Requirements - UberWaffe/OpenRA GitHub Wiki
Minimum System Requirements
Shader Model 2.0 capable GPU (Radeon 9500+ / GeForce FX5200+ / GMA X3100+)
1GB Free Hard Drive Space
512MB RAM (the game itself uses ~100MB)
3 Button Mouse
Network Card (desirable)
Display capable of at least 1024×768
These CLI libraries are cross-platform and included in the thirdparty folder:
- NET Framework >= 4.0
- OpenAL >= 1.1
- SDL >= 2.0.2
- freetype6.dll
- zlib1.dll
- Mono Framework >= 2.10
- XQuartz
- mono-gmcs
- cli-common-dev
- libgl1-mesa-glx
- libopenal1
- libfreetype6
- libsdl2
- mono-devel
- openal-soft
- freetype2
- SDL2
Technically anything with git and a text editor, but you probably want at least the requirements to run the game, plus:
A C# compiler (Mono’s CGC, xbuild/msbuild)
An IDE like MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio, Visual Studio (Express)
Install fink, then install glib2-shlibs and glib2-dev. (possibly not the first, try just glib2-dev and pkgconfig)