number
ArmorModifier 1,1,1,2,1,3,1,5 Multiple Real Number
SpeedModifier 1,1,1,15,1,2,1,5 Multiple Real Number
ChevronPalette effect String
LevelUpPalette effect String


Property Default Value Type Description
DockOffset 1,2 2D Cell Vector
ShowTicks True Boolean
TickLifetime 30 Integer
TickVelocity 2 Integer
TickRate 10 Integer
DockAngle 64 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
FirepowerMaxLevel 15 Integer
FirepowerModifier 0.2 Real Number
ArmorMaxLevel 15 Integer
ArmorModifier 0.2 Real Number
SpeedMaxLevel 15 Integer
SpeedModifier 0,2 Real Number


Property Default Value Type Description
C4Delay 45 Integer


Building can be sold

Property Default Value Type Description
RefundPercent 50 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
ProneTime 100 Integer
ProneSpeed 0,5 Real Number
ProneOffset 85,0,-171 3D World Vector
Turret primary String
ROT 255 Integer Rate of Turning
InitialFacing 128 Integer
AlignWhenIdle False Boolean
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Muzzle position relative to turret or body. (forward, right, up) triples


Property Default Value Type Description
MinIdleWaitTicks 30 Integer
MaxIdleWaitTicks 110 Integer
SpawnsCorpse True Boolean
IdleAnimations Multiple String
StandAnimations stand Multiple String
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.



Property Default Value Type Description
Range 0 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
InitialDelay 10 Integer
CloakDelay 30 Integer
UncloakOnAttack True Boolean
UncloakOnMove False Boolean
UncloakOnUnload False Boolean
RequiresCrate False Boolean
CloakSound String
UncloakSound String
Palette cloak String
CloakTypes Cloak Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Long False Boolean
RepairPropagationDelay 20 Integer Delay (in ticks) between repairing adjacent spans in long bridges
Template 0 UInt16
DamagedTemplate 0 UInt16
DestroyedTemplate 0 UInt16
DestroyedPlusNorthTemplate 0 UInt16
DestroyedPlusSouthTemplate 0 UInt16
DestroyedPlusBothTemplate 0 UInt16
ShorePieces br1,br2 Multiple String
NorthOffset Multiple Integer
SouthOffset Multiple Integer


Makes the unit automatically run around when taking damage.

Property Default Value Type Description
PanicLength 250 Integer
PanicSpeedModifier 2 Real Number
AttackPanicChance 20 Integer









Identify untraversable regions of the map for faster pathfinding, especially with AI. This trait is required. Every mod needs it attached to the world actor.



Property Default Value Type Description
Type Scorch String
Sequence scorch String
SmokePercentage 25 Integer
SmokeType smoke_m String


Property Default Value Type Description
FromRadius 200 Integer
ToRadius 15 Integer
ShrinkSpeed 4 Integer
RotationSpeed 0.12 Real Number


Attach this to the world actor.



Property Default Value Type Description
Music String
Loop False Boolean




Visualizes the remaining build time of actor produced here.

Property Default Value Type Description
ProductionType String Production queue type, for actors with multiple queues.


Loads the palette specified in the tileset definition

Property Default Value Type Description
Name String internal palette name
ShadowIndex Multiple Integer Map listed indices to shadow. Ignores previous color.
AllowModifiers True Boolean




Property Default Value Type Description
Range 2 Integer



Property Default Value Type Description
Terrain String


Property Default Value Type Description
CrushClasses Multiple String
AvoidFriendly True Boolean
DetonateClasses Multiple String



Property Default Value Type Description
Notification BuildingCaptured String
NewOwnerVoice True Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
IntoActor String
ForceHealthPercentage 0 Integer
SkipMakeAnims True Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Bombs primary String Armament name
Guns secondary String Armament name
FacingTolerance 2 Integer
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
Notification StartGame String



Property Default Value Type Description
Notification UnitLost String
NotifyAll False Boolean


Tag trait for construction yard and MCVs. Used by the cycle bases hotkey to identify actors.


Visualize the remaining CaptureCompleteTime from ExternalCapturable: trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
FullHuskActor String
FullnessThreshold 50 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
Anim String
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Initial position relative to body
MinThrowRange 256 1D World Range Minimum distance to throw the particle
MaxThrowRange 768 1D World Range Maximum distance to throw the particle
MinThrowAngle 85 1D World Angle Minimum angle to throw the particle
MaxThrowAngle 170 1D World Angle Maximum angle to throw the particle
Velocity 75 Integer Speed to throw the particle (horizontal WPos/tick)
ROT 15 Real Number Maximum rotation rate


This unit has access to build queues.

Property Default Value Type Description
Produces Multiple String e.g. Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft, Buildings


Where the unit should leave the building. Multiples are allowed if IDs are added: Exit@2, ...

Property Default Value Type Description
SpawnOffset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Offset at which that the exiting actor is spawned
ExitCell 0,0 2D Cell Vector Cell offset where the exiting actor enters the ActorMap
Facing -1 Integer
MoveIntoWorld True Boolean AttackMove to a RallyPoint or stay where you are spawned.



Property Default Value Type Description
Range 1 Integer Cells
Duration 30 Integer Seconds
KillCargo True Boolean
ChargeTime 0 Integer
Icon String
Description String
LongDesc String
AllowMultiple False Boolean
OneShot False Boolean
Prerequisites Multiple String
BeginChargeSound String
EndChargeSound String
SelectTargetSound String
InsufficientPowerSound String
LaunchSound String
IncomingSound String
DisplayTimer False Boolean
DisplayBeacon False Boolean Beacons are only supported on the Airstrike and Nuke powers
BeaconPalettePrefix player String
BeaconPoster String
BeaconPosterPalette chrome String
DisplayRadarPing False Boolean
RadarPingDuration 125 Integer
OrderName ChronoshiftPowerInfoOrder String


Property Default Value Type Description
UnitType badr String
SquadSize 1 Integer
SquadOffset -1536,1536,0 3D World Vector
QuantizedFacings 32 Integer Number of facings that the delivery aircraft may approach from.
Cordon 5120 1D World Range Spawn and remove the plane this far outside the map.
DropItems Multiple String Troops to be delivered. They will be distributed between the planes if SquadSize > 1.
AllowImpassableCells False Boolean Risks stuck units when they don't have the Paratrooper trait.
CameraActor String Actor to spawn when the paradrop starts.
CameraRemoveDelay 85 Integer Amount of time (in ticks) to keep the camera alive while the passengers drop.
BeaconDistanceOffset 4096 1D World Range Weapon range offset to apply during the beacon clock calculation.
ChargeTime 0 Integer
Icon String
Description String
LongDesc String
AllowMultiple False Boolean
OneShot False Boolean
Prerequisites Multiple String
BeginChargeSound String
EndChargeSound String
SelectTargetSound String
InsufficientPowerSound String
LaunchSound String
IncomingSound String
DisplayTimer False Boolean
DisplayBeacon False Boolean Beacons are only supported on the Airstrike and Nuke powers
BeaconPalettePrefix player String
BeaconPoster String
BeaconPosterPalette chrome String
DisplayRadarPing False Boolean
RadarPingDuration 125 Integer
OrderName ParatroopersPowerInfoOrder String


Property Default Value Type Description
Duration 10 Integer Seconds
Range 1 Integer Cells
IronCurtainSound ironcur9.aud String
ChargeTime 0 Integer
Icon String
Description String
LongDesc String
AllowMultiple False Boolean
OneShot False Boolean
Prerequisites Multiple String
BeginChargeSound String
EndChargeSound String
SelectTargetSound String
InsufficientPowerSound String
LaunchSound String
IncomingSound String
DisplayTimer False Boolean
DisplayBeacon False Boolean Beacons are only supported on the Airstrike and Nuke powers
BeaconPalettePrefix player String
BeaconPoster String
BeaconPosterPalette chrome String
DisplayRadarPing False Boolean
RadarPingDuration 125 Integer
OrderName IronCurtainPowerInfoOrder String



Property Default Value Type Description
RevealDelay 0 Integer
ChargeTime 0 Integer
Icon String
Description String
LongDesc String
AllowMultiple False Boolean
OneShot False Boolean
Prerequisites Multiple String
BeginChargeSound String
EndChargeSound String
SelectTargetSound String
InsufficientPowerSound String
LaunchSound String
IncomingSound String
DisplayTimer False Boolean
DisplayBeacon False Boolean Beacons are only supported on the Airstrike and Nuke powers
BeaconPalettePrefix player String
BeaconPoster String
BeaconPosterPalette chrome String
DisplayRadarPing False Boolean
RadarPingDuration 125 Integer
OrderName GpsPowerInfoOrder String



Spawns an actor that stays for a limited amount of time.

Property Default Value Type Description
Actor String Actor to spawn.
LifeTime 250 Integer Amount of time to keep the actor alive in ticks.
DeploySound String
EffectSequence String
EffectPalette String
ChargeTime 0 Integer
Icon String
Description String
LongDesc String
AllowMultiple False Boolean
OneShot False Boolean
Prerequisites Multiple String
BeginChargeSound String
EndChargeSound String
SelectTargetSound String
InsufficientPowerSound String
LaunchSound String
IncomingSound String
DisplayTimer False Boolean
DisplayBeacon False Boolean Beacons are only supported on the Airstrike and Nuke powers
BeaconPalettePrefix player String
BeaconPoster String
BeaconPosterPalette chrome String
DisplayRadarPing False Boolean
RadarPingDuration 125 Integer
OrderName SpawnActorPowerInfoOrder String


Property Default Value Type Description
MissileWeapon String
SpawnOffset 0,0,0 3D World Vector
FlightDelay 400 Integer Travel time - split equally between ascent and descent
FlightVelocity 512 1D World Range Visual ascent velocity in WRange / tick
SkipAscent False Boolean Descend immediately on the target, with half the FlightDelay
BeaconRemoveAdvance 25 Integer Amount of time before detonation to remove the beacon
CameraActor String Actor to spawn before detonation
CameraSpawnAdvance 25 Integer Amount of time before detonation to spawn the camera
CameraRemoveDelay 25 Integer Amount of time after detonation to remove the camera
ChargeTime 0 Integer
Icon String
Description String
LongDesc String
AllowMultiple False Boolean
OneShot False Boolean
Prerequisites Multiple String
BeginChargeSound String
EndChargeSound String
SelectTargetSound String
InsufficientPowerSound String
LaunchSound String
IncomingSound String
DisplayTimer False Boolean
DisplayBeacon False Boolean Beacons are only supported on the Airstrike and Nuke powers
BeaconPalettePrefix player String
BeaconPoster String
BeaconPosterPalette chrome String
DisplayRadarPing False Boolean
RadarPingDuration 125 Integer
OrderName NukePowerInfoOrder String


Property Default Value Type Description
UnitType badr.bomber String
SquadSize 1 Integer
SquadOffset -1536,1536,0 3D World Vector
QuantizedFacings 32 Integer
Cordon 5120 1D World Range
CameraActor String Actor to spawn when the aircraft start attacking
CameraRemoveDelay 25 Integer Amount of time to keep the camera alive after the aircraft have finished attacking
BeaconDistanceOffset 6144 1D World Range Weapon range offset to apply during the beacon clock calculation
ChargeTime 0 Integer
Icon String
Description String
LongDesc String
AllowMultiple False Boolean
OneShot False Boolean
Prerequisites Multiple String
BeginChargeSound String
EndChargeSound String
SelectTargetSound String
InsufficientPowerSound String
LaunchSound String
IncomingSound String
DisplayTimer False Boolean
DisplayBeacon False Boolean Beacons are only supported on the Airstrike and Nuke powers
BeaconPalettePrefix player String
BeaconPoster String
BeaconPosterPalette chrome String
DisplayRadarPing False Boolean
RadarPingDuration 125 Integer
OrderName AirstrikePowerInfoOrder String


Property Default Value Type Description
Amount 2000 Integer
UseCashTick False Boolean
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
IncludeAllies False Boolean
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Levels 1 Integer
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Weapon String
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String



Property Default Value Type Description
RangeCircleType String
FallbackRange 0 1D World Range Range to draw if no armaments are available



Property Default Value Type Description
NotificationDelay 1500 Integer Milliseconds


Tag trait for things that must be destroyed for a short game to end.


Provides game mode information for players/observers. Goes on WorldActor - observers don't have a player it can live on.

Property Default Value Type Description
ObjectivesPanel String


Property Default Value Type Description
PassengerTypes Multiple String
OnEnter String
OnExit String
SkipMakeAnims False Boolean
BecomeNeutral False Boolean


Attach this to actors which should be able to regenerate their health points.

Property Default Value Type Description
Step 5 Integer
Ticks 5 Integer
HealIfBelow 0.5 Real Number
DamageCooldown 0 Integer
RequiresTech String The Type defined by SelfHealingTech required to enable this.


Attach this to an actor required as prerequisite for all owned units to regenerate health.

Property Default Value Type Description
Type String


Tag trait for SupplyTruck: actors.


Creates a single color palette without any base palette file.

Property Default Value Type Description
Name String internal palette name
Tileset String If defined, load the palette only for this tileset.
R 0 Integer red color component
G 0 Integer green color component
B 0 Integer blue color component
A 255 Integer alpha channel (transparency)
AllowModifiers True Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Widget String
ClearRoot True Boolean


Used together with AttackMedic: to make the healer do it's job automatically to nearby units.



Property Default Value Type Description
DropRange 4096 1D World Range Distance around the drop-point to unload troops
ChuteSound chute1.aud String Sound to play when dropping


Lets the actor spread resources around it in a circle.

Property Default Value Type Description
Interval 75 Integer
ResourceType Ore String
MaxRange 100 Integer


Unit will reload its limited ammo itself.

Property Default Value Type Description
Count 0 Integer How much ammo is reloaded after a certain period.
Period 50 Integer How long it takes to do so.
ResetOnFire False Boolean Whether or not reload counter should be reset when ammo has been fired.


Adds the hard-coded shroud palette to the game

Property Default Value Type Description
Name shroud String Internal palette name
Fog False Boolean Palette type


Property Default Value Type Description
TargetTypes Multiple String
RequiresForceFire False Boolean



Shown in the build palette widget.

Property Default Value Type Description
Description String
Name String
Icon icon String Sequence of the actor that contains the cameo.


Unit got to face the target

Property Default Value Type Description
FacingTolerance 1 Integer
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
PortOffsets Multiple 1D World Range Fire port offsets in local coordinates
PortYaws Multiple 1D World Angle Fire port yaw angles
PortCones Multiple 1D World Angle Fire port yaw cone angle
MuzzlePalette effect String
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
Speed 426 1D World Range Leap speed (in units/tick).
Angle 56 1D World Angle
FacingTolerance 1 Integer
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Give the unit a "heal-weapon" that attacks friendly targets if they are damaged. It conflicts with any other weapon or Attack*: trait because it will hurt friendlies during the heal process then. It also won't work with buildings (use RepairsUnits: for them)

Property Default Value Type Description
FacingTolerance 1 Integer
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
CloseDelay 125 Integer
DefaultFacing 0 Integer
ClosedDamageMultiplier 0.5 Real Number
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
MaxCharges 1 Integer
ReloadTime 120 Integer Reload time (for all charges).
InitialChargeDelay 22 Integer Delay for first charge. Needs to match FireDelay for Obelisk.
ChargeDelay 3 Integer Delay for additional charges if MaxCharge is larger than 1.
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
FacingTolerance 1 Integer
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Will AttackMove to a random location within MoveRadius when idle. This conflicts with player orders and should only be added to animal creeps.

Property Default Value Type Description
MoveRadius 4 Integer



Property Default Value Type Description
Ammo 0 Integer
PipCount 0 Integer Defaults to value in Ammo.
PipType Green PipType
PipTypeEmpty Transparent PipType
ReloadTicks 50 Integer Time to reload measured in ticks.




Property Default Value Type Description
TicksToHold 7500 Integer
ResetOnHoldLost True Boolean
RatioRequired 0.5 Real Number


The actor will automatically engage the enemy when it is in range.

Property Default Value Type Description
AllowMovement True Boolean It will try to hunt down the enemy if it is not set to defend.
ScanRadius -1 Integer Set to a value >1 to override weapons maximum range for this.
InitialStance AttackAnything UnitStance Possible values are HoldFire, ReturnFire, Defend and AttackAnything.
EnableStances True Boolean Allow the player to change the unit stance.
MinimumScanTimeInterval 3 Integer Ticks to wait until next AutoTarget: attempt.
MaximumScanTimeInterval 8 Integer Ticks to wait until next AutoTarget: attempt.
TargetWhenIdle True Boolean
TargetWhenDamaged True Boolean


Will not get automatically targeted by enemy (like walls)


This actor can capture other actors which have the ExternalCapturable: trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
CaptureTypes building Multiple String Types of actors that it can capture, as long as the type also exists in the ExternalCapturable Type: trait.
ConsumeActor False Boolean Destroy the unit after capturing.


Property Default Value Type Description
Permanent False Boolean
Range 5 Integer
MustBeClear False Boolean
CaptorTypes Vehicle,Tank,Infantry Multiple String


Used together with ClassicProductionQueue.


Property Default Value Type Description
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Proxy String


Palette effect used for blinking "animations" on actors.

Property Default Value Type Description
ExcludePalettes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Types Multiple String



Property Default Value Type Description
CloakTypes Cloak Multiple String
Range 5 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
TargetTypes Multiple String
RequiresForceFire False Boolean


Handle demolitions from C4 explosives.


Property Default Value Type Description
Percentage 50 Integer
Minimum 500 Integer
SoundToVictim credit1.aud String


Property Default Value Type Description
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body
Interval 3 Integer
Sprite smokey String
MinDamage Heavy DamageState


Property Default Value Type Description
Range 0 Integer
AlliedMissiles True Boolean
Chance 100 Integer



Property Default Value Type Description
Class none String
Races Multiple String
BaseActor String
SupportActors Multiple String
InnerSupportRadius 2 Integer Inner radius for spawning support actors
OuterSupportRadius 4 Integer Outer radius for spawning support actors


Property Default Value Type Description
ValuePercentage 20 Integer
HpPerStep 10 Integer
Interval 24 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
MaxWeight 0 Integer
PipCount 0 Integer
Types Multiple String
InitialUnits Multiple String
EjectOnSell True Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Bridges bridge1,bridge2 Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Name String internal palette name
Tileset String If defined, load the palette only for this tileset.
Filename String filename to load
ShadowIndex Multiple Integer Map listed indices to shadow. Ignores previous color.
AllowModifiers True Boolean



Property Default Value Type Description
IntoActor String
Offset 0,0 2D Cell Vector
Facing 96 Integer
TransformSounds Multiple String
NoTransformSounds Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
AllowedTerrain Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
UseLocation False Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Prerequisites Multiple String The prerequisite names that must be available before this can be built. This can be prefixed with ! to invert the prerequisite (disabling production if the prerequisite is available) and/or ~ to hide the actor from the production palette if the prerequisite is not available. Prerequisites are granted by actors with the Building trait (with a prerequisite string given by the lower case actor name) and by the ProvidesCustomPrerequisite trait.
Owner Multiple String Restrict production to a specific race(s). **Deprecated**: Use race-specific prerequisites instead.
Queue Multiple String Production queue(s) that can produce this.
BuildLimit 0 Integer Disable production when there are more than this many of this actor on the battlefield. Set to 0 to disable.
BuildPaletteOrder 9999 Integer
Hotkey UNKNOWN None Hotkey


Property Default Value Type Description
Turret primary String
ROT 255 Integer Rate of Turning
InitialFacing 128 Integer
AlignWhenIdle False Boolean
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Muzzle position relative to turret or body. (forward, right, up) triples


Allows you to attach weapons to the unit (use @IdentifierSuffix for > 1)

Property Default Value Type Description
Name primary String
Weapon String Has to be defined here and in weapons.yaml.
Turret primary String
FireDelay 0 Integer Time (in frames) until the weapon can fire again.
LocalOffset Multiple 1D World Range Muzzle position relative to turret or body. (forward, right, up) triples
LocalYaw Multiple 1D World Angle Muzzle yaw relative to turret or body.
Recoil 0 1D World Range Move the turret backwards when firing.
RecoilRecovery 9 1D World Range Recoil recovery per-frame
MuzzleSequence String Muzzle flash sequence to render
MuzzlePalette effect String Palette to render Muzzle flash sequence in
MuzzleSplitFacings 0 Integer Use multiple muzzle images if non-zero


Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence shroud String
ShroudVariants shroud Multiple String
FogVariants fog Multiple String
ShroudPalette shroud String
FogPalette fog String
Index 12,9,8,3,1,6,4,2,13,11,7,14 Multiple Integer Bitfield of shroud directions for each frame. Lower four bits are corners clockwise from TL; upper four are edges clockwise from top
UseExtendedIndex False Boolean Use the upper four bits when calculating frame
OverrideFullShroud String Override for source art that doesn't define a fully shrouded tile
OverrideShroudIndex 15 Integer
OverrideFullFog String Override for source art that doesn't define a fully fogged tile
OverrideFogIndex 15 Integer
ShroudBlend Alpha BlendMode


Palette effect used for sprinkle "animations" on terrain tiles.

Property Default Value Type Description
ExcludePalettes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
RepairBuildings fix Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
ValuePercent 40 Real Number
MinHpPercent 30 Real Number
ActorTypes e1 Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Name normals String
Type TiberianSun NormalType


Property Default Value Type Description
Minimum 1 Integer Minimum number of crates
Maximum 255 Integer Maximum number of crates
SpawnInterval 180 Integer Average time (seconds) between crate spawn
ValidGround Clear,Rough,Road,Ore,Beach Multiple String Which terrain types can we drop on?
ValidWater Water Multiple String Which terrain types count as water?
WaterChance 0.2 Real Number Chance of generating a water crate instead of a land crate
CrateActors crate Multiple String Crate actors to drop
CrateActorShares 10 Multiple Integer Chance of each crate actor spawning
DeliveryAircraft String If a DeliveryAircraft: is specified, then this actor will deliver crates
QuantizedFacings 32 Integer Number of facings that the delivery aircraft may approach from.
Cordon 5120 1D World Range Spawn and remove the plane this far outside the map.


Property Default Value Type Description
InitialExploreRange 5120 1D World Range



This actor can capture other actors which have the Capturable: trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
CaptureTypes building Multiple String Types of actors that it can capture, as long as the type also exists in the Capturable Type: trait.
Sabotage True Boolean Unit will do damage to the actor instead of capturing it. Unit is destroyed when sabotaging.
SabotageHPRemoval 0.5 Real Number Only used if Sabotage=true. Sabotage damage expressed as a percentage of enemy health removed.


You get money for playing this actor.

Property Default Value Type Description
Percentage 10 Integer Calculated by Cost or CustomSellValue so they have to be set to avoid crashes.
LevelMod 125 Integer Higher ranked units give higher bounties.
Stances Neutral,Enemy Multiple Stance Destroying creeps and enemies is rewarded.


Property Default Value Type Description
Mine minv String
RearmBuildings fix Multiple String
MinefieldDepth 1.5 Real Number


Property Default Value Type Description
ExplodeInstead False Boolean
ChronoshiftSound chrono2.aud String


Property Default Value Type Description
PipCount 0 Integer Number of little squares used to display how filled unit is.
PipColor Yellow PipType
Capacity 0 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
Name String internal palette name
ShadowIndex Multiple Integer Map listed indices to shadow.
AllowModifiers True Boolean Apply palette rotatotors or not.


Property Default Value Type Description
Experience -1 Integer If -1, use the value of the unit cost.


Property Default Value Type Description
OccupiesSpace True Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
KilledOnImpassableTerrain True Boolean
GroundImpactSound squishy2.aud String
GroundCorpseSequence corpse String
GroundCorpsePalette effect String
WaterImpactSound splash9.aud String
WaterCorpseSequence small_splash String
WaterCorpsePalette effect String
ParachuteSequence String Requires the sub-sequences "open" and "idle".
ParachutePalette String Optional, otherwise defaults to the palette the actor is using.
ParachuteShadowPalette shadow String Used to clone the actor with this palette and render it with a visual offset below.
ParachuteOffset 0,0,0 3D World Vector
FallRate 13 Integer
ShadowSequence String Alternative to ParachuteShadowPalette which disables it and allows to set a custom sprite sequence instead.
ShadowPalette String Optional, otherwise defaults to the palette the actor is using.


Property Default Value Type Description
HuskActor String



Used to waypoint units after production or repair is finished.

Property Default Value Type Description
RallyPoint 1,3 2D Cell Vector
IndicatorPalettePrefix player String



Property Default Value Type Description
Description String
Name String
Icon icon String Sequence of the actor that contains the cameo.




How much the unit is worth.

Property Default Value Type Description
Cost 0 Integer Used in production, but also for bounties so remember to set it > 0 even for NPCs.



Allows map scripts to make this actor invulnerable via actor.Invulnerable = true.



This actor can be captured by a unit with Captures: trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
Type building String Type of actor (the Captures: trait defines what Types it can capture).
AllowAllies False Boolean
AllowNeutral True Boolean
AllowEnemies True Boolean
CaptureThreshold 0.5 Real Number Health percentage the target must be at (or below) before it can be captured.
CancelActivity False Boolean







Property Default Value Type Description
ThumpSequence piston String
ThumpInterval 8 Integer
ThumpDamageWeapon MADTankThump String
ThumpShakeIntensity 3 Integer
ThumpShakeMultiplier 1,0 2D Real Number
ThumpShakeTime 10 Integer
ChargeDelay 96 Integer
ChargeSound madchrg2.aud String
DetonationDelay 42 Integer
DetonationSound madexplo.aud String
DetonationWeapon MADTankDetonate String
DriverActor e1 String


Property Default Value Type Description
Type String


Property Default Value Type Description
Types Cash,SupportPower,Exploration Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Buildings spen,syrd Multiple String
CloseEnough 4 Integer



Property Default Value Type Description
Duration 750 Integer
NotificationType Sounds String
Notification Beacon String
PalettePrefix player String



Property Default Value Type Description
Name String
Prerequisites Multiple String




Attach this to the world actor (not a building!) to define a new shared build queue. Will only work together with the Production: trait on the actor that actually does the production. You will also want to add PrimaryBuildings: to let the user choose where new units should exit.

Property Default Value Type Description
SpeedUp False Boolean If you build more actors of the same type, the same queue will get its build time lowered for every actor produced there.
BuildTimeSpeedReduction 100,85,75,65,60,55,50 Multiple Integer Every time another production building of the same queue is contructed, the build times of all actors in the queue decreased by a percentage of the original time.
Type String What kind of production will be added (e.g. Building, Infantry, Vehicle, ...)
Group String Group queues from separate buildings together into the same tab.
RequireOwner True Boolean Filter buildable items based on their Owner.
Race Multiple String Only enable this queue for certain factions
Sticky True Boolean Should the prerequisite remain enabled if the owner changes?
BuildSpeed 0.4 Real Number This value is used to translate the unit cost into build time.
LowPowerSlowdown 3 Integer The build time is multiplied with this value on low power.
ReadyAudio UnitReady String Notification played when production is complete. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.
BlockedAudio NoBuild String Notification played when you can't train another unit when the build limit exceeded or the exit is jammed. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.
QueuedAudio Training String Notification played when user clicks on the build palette icon. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.
OnHoldAudio OnHold String Notification played when player right-clicks on the build palette icon. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.
CancelledAudio Cancelled String Notification played when player right-clicks on a build palette icon that is already on hold. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.


Attach this to an actor (usually a building) to let it produce units or construct buildings. If one builds another actor of this type, he will get a separate queue to create two actors at the same time. Will only work together with the Production: trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
Type String What kind of production will be added (e.g. Building, Infantry, Vehicle, ...)
Group String Group queues from separate buildings together into the same tab.
RequireOwner True Boolean Filter buildable items based on their Owner.
Race Multiple String Only enable this queue for certain factions
Sticky True Boolean Should the prerequisite remain enabled if the owner changes?
BuildSpeed 0.4 Real Number This value is used to translate the unit cost into build time.
LowPowerSlowdown 3 Integer The build time is multiplied with this value on low power.
ReadyAudio UnitReady String Notification played when production is complete. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.
BlockedAudio NoBuild String Notification played when you can't train another unit when the build limit exceeded or the exit is jammed. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.
QueuedAudio Training String Notification played when user clicks on the build palette icon. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.
OnHoldAudio OnHold String Notification played when player right-clicks on the build palette icon. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.
CancelledAudio Cancelled String Notification played when player right-clicks on a build palette icon that is already on hold. The filename of the audio is defined per faction in notifications.yaml.


Property Default Value Type Description
Prerequisite String The prerequisite type that this provides
Race Multiple String Only grant this prerequisite for certain factions
Sticky True Boolean Should the prerequisite remain enabled if the owner changes?


Property Default Value Type Description
NotifyInterval 30 Integer
RadarPingColor 255,255,0,0 Color
RadarPingDuration 250 Integer




Property Default Value Type Description
NotifyInterval 30 Integer
RadarPingColor 255,255,0,0 Color
RadarPingDuration 250 Integer


Eject a ground soldier or a paratrooper while in the air.

Property Default Value Type Description
PilotActor E1 String
SuccessRate 50 Integer
ChuteSound chute1.aud String
EjectInAir False Boolean
EjectOnGround False Boolean
AllowUnsuitableCell False Boolean Risks stuck units when they don't have the Paratrooper trait.


Property Default Value Type Description
Lifetime 5 Integer Seconds
TerrainTypes Multiple String



Property Default Value Type Description
Name String Internal palette name
Filename String Filename to load
Offset 0 Int64 Palette byte offset
AllowModifiers True Boolean
InvertColor False Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Name String Internal palette name
Filename String Filename to load
Offset 0 Int64 Palette byte offset
AllowModifiers True Boolean
InvertColor False Boolean



Property Default Value Type Description
Name Unnamed Bot String
SquadSize 8 Integer
BuildingQueues Building Multiple String
DefenseQueues Defense Multiple String
AssignRolesInterval 20 Integer
RushInterval 600 Integer
AttackForceInterval 30 Integer
StructureProductionInactiveDelay 125 Integer How long to wait (in ticks) between structure production checks when there is no active production.
StructureProductionActiveDelay 10 Integer How long to wait (in ticks) between structure production checks ticks when actively building things.
MinimumDefenseRadius 5 Integer Minimum range at which to build defensive structures near a combat hotspot.
MaximumDefenseRadius 20 Integer Maximum range at which to build defensive structures near a combat hotspot.
NewProductionCashThreshold 5000 Integer Try to build another production building if there is too much cash.
IdleBaseUnitsMaximum 12 Integer Only produce units as long as there are less than this amount of units idling inside the base.
RushAttackScanRadius 15 Integer Radius in cells around enemy BaseBuilder (Construction Yard) where AI scans for targets to rush.
ProtectUnitScanRadius 15 Integer Radius in cells around the base that should be scanned for units to be protected.
RallyPointScanRadius 8 Integer Radius in cells around a factory scanned for rally points by the AI.
MaxBaseRadius 20 Integer Radius in cells around the center of the base to expand.
UnitQueues Vehicle,Infantry,Plane,Ship,Aircraft Multiple String
ShouldRepairBuildings True Boolean
UnitsToBuild Dictionary
BuildingFractions Dictionary
UnitsCommonNames Dictionary
BuildingCommonNames Dictionary
BuildingLimits Dictionary


Property Default Value Type Description
FacingTolerance 1 Integer
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
IdealSeparation 1706 1D World Range
LandWhenIdle True Boolean Allow the helicopter land after it has no more commands.
TurnToLand False Boolean Allow the helicopter turn before landing.
LandAltitude 0 1D World Range
AltitudeVelocity 43 1D World Range How fast the helicopter ascends or descends.
CruiseAltitude 1280 1D World Range
RepairBuildings fix Multiple String
RearmBuildings hpad,afld Multiple String
InitialFacing 128 Integer
ROT 255 Integer
Speed 1 Integer
LandableTerrainTypes Multiple String




Property Default Value Type Description
FacingTolerance 1 Integer
Armaments primary,secondary Multiple String Armament names
Cursor attack String
OutsideRangeCursor attackoutsiderange String


Property Default Value Type Description
MaximumPitch 28 1D World Angle
CruiseAltitude 1280 1D World Range
RepairBuildings fix Multiple String
RearmBuildings hpad,afld Multiple String
InitialFacing 128 Integer
ROT 255 Integer
Speed 1 Integer
LandableTerrainTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
CruiseAltitude 1280 1D World Range
RepairBuildings fix Multiple String
RearmBuildings hpad,afld Multiple String
InitialFacing 128 Integer
ROT 255 Integer
Speed 1 Integer
LandableTerrainTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
GroundedTargetTypes Multiple String
TargetTypes Multiple String
RequiresForceFire False Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Explosion UnitExplode String
Spins True Boolean
Moves False Boolean
Velocity 43 1D World Range


Property Default Value Type Description
Range 10 Integer
Cooldown 0 Integer
InitialDelay 0 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
Intensity 10 Integer


Overrides the build time calculated by actor value.

Property Default Value Type Description
Value 0 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
DamagedSound String
DestroyedSound String


Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence bib String
Palette terrain String
HasMinibib False Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Template 0 UInt16 The terrain template to place. If the template is PickAny, thenthe actor footprint will be filled with this tile.
TerrainTypes Multiple String The terrain types that this template will be placed on
Offset 0,0 2D Cell Vector Offset relative to the actor TopLeft. Not used if the template is PickAny


LineBuild actors attach to LineBuildNodes.

Property Default Value Type Description
Types wall Multiple String This actor is of LineBuild 'NodeType'...


The player can disable the power individually on this actor.


Property Default Value Type Description
AdviceInterval 250 Integer


A dictionary of buildings placed on the map. Attach this to the world actor.


Remove this trait to limit base-walking by cheap or defensive buildings.


Property Default Value Type Description
Power 0 Integer If negative, it will drain power, if positive, it will provide power.
TerrainTypes Multiple String Where you are allowed to place the building (Water, Clear, ...)
Adjacent 2 Integer The range to the next building it can be constructed. Set it higher for walls.
Footprint x String x means space it blocks, _ is a part that is passable by actors.
Dimensions 1,1 2D Cell Vector
RequiresBaseProvider False Boolean
AllowInvalidPlacement False Boolean
BuildSounds placbldg.aud,build5.aud Multiple String
SellSounds cashturn.aud Multiple String
UndeploySounds cashturn.aud Multiple String


Place the second actor in line to build more of the same at once (used for walls).

Property Default Value Type Description
Range 5 Integer The maximum allowed length of the line.
NodeTypes wall Multiple String LineBuildNode 'Types' to attach to.



Allow a non-standard sell/repair value to avoid buy-sell exploits.

Property Default Value Type Description
Value 0 Integer


Property Default Value Type Description
CrushClasses Multiple String
CrushSound String


Building can be repaired by the repair button.

Property Default Value Type Description
RepairPercent 20 Integer
RepairInterval 24 Integer
RepairStep 7 Integer
RepairBonuses 100,150,175,200,220,240,260,280,300 Multiple Integer
IndicatorPalettePrefix player String


Property Default Value Type Description
Proxy String
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Unit String
Owner String
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Upgrade Nullable`1
Levels 1 Integer
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
NoBaseSelectionShares 1000 Integer
Unit String
Owner String
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
SelectionShares 10 Integer Chance of getting this crate, assuming the collector is compatible.
Effect String An animation defined in sequence yaml(s) to draw.
Palette effect String Palette to draw the animation in.
Notification String Audio clip to play when the crate is collected.
ExcludedActorTypes Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
String Infantry String
IndicatorPalettePrefix player String



Unit is able to move.

Property Default Value Type Description
TerrainSpeeds Dictionary Set Water: 0 for ground units and lower the value on rough terrain.
Crushes Multiple String e.g. crate, wall, infantry
WaitAverage 5 Integer
WaitSpread 2 Integer
InitialFacing 128 Integer
ROT 255 Integer Rate of Turning
Speed 1 Integer
OnRails False Boolean
SharesCell False Boolean Allow multiple (infantry) units in one cell.
TilesetTerrainInfo OpenRA.Primitives.Cache`2[OpenRA.TileSet,OpenRA.Mods.RA.Move.MobileInfo+TerrainInfo[]] Cache`2
TilesetMovementClass OpenRA.Primitives.Cache`2[OpenRA.TileSet,System.Int32] Cache`2


Displays the fill status of PlayerResources with an extra sprite overlay on the actor.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence resources String Sequence name to use


Renders barrels for units with the Turreted trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence turret String Sequence name to use
AimSequence String Sequence name to use when prepared to fire
Turret primary String Turreted 'Turret' key to display
Recoils True Boolean Render recoil


Replaces the building animation when it repairs a unit.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence active String Sequence name to use
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean


Clones the aircraft sprite with another palette below it.

Property Default Value Type Description
Palette shadow String


Changes the animation when the actor constructed a building.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence build String Sequence name to use


Property Default Value Type Description
Armament primary String Armament name
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Used for tesla coil and obelisk.

Property Default Value Type Description
ChargeAudio String Sound to play when building charges.
ChargeSequence active String Sequence to use for building charge animation.
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Renders a decorative animation on units and buildings.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence idle-overlay String Sequence name to use
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body
Palette String Custom palette name
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Custom palette is a player palette BaseName
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
Type wall String
Sequence idle String
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence make String Sequence name to use


Displays an overlay when the building is being repaired by the player.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence active String Sequence name to use
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body
Palette String Custom palette name
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Custom palette is a player palette BaseName
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
MinIdleWaitTicks 30 Integer
MaxIdleWaitTicks 110 Integer
SpawnsCorpse True Boolean
IdleAnimations Multiple String
StandAnimations stand Multiple String
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
ImagesByFullness harv Multiple String
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Renders the MuzzleSequence from the Armament trait.

Property Default Value Type Description
IgnoreOffset False Boolean Ignore the weapon position, and always draw relative to the center of the actor


Property Default Value Type Description
MaxLength 10 Integer


Renders crates with both water and land variants.

Property Default Value Type Description
Images crate Multiple String
XmasImages Multiple String Easteregg sequences to use in december.


Displays an overlay whenever resources are harvested by the actor.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence harvest String Sequence name to use
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body


Property Default Value Type Description
OpenTerrainTypes Clear Multiple String
OpenAnim open String
UnloadAnim unload String
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
MinIdleWaitTicks 30 Integer
MaxIdleWaitTicks 110 Integer
SpawnsCorpse True Boolean
IdleAnimations Multiple String
StandAnimations stand Multiple String
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence turret String Voxel sequence name to use
Turret primary String Turreted 'Turret' key to display


Replaces the idle animation of a building.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence active String Sequence name to use
Interval 750 Integer
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean


Display explosions over the building footprint when it is destroyed.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence building String Explosion sequence name to use
Palette effect String Custom palette name


Property Default Value Type Description
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.



Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence barrel String Voxel sequence name to use
Armament primary String Armament to use for recoil
LocalOffset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Visual offset


Displays a helicopter rotor overlay.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence rotor String Sequence name to use when flying
GroundSequence slow-rotor String Sequence name to use when landed
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body
Id rotor String Change this when using this trait multiple times on the same actor.


Property Default Value Type Description
MinIdleWaitTicks 30 Integer
MaxIdleWaitTicks 110 Integer
SpawnsCorpse True Boolean
IdleAnimations Multiple String
StandAnimations stand Multiple String
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
PauseOnLowPower False Boolean
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Renders an overlay when the actor is taking heavy damage.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence smoke_m String Needs to define "idle", "loop" and "end" sub-sequences.


Property Default Value Type Description
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
NormalsPalette normals String
Scale 10 Real Number Change the image size.
LightPitch 142 1D World Angle
LightYaw 682 1D World Angle
LightAmbientColor 0,6,0,6,0,6 Multiple Real Number
LightDiffuseColor 0,4,0,4,0,4 Multiple Real Number


Building animation to play when ProductionAirdrop is used to deliver units.

Property Default Value Type Description
ActiveSequence active String
IdleSequence idle String


Property Default Value Type Description
Turret primary String Turreted 'Turret' key to display
LeftSequence left String
RightSequence right String
WakeLeftSequence wake-left String
WakeRightSequence wake-right String
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Rendered when ProductionAirdrop is in progress.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence active String Sequence name to use
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body
Palette String Custom palette name
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Custom palette is a player palette BaseName


Renders an animation when the Production trait of the actor is activated. Works both with per player ClassicProductionQueue and per building ProductionQueue, but needs any of these.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence production-overlay String Sequence name to use
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body
Palette String Custom palette name
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Custom palette is a player palette BaseName


Rendered together with the "make" animation.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence crumble-overlay String Sequence name to use
Palette String Custom palette name
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Custom palette is a player palette BaseName


Rendered when a harvester is docked.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence docking-overlay String Sequence name to use
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body
Palette String Custom palette name
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Custom palette is a player palette BaseName


Rendered when the actor constructed a building.

Property Default Value Type Description
Sequence crane-overlay String Sequence name to use
Offset 0,0,0 3D World Vector Position relative to body
Palette String Custom palette name
IsPlayerPalette False Boolean Custom palette is a player palette BaseName


Property Default Value Type Description
LuaScripts Multiple String



Property Default Value Type Description
Scripts Multiple String


Allows map scripts to attach triggers to this actor via the Triggers global.


Property Default Value Type Description
RelativeToTopLeft False Boolean
UseTerrainPalette False Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
Selectable True Boolean
Priority 10 Integer
Bounds Multiple Integer
Voice String


Property Default Value Type Description
EditorSprite String
Variants Multiple String
Palette terrain String
ResourceType 1 Integer
ValuePerUnit 0 Integer
MaxDensity 10 Integer
Name String
TerrainType Ore String
AllowedTerrainTypes Multiple String
AllowUnderActors False Boolean
AllowUnderBuildings False Boolean
PipColor Yellow PipType


Property Default Value Type Description
MinMultiplier -3,-3 2D Real Number
MaxMultiplier 3,3 2D Real Number


Property Default Value Type Description
BinSize 10 Integer Size of partition bins (cells)


Property Default Value Type Description
Name String This is the name exposed to the players.
Race String This is the internal name for owner checks.
Selectable True Boolean


Property Default Value Type Description
BinSize 250 Integer Size of partition bins (world pixels)



Property Default Value Type Description
Range 0 1D World Range



Property Default Value Type Description
Ticks 60 Integer


Can be used to make a unit partly uncontrollable by the player.

Property Default Value Type Description
Except Multiple String Possible values include Attack, AttackMove, Guard, Move.


Property Default Value Type Description
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
Image String Defaults to the actor name.
Palette String Custom palette name
PlayerPalette player String Custom PlayerColorPalette: BaseName
Scale 1 Real Number Change the sprite image size.


Property Default Value Type Description
RequireTilesets Multiple String
ExcludeTilesets Multiple String


Property Default Value Type Description
Range 0 1D World Range


Property Default Value Type Description
HP 0 Integer
Radius 426 1D World Range Physical size of the unit used for damage calculations. Impacts within this radius apply full damage


Property Default Value Type Description
Type String


Property Default Value Type Description
Palette chrome String


Property Default Value Type Description
QuantizedFacings -1 Integer Number of facings for gameplay calculations. -1 indiciates auto-detection from sequence
CameraPitch 113 1D World Angle Camera pitch for rotation calculations


Property Default Value Type Description
SelectableCash 2500,5000,10000,20000 Multiple Integer
DefaultCash 5000 Integer
AdviceInterval 250 Integer


Add this to the Player actor definition.

Property Default Value Type Description
BasePalette String The name of the palette to base off.
BaseName player String The prefix for the resulting player palettes
RemapIndex Multiple Integer Remap these indices to player colors.
Ramp 0.05 Real Number Luminosity range to span.
AllowModifiers True Boolean Allow palette modifiers to change the palette.


Add this to the Player actor definition.

Property Default Value Type Description
BaseName highlight String The prefix for the resulting player palettes



Add this to the World actor definition.

Property Default Value Type Description
Base terrain String The name of the palette to base off.
Name resources String The name of the resulting palette
RemapIndex Multiple Integer Remap these indices to pre-defined colors.
Color 0,0,0 HSLColor The fixed color to remap.
Ramp 0.05 Real Number Luminosity range to span.
AllowModifiers True Boolean Allow palette modifiers to change the palette.


Property Default Value Type Description
Cash 20000 Integer
ResourceGrowth 100 Integer
FastBuild False Boolean
FastCharge False Boolean
DisableShroud False Boolean
PathDebug False Boolean
UnlimitedPower False Boolean
BuildAnywhere False Boolean
ShowCombatGeometry False Boolean
ShowDebugGeometry False Boolean


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️