Historical Changelogs - UberWaffe/OpenRA GitHub Wiki

This page collates the changelogs from earlier releases. See Changelog for the latest release and development version changes.


All mods:

  • Fixed dead units sometimes exploding or leaving husks when they weren't in the world.
  • Added hover and disabled button states (RA / D2K / TS)
  • Added double click start support to the replay browser.
  • Fixed low projectiles not colliding with walls.
  • Fixed double-click selection priority glitches.
  • Improved UI decorations (selection boxes, target lines, etc) in pixel double mode.
  • Added additional stand animations to infantry (RA / TD)
  • Added the ability to double click select maps and music.
  • Fixed base attack notification playing when allied engineers repaired your buildings.
  • Improved the ingame chat interface and input, with it defaulting to Team Chat.
  • Redesigned the settings panel.
  • Re-added move flashes.
  • Added a setting to always display unit status bars (can also be toggled by hotkey).
  • Added a setting for team health bar colors.
  • Added a new hotkey to select all units on screen (default: CTRL + A).
  • Added a new hotkey to jump to production buildings (default: TAB).
  • Changed default hotkey (PageUp/Down) for build palette cycling and made reverse user configurable.
  • Improved shroud/fog rendering.

Asset Browser:

  • Fixed crashes when trying to load invalid filenames or sprites with just 1 frame.
  • Added support for all sprite types.
  • Added palette chooser and colorpicker dropdown boxes.
  • Overhauled layout.

Red Alert:

  • Added MAD Tank.
  • Fixed a crash in Monster Tank Madness.
  • Fixed medics sometimes healing enemies.
  • Reduced Giant Ant selection box size.
  • Fixed paradrop description.
  • Adjusted button highlight color to dark wine red.
  • Fixed ant hills using the wrong tile ID.
  • Adjusted Zombie build palette position.
  • Fixed attack dogs causing crashes by attacking non-infantry.
  • Disabled cloak/uncloak sound for camouflaged Pillbox.
  • Added two Lua-powered single player missions, ported from Red Alert's single player campaign.
  • Fixed aircraft falling down not revealing shroud.
  • Fixed floating crate artwork.

Various balance adjustments:

  • Uparmored Mobile Radar Jammer to heavy.
  • Uparmored Mobile Gap Generator to heavy, increased its shroud generation range from 4 to 6, and reduced its price from $1500 to $1200.
  • Reduced Gap Generator price from $1000 to $800.
  • Made Construction Yard sellable again.
  • Reduced MCV build time from 1 minute to 32 seconds.
  • No-base MCV crate chance reduced from ~100% to ~70%.
  • Introduced a maximum build radius of 16 cells from the nearest friendly Construction Yard.
  • Increased movement speeds of Rocket Soldier, Flamethrower, and Tesla Trooper from 3 to 4.
  • Reduced Tesla Trooper price from $500 to $400.
  • Increased Artillery price from $600 to $800, and increased its health from 75 to 100.
  • Increased V2 Rocket price from $700 to $900, reduced its movement speed from 7 to 6, increased its health from 150 to 200, reduced its warhead damage against primary base structures, and increased its rate of fire.
  • Increased Hind damage from 20 to 30, and introduced a small additional damage bonus against infantry.
  • Increased Longbow health from 120 to 150, increased its missile damage against ground targets from 40 to 60, increased its missile rate of turn from 5 to 10, and introduced a slight delay between missile launches.
  • Increased Grenadier projectile speed.
  • Reduced Medic price from $300 to $200.
  • Reduced Mechanic price from $800 to $500.
  • Added a 20% chance to eject a driver from destroyed vehicles.
  • Added production speed-ups for additional production buildings of the same type. Up to 50% faster production can be achieved with 7 production buildings.
  • Decreased the Oil Derrick cash rate from every 10 seconds to every 15 seconds.
  • Overhauled the Atom Bomb's damage model and introduced damage falloff over a wide radius.
  • Athena:
  • Reduced strategic victory timer to 3 minutes.
  • Increased the size of the starting islands.

Tiberian Dawn:

  • C&C mod renamed to Tiberian Dawn to resolve naming ambiguities.
  • Fixed Bio Lab wrongly belonging to a hostile faction in East vs West 3.
  • Added building repair ability to the engineer.
  • Adjusted MLRS to fire a barrage of 8 rockets instead for improved visuals, and adjusted its rocket explosion sound.
  • Added a grenade toss sound.
  • Added missile contrails.
  • Added Haos Ridges, converted from RA.
  • Fixed player spawns in Deterring Democracy.
  • Added 2 additional A-10s and cannon strafing to the Airstrike support power.
  • Added contrails to the C-17 Globemaster.
  • Added cash tick sounds.
  • Disabled the main menu target reticle showing when a window is open.
  • Added a display of the faction logos when the shellmap is disabled.
  • Viceroids now heal on and move faster on Tiberium.
  • Implemented the original shroud artwork.
  • Fixed helicopters falling down not revealing shroud.
  • Fixed effect (explosions, etc) saturation when the ingame menu is activated.
  • Added shadow to crate artwork.
  • Fixed build palette tooltip not taking low power slowdown into account when displaying the build time.

Dune 2000:

  • Added buildable concrete walls.
  • Fixed some cliffs being passable.
  • Fixed infantry sometimes using the wrong animation when standing.
  • Fixed A* debug overlay.
  • Fixed R8 offsets for sprites with embedded palettes.
  • Implemented proper spice rendering.
  • Implemented the original shroud artwork.


  • Replays are now saved in per-mod and per-version folders.
  • Added password protection support for servers.
  • Added language translation support.
  • Added game ID and version information to exception and sync reports.
  • Map folders are now explicitly specified in mod.yaml.
  • Most UI widgets are now customizable in terms of font type, color, contrast and had their global defaults moved from code to metrics.yaml.
  • Replaced the OS X binary launcher with a script to use a new SDL2 renderer.
  • Improved cash tick sound playback.
  • Added modifier support to hotkeys.
  • Fixed a desync related to projectile contrails.
  • Fixed corrupted replays (which would immediately desync).
  • Removed runtime mod merging.
  • Added support for map scripting with Lua.
  • Overhauled sprite loading code.
  • Improved error message when loading corrupted sprites.
  • Rewritten shp(ts) parser makes more efficient use of texture space.
  • Added support for the dune 2 shp and pak formats.
  • Map format 6 requires the RequiresMod to be defined.
  • Added a multiplicitive blend mode.

Build system and packages:

  • Added GeoIP to Makefile so it is installed properly.
  • Added desktop shortcut creation support to the Makefile and Windows installer.
  • COPYING and CHANGELOG are now shipped on all platforms.
  • Fixed 'make docs' crashing when the game assets are not installed.
  • Renamed Game.Mods launch argument to Game.Mod.
  • Linux packages now install to /usr/lib/openra for consistency with other Mono applications.
  • Added an optional map.yaml check to the OpenRA.Lint.exe command line tool.

Map Editor:

  • Fixed custom assets being removed when saving an oramap.

Mod / Custom map compatibility:

  • Mods can now include traits from TD and D2K in RA.
  • Mods can now customize UI text settings like font type/color/contrast for most widgets and set global defaults in metrics.yaml.
  • New sections MapFolders and Translations added to mod.yaml.
  • Mods must now explicitly specify the mods that they can inherit maps from by defining `SupportsMapsFrom: parent_mod' in mod.yaml.
  • Renamed CarpetBomb trait to AttackBomber, and additional functionality added. An Armament trait is now required to specify the weapons.
  • Renamed Capture trait to ExternalCapture.
  • Renamed CapturableBar trait to ExternalCapturableBar.
  • Renamed LegacyCapture trait to Capture.
  • Renamed DebugMuzzlePositions trait to CombatDebugOverlay.
  • Renamed DebugOverlay trait to PathfinderDebugOverlay.
  • Added Sequence and GroundSequence properties to WithRotor.
  • Added StandAnimations property to RenderInfantry and RenderInfantryProne.
  • Added SplitFacings property to WithMuzzleFlash trait.
  • Added SquadSize and QuantizedFacings properties to AirstrikePower trait.
  • Added EjectInAir and EjectOnGround properties to EjectOnDeath trait.
  • Added new traits to world: ScreenMap, ActorMap.
  • Removed traits from World: SpatialBins.
  • Added InvalidTargets property to weapons.
  • Added modifier support for build palette hotkeys.
  • The Requires: option for inheriting from a parent mod has been removed. Mods can directly reference the parent mod files instead.
  • Icons definitions have moved from the unit's rules to its sequence.
  • Mouse cursors (cursors.yaml) must now specify their file extension.
  • OpenRA.Utility --png will now generate a set of frames for any sprite type: shp(td), shp(ts), shp(d2), r8, tmp(td), tmp(ra).
  • OpenRA.Utility --shp now requires a list of frames to be combined into a shp.
  • Removed Utility --tmp-png, --r8, --fromd2 commands (use --png instead).
  • Removed Asset Browser file extraction / conversion (use the Utility instead).
  • Added OpenRA.Utility --map-preview for generating minimap previews.
  • Added OpenRA.Utility --map-upgrade for updating maps from format 5 to format 6.
  • The map format has been changed. All user-installed maps will be upgraded on the first mod launch, or using OpenRA.Utility --map-upgrade.
  • Unified sprite loading allows any sprite type to be used anywhere: shp can now be used for terrain, and tmp for units.
  • Harvestable resource definitions (ResourceTypes) have changed, and now specify their artwork using sequences.
  • Shroud definitions (ShroudRenderer / ShroudPalette) have changed, and now specifies its artwork using sequences.
  • Crater and smudge definitions (SmudgeLayer) have changed, and now specify their artwork using sequences.


All mods:

  • Overhauled Fog of War to freeze the state of resource, smudge, and structures.
  • Overhauled weapon projectile physics, rendering, and sounds.
  • Overhauled firing offsets and muzzle flashes for all units.
  • Added starting units configuration to the lobby (MCV only, light support, heavy support).
  • Added lobby options for disabling shroud and fog of war.
  • Added "Build off Ally ConYards" lobby option.
  • Added starting cash selector.
  • Added an ingame credits menu.
  • Added country name resolution to the server browser and lobby.
  • Added descriptive error messages when connecting to a server fails.
  • Added guard ability to combat units ('d').
  • Added force-move ability (hold alt to prioritize move/crush over attack/harvest).
  • Added change-mod button to the asset download screen.
  • Added kick-ban to the server lobby.
  • Added a renderer geometry visualization to the debug/cheats menu.
  • Overhauled lobby layout.
  • Overhauled diplomacy menu.
  • Fixed turreted buildings ignoring attack orders.
  • Fixed units targeting cloaked actors.
  • Fixed exploit allowing arbitrary building placement.
  • Fixed exploit allowing a malicious client to steal admin rights.
  • Fixed exploit related to support aircraft.
  • Fixed glitches relating to passenger-carrying units being killed.
  • Fixed a crash related to bridges on certain maps.
  • Fixed a crash related to the color picker.
  • Fixed a glitch where aircraft circle in the air after being killed.
  • Fixed a glitch where an uncontrollable MCV is left after a construction yard is killed.
  • Fixed civilians panicking when healed.
  • Fixed visibility of additional spectator information (progress bars, spy ownership, etc).
  • Fixed excessive "Building" notifications when rapidly pressing icons in the sidebar.
  • Fixed units continuing to attack a building after it was captured.
  • Fixed units chasing a chronoshifted unit across the map.
  • Fixed units not being able to attack buildings from some angles.
  • Fixed infantry not being able to attack units from some angles.
  • Unified the music player between C&C and RA/D2K.
  • Unified tooltip behavior between C&C and RA/D2K.
  • Removed some developer-specific options from the settings menu.

Red Alert:

  • Added external capturing for engineers (like C&C Generals).
  • Added collection animation for parabomb crate.
  • Added public countdown timers to A-bomb and GPS.
  • Fixed artwork glitches in several units and buildings.
  • Fixed incorrect player color on captured oil derricks on some maps.
  • Fixed support powers being available after winning a game.
  • Fixed destroyable ore mines.
  • Fixed chronotank teleport sound.
  • Fixed snipers and tanya shooting vehicles and buildings.
  • Sniper health reduced.
  • Improved chronoshift interaction with vehicle husks.
  • Added build limit to iron curtain and chronosphere.
  • Removed bibs from iron curtain and chronosphere.
  • Improved dog attack behavior.
  • Tweaked some weapon explosions.
  • Iron curtain duration increased to 20 seconds.
  • Chronoshift duration decreased to 20 seconds.
  • Tesla coil price reduced to $1200 and firing delay increased.
  • Mammoth tank build time reduced to 36 seconds.
  • Mobile Radar Jammer range increased.
  • Mechanic repair amount increased.
  • Decrease the infantry run animation speed.
  • Added hospital tech structure that allows infantry to auto-heal.
  • Increased oil derrick health and cash rate. Added initial capture bonus.
  • Added several community created map decorations.
  • Added ants and larvae creep actors.
  • Added maps: Artemis, Athena, Fort Lonestar, Pluto, Sahara, Survival02, Tournament Island, Zeus.
  • Updated maps: Ares, Apollo, Dionysus, Doughnut, Poseidon.
  • Renamed maps: Ares: National Park -> Dionysus.
  • Removed maps: Hotzone, Mjolnir-2, Seaside.
  • Disabled bots on several maps where they don't work well.


  • Restored "classic" multi-engineer behavior. Buildings above 50% health will be damaged by 50%; buildings below this will be captured.
  • Improved snow color on snow maps.
  • Fixed mouse cursor colors.
  • Fixed Nod01 mission.
  • Fixed veterancy chevrons on cloaked units.
  • Added some texture to the UI background.
  • Added EVA notifications when an enemy player launches an airstrike or nuclear missile.
  • Increased aggressiveness of Viceroids.
  • Reduced the pip-count on silos.
  • Orca range increased, reload time decreased.
  • Sam Site missile spread increased.
  • Changed hospital to a capturable tech structure that allows infantry to auto-heal.
  • Added dinosaurs as buildable units from the Biolab.
  • Added maps: Deterring Democracy, Deterring Democracy +
  • Removed maps: East vs West Redux.
  • Updated maps: Skull Valley, Slippery Slopes, The Hourglass.
  • Renamed maps: Rock Canyon -> Manufacturing Consent, Bialystok -> Lessons from Kosovo.

Dune 2000:

  • Removed converted art and sound assets - now uses the original game files.
  • Restored Deviator tank for Ordos.
  • Added new title font.
  • Added maps: Imperial Basin.
  • Fixed statistics tracking.
  • Updated maps: Black Mesa, Brimstone, Death Depths, Dune Boogie.


  • Fixed a crash with server hosting under Windows.
  • Added a fatal error dialog with options to view logs and read the FAQ.
  • Added sync checking for projectile effects.
  • Removed support for mono versions < 2.10.
  • Added support for portable installs (create a directory "Support" inside the game root).
  • Significant improvements to pathfinder performance when ordering units to areas they cannot reach.
  • Reduced order lag for singleplayer games.
  • Added audio device configuration.
  • Added support for TS/RA2 mix files.
  • Added support for TS/RA2 SHP images.
  • Added support for TS/RA2 voxel models.
  • Added support for D2K RS archives.
  • Added support for D2K R8 images.
  • Added support for WAV audio files.
  • Added support for XCC mix databases.
  • Added support for the D2K InstallShield archive.
  • Added support for classic production-acceleration behavior.
  • Added support for additional damage states on buildings.
  • Added additional debug information when yaml merging fails.
  • Added additional customization options for laser weapons.
  • Added additional logging for server errors.
  • Significant additional work towards TS/RA2 terrain support.

Build system and packages:

  • Fix compilation issues under .Net 3.5.
  • Integrated windows dependencies in the installer.

Map Editor and Tools:

  • Added an ingame asset viewer / converter to D2K and RA (enable via the Debug tab in the settings menu).
  • Added utility '--map-hash' command for retrieving the hash of a map.
  • Added EditorConfig definitions for editors that support it.
  • Added StyleCop definitions for editors that support it.


All mods:

  • Destroyed bridges can now be repaired with an engineer.
  • Significantly improved AI.
  • Added (beta) support for left-click mouse orders via the settings menu.
  • Added "move viewport to group" hotkey (home key or double tap group number).
  • Exposed several new and/or hidden preferences in the settings menu.
  • Games can now be paused with a hotkey (F9 by default) or by opening the menu in a single player game.
  • New/improved UI for spectators and defeated players.
  • Improved server list and lobby UI.
  • Fixed units attacking enemy units hidden by fog/shroud.
  • Fixed several other visibility-related bugs.
  • Improved range circle contrast against terrain.
  • Fixed UI notification sound issues.
  • Added "Reset Exploration" developer option (same effect as the hide-map crate).
  • Fixed the visibility of peripheral effects for spectators/replays (ranks, production bars, etc).
  • Improved aircraft contrail rendering.
  • Fixed issue with harvesters not undocking when a refinery is destroyed.
  • Fixed civilian building rendering.
  • Added in-game player statistics for spectators (RA and D2K only).
  • Added "Fragile Alliances" option, allowing alliances to be changed during free-for-all games (RA and D2K only).
  • Added a tooltip that shows provided and drained power (RA and D2K - C&C already had this)
  • Improved ingame chat dialog (RA and D2K only).
  • Red Alert:
  • Added Mobile Gap Generator.
  • Added Mobile Radar Jammer (jams radar and deflects enemy missiles).
  • Added desert theater (ported from C&C plus additional custom tiles by Harrison).
  • Removed Volkov.
  • Added announcer voice upon game start.
  • Civilians now panic when attacked.
  • Added a new desert-themed shellmap inspired by C&C Generals.
  • Added ice floe actors for use on snow maps.
  • Several improvements to the original shellmap.
  • New missions: Allies03, Allies04, Soviet01Classic, MonsterTankMadness, Survival01.
  • New maps: Room Convergence, Ghost Town, Bad Neighbors.
  • Improved maps: Chaos Canyon, Bomber John, Bombardment Islands.
  • Fixed Mechanic repair cursor.
  • Fixed graphics for craters for snow maps.
  • Re-enabled "Mud" music track.
  • Fixed supply track shadow.
  • Added unit production hotkeys.
  • Fixed Airfield tooltip.
  • Changed minimap color of gems to blue.
  • Gap Generator shroud now disappears on low-power/death.
  • Added support for Nyerguds music upgrade pack.
  • Fixed target line/flash for Demo Truck targets.
  • Added building death frames for Construction Yard, Power Plants and Ore Refinery.
  • Improved Ore Silo artwork (more fill states).
  • Improved Weapon Factory door animation and prevented the door closing before units exited.
  • Changed building placement color to black on snow maps for increased contrast.
  • Fixed Attack Dog sound.
  • Added duration indicators for units under Chronosphere and Iron Curtain effects.
  • Fixed Tanya shooting buildings and using C4 on barrels.
  • Fixed Chrono Tank being unable to crush infantry/sandbags or trigger mines.

Balance changes:

  • Base defense damage reduced against structures.
  • Pillbox armor increased from wood to heavy.
  • Construction Yard armor reduced/health increased.
  • Construction Yard is now unsellable to prevent Mobile Construction Vehicle crate exploit.
  • Superweapon health increased.
  • Chrono Tank damage increased/health increased/Chrono-shift range limit added/Chronosphere prerequisite added.
  • Demo Truck cost increased/health reduced/speed reduced.
  • Disguised Spies are now hidden from enemy GPS.
  • Added build limit to Missile Silo and Tanya.
  • Oil derricks are now repairable by engineers.
  • Minelayers can now detect mines, allowing other units to target and destroy them.
  • Nukes can destroy ore wells and trees.
  • Tesla Tank health increased.
  • Medium Tank damage increased.
  • Mammoth Tank turret rotation speed increased/damage increased.
  • Badger bomber health increased.
  • Cruiser speed increased.
  • Missile Sub accuracy increased.


  • Building range and a short construction delay added to Construction Yards to prevent base walking.
  • Mobile SAM launcher given to Nod as dedicated mobile AA.
  • Improved explosions.
  • Corrected music.yaml track titles.
  • Tweaked building construction animation speed.
  • Improved cloak and building destruction sounds.
  • Added blue tiberium trees.
  • Fixed blue tiberium not poisoning infantry.
  • Increased crate lifetime and removed level-up crate effect.
  • Fixed infantry running animations.
  • Fixed Viceroid unit decorations (veterancy/group number).
  • Fixed tooltip flickering when moving the mouse.
  • Fixed mouse-interaction bugs in the production palette.
  • Improved tooltip names.
  • Added maps: The Sentinel, Bialystok, No Escapism, Rock Canyon, Slippery Slopes, Skull Valley, Dead in Motion Redux, East vs West redux, Drop Zone, The Hourglass.
  • Added EVA notification for nuclear missile launches.
  • Husk lifetime reduced to 10 seconds.
  • Obelisk is now automatically targeted by units.


  • Harvester capacity increased.
  • Advanced Comm-Center and Temple of Nod act as a substitute prerequisite of the Comm-Center.
  • Reduced MCV crate probability to 80% to solve Construction Yard sell exploit.
  • MCV can be constructed without a service depot.
  • Construction Yard health reduced.
  • Infantry detect nearby cloaked units.
  • Infantry and vehicle speed on clear terrain increased.
  • Airstrike regen reduced to three minutes.
  • Comm-Center health reduced.
  • Airfield health reduced.
  • Helipad price reduced.
  • Advanced Guard Tower range increased/health reduced/power consumption increased.
  • Advanced Guard Tower missiles improved vs aircraft and vehicles/reduced vs infantry
  • Obelisk range increased.
  • Tank firing rate increased/damage vs light armor increased.
  • Light Tank speed increased/turn rate increased/ROF increased/damage reduced.
  • Turn speeds increased for most units.
  • Recon Bike damage reduced/sight increased/speed increased on clear, reduced on road.
  • Buggy health reduced/sight increased.
  • Flamethrower range reduced/damage increased vs wood.
  • Flame Tank significantly buffed.
  • Chinook price reduced.
  • Helicopter prerequisites changed to Comm-Center/Advanced Tech building.
  • Apache sight increased.
  • Orca ROF reduced/ammo increased/damage reduced/sight increased.
  • Stealth Tank initial stance changed to "hold-fire."
  • Increased sight range for Light Tank and APC.
  • A10 sight range increased.
  • Mammoth Tank speed increased/health increased/turret rotation increased/missile spread increased.
  • Stealth Tank range reduced/cloak delay increased/damage vs heavy armor reduced.
  • Turret and Guard Tower range increased.
  • APC damage increased/speed reduced.
  • Artillery range reduced/damage vs wood reduced.
  • Rocket Infantry damage increased vs armor.
  • Increased nuke and Ion Cannon damage vs heavy armor.
  • Grenadier's grenade speed increased.
  • SAM site pop-up speed increased.
  • Humvee / Buggy damage increased.
  • MLRS range reduced/ROF reduced/damage reduced.
  • Recon Bike damage increased vs heavy armor/burst delay added/range reduced.

Dune 2000:

  • Removed shroud (uses fog-of-war instead). Buildings are hidden under the fog until they are first seen.
  • Added Medic.
  • Added Stealth Raider.
  • Removed Deviator.
  • Aircraft are now unbuildable.
  • Fixed building positioning and selection boxes.
  • Added husks for units and turrets.
  • Added trails to shells and missiles.
  • Fixed animations for Windtrap, Repair Pad, IX Research.
  • Reduced "silos needed" warnings.
  • Husk lifetime reduced to 20 seconds.
  • Added large building radius to construction yard.
  • Improved explosions.
  • Crate probabilities adjusted.
  • New UI button artwork.
  • Added maps: Black Mesa, Black Mesa (large), Dune Boogie, Dune Boogie (large), Brimstone, Death Depths - Modded, Tuck's Sietch.
  • Complete rebalancing from the ground up.


  • Fixed several desync crashes.
  • Fixed a crash involving keyboard shortcuts and dead units.
  • Fixed a crash involving replays and multiple game sessions on a single machine.
  • Fixed a rare loadscreen crash.
  • Improved logging on game desync.
  • Improved UPnP support via Mono.Nat.
  • Improved freetype support via SharpFont (replaces custom patched Tao.Freetype).
  • Improved dedicated server support.
  • Improved mix file decryption (fixes a crash when playing the "Mud" audio track).
  • Introduced a new coordinate model to simplify eventual TS/RA2 support.
  • Initial work to port existing code to new coordinates model.
  • Added a muzzle positioning debug visualization.
  • Added a pathfinder debug visualization.
  • Removed player-configurable range behind the scenes of the color picker. Fixes "radioactive" color exploit.
  • Show an improved error message when connecting to a server with incompatible mods.
  • Added automatic map downloads from content.open-ra.org when joining a server with an unknown map.
  • Added support for randomized weapon reports.
  • Improved loading times by removing unnecessary map indexing.
  • Scripted maps can now require human players in specified slots.
  • Allow mods to independently enable/disable shroud and fog of war.
  • Minor pathfinding improvements.
  • Other misc refactoring and code cleanup.

Build system and packages:

  • Added a version rule to the makefile for setting mod version strings on local development builds.
  • Added a docs rule for generating trait documentation.
  • Fixed permission errors in the .deb package.
  • Support --instdir options for parallel installation of .deb packages.
  • Added Desura compatibility for Linux.
  • Map Editor and Tools:
  • Added a toolstrip with new and improved tools.
  • Added support for terrain categories.
  • Fixed wrong palette remapping for neutral buildings.
  • Maps are now saved/loaded from the custom maps directory.
  • Fixed legacy map importer.
  • Added a --docs flag for OpenRA.Utility for generating trait documentation.



  • Add --transpose option to Utility
  • Allow --transpose to do multiple operations in one pass
  • Added category headers in editor (RA temperate theme only)
  • Added selection tool in editor for use with copy-pasting terrain
  • Added tilesetbuilder2 and fixed it for Dune 2000
  • Added tilesetbuilder command line
  • Added tileset extractor
  • Upgraded Visual Studio solution to 2010
  • Tons of performance improvements
  • Prevent too many instances of a single sound playing at once
  • Order results from FindByTilesInCircle by distance
  • Added new data types for cell and pixel coordinate pistion/vectors
  • Fixed issue where port in direct connect was dumped to default by force
  • Fixed pathfinding for units heading in opposite directions to prevent pathing deadlocks
  • Fixed volume and scrollspeed being different from their saved scale at game start

All Mods:

  • Added basic dedicated server support
  • Added UPnP support for multiplayer
  • Added option to pause the game (F3 key)
  • Added SimpleTeleport for non-chrono jumps for mission scripting
  • Added WaitFor(predicate) for mission scripting
  • Added support for mission objectives
  • Added indicator to show who is admin of a lobby
  • Added map size label to map chooser
  • Added support to set up player required slots for maps
  • Added hover behavior for all units. Give a unit a nonzero Altitude: in its Mobile: block and the WithShadow: trait to make it hover
  • Allow building speed to be set by CustomSellValue trait
  • Bots are forcefully removed from maps which do not allow them
  • Ignore spectators for lobby readiness check
  • Added CloakInfo.UncloakOnMove option
  • Made UnloadCargo.unloadAll configurable, using all by default
  • Support targetlines for defenses
  • Setting for Capturable trait to waste engineer after capturing a building or not
  • Fixed unloading of infantry from cargo vehicles to be spread out instead of one subcell
  • Fixed crates not being picked up when dropped on a unit
  • Fixed being able to repair when eliminated
  • Fixed spectator chat not using contrast
  • Fixed crash cycling stances while a unit dies
  • Fixed crash spawning corpse for actor which has already been destroyed
  • Fixed filtering of passengers to show with RenderCargo
  • Fixed incorrect working "locks" when capture/sell building races happened
  • Fixed radar click position
  • Fixed shift-tab keyboard shortcut in build palette
  • Added mouse-wheel support for flipping tabs in build palette
  • Fixed notable issues when trying to play FMVs


  • No longer block each other during low-ore contention and wait for a random amount of time to search for more resources.
  • Refineries show which harvesters are linked by holding down the ALT key.
  • Fixed harvesters for AI to search the entire map when no more resources nearby
  • Made search radius configurable for both initial search from refinery, and search from harvest location
  • Harvesters will return to ordered-to location if told to harvest a specific cell while full after delivery instead of the last successfully harvested cell which may be far away

Red Alert:

  • Added two missions - Allies01 (single player) and Allies02 (co op)
  • Added new tiles for use in the Temperate theatre, made by Harrison
  • Added new crashed helicopter SHPS
  • Added Hospital & Bio Lab yaml definitions
  • Reenabled PrimaryBuilding support for airfield and helipads
  • Fixed chrono not killing passengers on return
  • Fixed missing chrono effects on unit return
  • Fixed tesla coil ignoring weapon offset
  • Fixed some HackyAI issues, such as having a tank husk fetish
  • Fixed some incorrect/missing music strings in music.yaml
  • Fixed broken Install from CD code
  • Fixed another zombie aircraft bug
  • Fixed ReturnToBase causing a crash when you had no airfields available (but an ally did)
  • Added map: Ice Woods (Tirili)
  • Added map: Nishnekolymsk (Tirili)
  • Added map: Bomber John (Holloweye)
  • Added map: Bloody Delta (Holloweye)
  • Added map: Room-Warzone (Sunny_S)
  • Added map: Chaos Canyon (Nukem)
  • Added map: Forest Path (Gnx)
  • Updated map: Free Coasts (Ihptru)
  • Replaced map Baywatch with Hasselhoff (Nukem/Zypres)

Balance (General):

  • Added a heal crate (heals all of your units on map, rare occurrence)
  • Removed nuke crate
  • Nuke was made a lot more powerful
  • Nuclear explosions now destroy ore
  • Repair cost for units is always at least 1 per tick
  • Radar Dome cost increased from 1400 to 1600
  • Service Depot cost increased from 1000 to 1200
  • War Factory armor type changed from Heavy to Wood
  • Sam Site/AA Guns will no longer shoot at crashing aircraft
  • Barrel explosions are now more deadly, and chain explosions explode with a delay
  • Churches made garrisonable by Sniper infantry

Balance (Allies):

  • Added Chronotank - tank that can "jump" within range of itself
  • Tanya - Colt45 attack range increased from 5.75 to 7
  • Transport Heli - Cost lowered from 1200 to 900, increased hp, increased cargo count to 8
  • AA Gun cost increased from 600 to 800
  • Helipad cost increased from 300 to 500

Balance (Soviet):

  • Added Sniper - cloaked infantry with HoldFire stance by default
  • Added Volkov - elite unit meant to replace Tanya
  • Added Demo Truck - armed with a lower damage nuke
  • Mammoth Tank self heal now goes up to 80% health
  • Mammoth Tank turret rotation was slowed down
  • Mammoth Tank tusk rate of turn was doubled
  • Tesla Tank cost lowered from 1500 to 1350
  • Airfield armor changed from Heavy to Wood
  • Airfield cost increased from 300 to 500
  • Iron Curtain duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds, and can't use on enemy units


  • Added A10 crash site SHP to terrain (via Nyerguds)
  • Re-added the Snow tileset (via Nyerguds)
  • Sonic Tank moved to end of build menu
  • Fixed structure build menu orders in general
  • Fixed Biolab did providing Visceriod after being captured
  • Fixed tooltips not showing on the build menu
  • Do not shade possible build items in CNC if something else is building


  • Tank shells do 100% vs armor again, turret buffed
  • MRLS issues fixed

Dune 2000:

  • Added Dune 2000!



  • General performance improvements
  • Health.MaxHP is no longer read-only
  • #Comments can be used at end of any lines in yaml files
  • Better error messages for duplicate yaml fields
  • Fixed RenderCargo support for relative altitude
  • Both Mods:
  • Add banlist setting (Server: Ban: IP1, IP2, IP3)
  • Missiles lose guidance and run out of remaining fuel if the target dies
  • Red Alert:
  • Added setting to change CashTick sound frequency when producting structures
  • Re-added camo pillbox for Allies to be garissonable and stealthed
  • Change cargo ownership if capturing actors with cargo
  • Fixed spy resetting exploration if infiltrated enemy had GPS
  • Cannot capture building if yourself or ally is already capturing it
  • Barrels are no longer capturable/sellable
  • Minor AI improvements


  • Exposed option to toggle shellmap
  • MRLS cost increased to 1200
  • APC gun damage increased
  • Several building hitpoints increase/decreased
  • Several units movement speed adjusted
  • Landed helicopters made targetable by units
  • Mammoth Tank has an 8 second cooldown before regenerating hp
  • Add new Chemball explosion
  • Re-ordered build menu
  • Production hotkeys changed from YUIOP to QWERT
  • Fix crash loading yaml for ArtilleryShell.ContrailLength



  • General performance improvements
  • Added a setting to change sound engine, Sound:Engine: AL ("AL" uses OpenAL, "Null" gives no sound)
  • Both Mods:
  • Warn lobby when a client joins with DEV_VERSION
  • Produced units attack-move to their rallypoint
  • New CloakPaletteEffect trait to add shimmer effect to cloaked units
  • Cargo trait allows for initial passengers when units are built
  • Buildings now take 10 seconds to be captured
  • Capture time length is adjustable
  • Custom starting units can be used for each faction
  • Main menu no longer vanishes after a lobby disconnect
  • Fixed crash selling/capturing buildings simultaneously
  • Fixed crash in StartGame if there were unvalidated connections
  • Improved error messages given with bad MiniYaml indentations

Red Alert:

  • Added Gap Generator to Allies
  • Tanya made exclusive to Allies
  • Artillery explode chance lowered to 75%
  • Flamethrower has new flame art
  • Pillbox includes a garrisoned riflemen when built, and other infantry can garrison the structure
  • Camo pillbox removed
  • Normal AI removed
  • Added map: Tainted Peak (Nukem)
  • Removed maps: Daejeon, Mjolnir, No Fly Zone
  • Fixed bug letting passengers shoot from transports

Added Spy to Allies

  • Infiltrates refinery to steal 50% of players cash, minimum $500
  • Infiltrates radar dome to reset exploration for enemy team
  • Can assassinate enemy units with force-fire

New AI: Rommel and Zhukov

  • Rommel is a modified Hard AI focusing on artillery and V2, and few light vehicles
  • Zhukov is a turtle, but sends large attacks with artillery and V2


  • A10s speed increased, Napalm Drop damage increased
  • Chinooks now carry up to 10 passengers
  • Sight of all infantry increased by 1
  • Chem Warrior/Flamethrower/Grenadier damage vs certain armor types increased
  • Chem Warrior will walk through tiberium instead of pathing around it
  • Artillery attack range doubled
  • Guard Tower attack range decreased by 1
  • MCV and Construction Yard sight increased
  • Construction Yard armor type changed to Heavy from Wood
  • Harvester armor type changed to Heavy from Light
  • Proability of SpawnVisceriod from 10% to 2%
  • Reduced damage and size of Grenadier death explosions
  • Units do not attack buildings when attack-moving or idle, exception made for defensive structures
  • Lots of AI changes
  • Removed nuke crate, hide-map crate
  • Fixed crash viewing replays
  • Fixed radar not being shown during replay



  • General performance improvements
  • Added setting for direct connection on game launch (Game:ConnectTo: ip:port)
  • Added setting to limit framerate via startup argument (Graphics:CapFrameRate: false)
  • Added owner chooser for new actors in the editor
  • Added actor info panel in the editor (doubleclick)
  • Fixed minimap export breaking subsequent actions in the editor
  • Fixed writing of empty replays
  • Fixed issue with LaserZap widths (obelisk shots)

Both Mods:

  • Always allow buildings to be repaired (removed dependency on Construction Yard)
  • Added a new Defend stance for units
  • Added base under attack notification
  • Spacebar focuses viewport to last under attack notification
  • Ctrl-Shift-Numkey groups units into existing group
  • Helicopters now bob slightly in flight
  • Replaced the server browser with a new and awesome one
  • Server lobbies upon creation use the previously played map
  • Made SpawnMPUnits' initial unit configurable
  • Fixed infantry squish sounds not being positioned
  • Fixed actor priority not being correct for doubleclick
  • Fixed poor stance switching detection
  • Semi-fixed naval units repairing from anywhere on map


  • Repair their own buildings
  • Maintain a level of aggro on enemy units
  • Moved some bot configuration into system.yaml
  • Fixed being unable to set rallypoints for production buildings

Red Alert:

  • Fixed crash which occurred when playing an online game with Hard AI
  • Fixed planes stacking more than 1 per airfield
  • Fixed planes being unable to rearm at airfield
  • Improved logic for sending planes and helicopters back to base
  • Fixed infantry not able to walk over anti-tank mines, and vice versa
  • Fixed pointless reload of shellmap when disconnecting from lobby
  • Added a setting to toggle shellmap
  • Changed team color chooser to match C&C's
  • New Map: Bombardment Islands (Sprog)
  • New Map: Engagement (Nukem)
  • New Map: Man to Man (Nukem)
  • New Map: Breaking Point (Nukem)
  • New Map: Asymetric Battle (Seru)
  • New Map: Temperal (Blarget2)
  • New Map: Ares National Park (Wuschel)
  • New Map: Poseidon (Wuschel)
  • New Map: Apollo (Wuschel)
  • Removed Maps: Paramount, Pandemonium, Bavarian Redux


  • MiG fires in bursts of 2 instead of 4, and damage per missile increased
  • Longbow fires in bursts of 2 instead of 1
  • Submarines are set to HoldFire stance by default
  • Mammoth Tank hp regeneration altered - 25hp per second, after 10 seconds since last unit damage
  • Tesla Tank cost decreased and armor increased
  • Flamethrower now only requires Flame Turret to be built
  • Minelayer (Anti-Tank) mine count reduced from 5 to 3


  • Changed the bot spawn chooser to match RA's
  • Reduced delay of tooltips
  • Fixed a lobby crash when players joined


  • Stealth Tanks are set to HoldFire stance by default



  • Fixed broken client IDs if players drop before the game starts
  • Converted FileExtractor into --extract cmdlet for Utility.
  • Added --transparent option to --png cmdlet in Utility.
  • Fixed shortcut description on Linux
  • Fixed launcher crashes on Mac
  • Removed obsolete SequenceEditor tool
  • Added --tmp-png cmdlet in Utility, to convert terrain to PNG.

Both Mods:

  • Allow building repair by allies
  • Use player color to show who is repairing a building
  • Only units/structures being built or queued are shaded in the production palette
  • Aircraft smoke is no longer visible under fog
  • Added a Show Grid option to the Map Editor
  • Added multitap support - double clicking a unit selects all units of the same type on screen
  • Changed map choosers to be a filterable grid of maps
  • Added internal machinery for IFV-style units

Red Alert:

  • Added naval transport
  • Added an indicator over powered down buildings
  • Aircraft crashing into water now use large_splash
  • Destroyer now requires Radar Dome
  • Increased cost of Shipyard and Sub Pen
  • Fixed a crash when sending aircraft back to base
  • Husks no longer interfere with selection
  • Added more options for bots in game lobby
  • Changed AI behavior -- now has Easy/Normal/Hard difficulty
  • Increased range of FTUR by 1
  • Reduced cost of MEDI from 500 to 300
  • Reduced cost of SHOK from 800 to 500
  • Heavy vehicles (Tanks, Harvesters, MCV) now crush infantry
  • New map: Classic DropZone (Holloweye)
  • New map: DropZone Battle of Tikiaki (Knivesron)
  • New map: DropZone W (Riderr3)
  • New map: Seven Stairs (Tirili)
  • New map: Contact (Nukem)
  • New map: Encounter (Nukem)
  • New map: Mass Confliction (Nukem)
  • New map: Calm before the Storm (Nukem)
  • New map: Baywatch (Nukem)
  • New map: Winter Warzone (Nukem)
  • New map: Paramount (Nukem)
  • New map: Doubles (Nukem)
  • New map: Hectic (Nukem)
  • New map: Pandemonium (Nukem)
  • New map: Chokepoint (Nukem)
  • New map: HotZone (Nukem)
  • New map: No Fly Zone (RAGEQUIT)
  • New map: Strip Mine (RAGEQUIT)
  • New map: Doughnut Hole (RAGEQUIT)
  • New map: Vegetation (hamb/Chris Forbes)
  • New map: Arctic Triangle Affair (Bellator)
  • New map: Mad Scramble (Bellator)
  • New map: Free Coasts (Ihptru)
  • New map: Battle Lake (Bellator)


  • Slightly increased Tiberium growth rate
  • Increased harvester unload time
  • Reduced Tiberium value by 20%
  • Changed FTNK armor type to Light
  • Fixed tank squish animations to show properly
  • New map: Tiberium Oasis (Bellator)



  • Fixed compile failures under Windows
  • Improved platform detection
  • Modding support for custom fonts
  • Video memory leaks fixed
  • Improved error messages for unsupported graphics cards
  • Improved support for Intel graphics cards
  • Fixed incorrect resolution under some Linux systems
  • Write graphics.log on all graphics-related errors
  • Significant general performance improvements
  • Fix crashes when joining a game with no free player slots
  • Bots players are named after their AI type and pick better random colors
  • Map support for enforcing team and spawn choice
  • Fix resource-clearing weapons breaking custom terrain types (bridges)
  • Added a "Pixel double" mode to draw the world at 2x zoom.
  • Fixed broken mounting of map packages
  • Fixed crashes when loading broken maps
  • Fixed units being left alive but stranded on destroyed bridges
  • Fixed husks being created on water
  • Fixed AttackMove trying to send orders to units owned by others
  • Made LaserZap more flexible for modders

Both C&C and Red Alert:

  • Fixed desync when a player surrenders
  • Fixed installing from CD
  • Changed shortcut for adding units to groups changed from ctrl->cmd on OSX to avoid conflicting with Spaces
  • Fixed Tooltips for spectators
  • Fixed cashticks when selling walls
  • Fixed show explosions when walls are sold
  • Fixed veteran units not repairing correctly at service depots
  • Fixed Rally-point color when a building is captured
  • Fixed selection box dragging behind ui elements
  • Added Mod support for passengers that take multiple slots
  • Added Mod support for custom tesla zap effects
  • Fixed desync when a support aircraft is killed after completing its task
  • Fixed bugs with selling refineries
  • Fixed superweapons being fired from disabled structures when multiple are available
  • Added "Mission Accomplished" / "Mission Failed" notifications when you win or lose a multiplayer game
  • Fixed husks jumping to the middle of a cell when a unit dies
  • Fixed decloak sound never being used
  • Improved HackyAI power management

Added Hotkey support:

  • escape to toggle ingame menu
  • escape to go up a level in menus / cancel prompts
  • return to confirm prompts


  • Completely overhauled UI
  • Added support for installing from original game disks
  • Added support for installing music from original game disks
  • Added support for Covert Ops music tracks
  • Added Skirmish mode (creates a local game against bots)
  • Added Configurable bot race/team/spawns
  • Fixed Rocket Launcher turret raising/lowering when attacking
  • Added muzzle flashes to Guard Tower / SAM site
  • Fixed firing offsets on all units and structures
  • Fixed Ion Cannon cursor
  • Fixed Apache artwork
  • Fixed uncapturable oil derricks
  • Added capturable Biolab tech structure: allows you build viceroids
  • All vehicles leave husks on death
  • Server/Skirmish creation selects the last played map by default
  • New animations for cloak and reveal map crates (from C&C Sole Survivor)
  • Added 8 new maps by Petrenko
  • Tweaked most existing maps
  • Removed East vs West 2 map
  • Fixed Harvester/Refinery docking animation beneath the fog of war
  • Improved Obelisk laser effect
  • Added a blue pip for harvested blue tiberium
  • Changed the Refinery tower lights to indicate the amount of stored tiberium
  • Fixed an exploit with Nod airfields on the right side of the map
  • Fixed bot color being saved as player color in lobby

Balance changes:

  • Refinery footprint changed, price decreased to $1500
  • Flame tank explodes on death, damage reduced by 40%
  • Stealth Tank damage increased, speed decreased
  • Rocket Launcher now fires 6 rockets, loses AA
  • Orca / Apache weapons reworked. Both now have limited volleys, but reload in the air. Both can attack other air units
  • APC weapons reworked. Now has a turret, but can attack air units only
  • Artillery given back to Nod
  • SSM launcher removed from Nod
  • Concrete walls require vehicle production to build
  • MCV, Harvester, Engineer can no longer level up (via crates)
  • MCV can no longer receive Cloak crates
  • Advanced Guard Tower range increased
  • SAM Site range decreased
  • Bridge HP halved
  • Infantry tiberium avoidance factor increased by 5x
  • Decrease tiberium damage to infantry
  • Rebalanced tiberium value / harvester capacity / harvesting speed
  • Reduced Grenadier death damage
  • Mammoth tank regen rate halved, Missile reload rate decreased
  • Building repair speed, price doubled
  • Recon Bike damage increased 16%
  • Infantry can be crushed by tanks
  • Removed build area radius around tech structures

Red Alert:

  • Fixed firing offsets on Flame trooper / Tesla trooper / Telsa tank / Tesla coil / Flame turret
  • Fixed bounties using incorrect unit value
  • Fixed parachute offsets
  • Added muzzle flashes to Pillbox / Camo Pillbox / SAM Site
  • Fixed map reveal when an ally is granted GPS
  • Added 16 new maps by buddha, hamb, seru
  • Fixed bounties of $0 displaying
  • Removed 3 obsolete maps
  • Fixed Minelayers not entering the Service Depot properly
  • Fixed Hind, Yak weapons being blocked by walls
  • Fixed phantom radar bin on subsequent games
  • Added new Oil Derrick artwork
  • Added support for Counterstrike & Aftermath music tracks
  • Added player color to diplomacy panel
  • Added capturable oil refinery tech structure
  • Added new harvester artwork for half-empty/empty states
  • Added new MCV husk artwork
  • Fixed spy disguise not working
  • Fixed hellfire missiles splashing back against helicopters
  • Fixed animation speed for Grenadier idle animations
  • Removed Lock Teams option
  • Fixed cursor while dragging selection box
  • Fixed accidental order issuing while dragging selection box
  • Fixed lobby "kick" buttons

Balance changes:

  • Medic cost reduced to $500
  • Mines are visible to friendlies and spectators
  • Friendly units don't trigger mines
  • Increased reload rate for aircraft
  • Missile sub submerge delay doubled, damage decreased by 25%
  • Longbow now requires Allied Tech Center
  • Reduced wall health
  • Increased cruiser accuracy
  • Increased Longbow missile speed by 50%
  • Increased SAM Site rate of fire


  • Fixed --png mode for converting shp -> png


  • Fixed actor rendering on OSX / Linux
  • Fixed crash relating to incorrect mix file location



  • Fix hotkeys firing on both key down and key up
  • Allow C4 delay to be configurable
  • Text field support for home and end keys
  • Fix world actor being owned by Creeps player (causing Neutral to be hostile) on new maps
  • Include gpu vendor string in graphics.log for unsupported cards
  • Fix crash with some aud files
  • Fix a rare crash when a repairing building is killed
  • Improvements to HackyAI
  • Generalize capture logic to work for any actor types
  • Support RA2-style missile trails
  • Fix helicopters failing to attack targets in some situations
  • Fix 'exploit detected' when using hotkeys on another players units
  • Relinquish spawn point in the game lobby when entering a spectator slot
  • Fix maps with >8 spawnpoints in the game lobby
  • Yaml loader crashes correctly when trying to inherit from a nonexistant actor
  • Yaml loader crashes correctly when trying to remove a nonexistant trait
  • Modding support for multiple player palettes
  • Fix several crashes when installing packages
  • Many other general engine improvements


  • Fix Viceroid target-scan radius
  • Fix map-placed SAM-sites not being able to attack
  • Commando voice clip when built
  • Commando voice clip after kills


  • New unit: Supply truck for donating funds to another player
  • Pilots (sometimes) parachute from shot down planes
  • Bounties on killed units
  • Use RA2 style missile trails
  • New GPS logic
  • New map: Pressure by seru


  • Utility writes a log to support dir when crashing
  • Support for Ubuntu 11.04
  • Fix osx crash when run from a path with spaces



  • Display range circles when placing defenses
  • Support a hostile creeps player for viceroids / dinosaurs / ants / etc
  • General refactoring and performance fixes
  • Stop/Scatter/Deploy orders give audio feedback
  • "Allow cheats" option moved into the game lobby, visible to all players
  • "Build anywhere" developer mode option
  • Improved pathfinding when collecting crates or crushing walls.
  • Refactor idle / prone infantry animations
  • Improve missile trail effects
  • Actors without health are not considered as dead
  • Health bars show recent damage as it is inflicted
  • Production structures and special powers show selection bars showing progress
  • Mouseover units to display healthbars etc
  • Fix shroud glitch when units exit transports
  • Fix bots jamming up their production structures
  • Direct connect will assume port 1234 if none is given
  • Chrome image mapping definitions changed from xml to yaml
  • Water explosion animations are not used for airborne explosions over water
  • Fix rendering of very large maps
  • Report GPU memory usage to debug.log
  • Massive improvements in repeated allocation / deallocation of memory
  • Fixed a desync with repairing buildings
  • Fixed a desync with aircraft (it now crashes deterministically instead)
  • Fixed a desync with KOTH maps
  • Fixed a bug where a slot is shown as closed when it contains a bot
  • Fix crash when spawning map actors owned by a nonexisting player
  • Fix crash when changing mod while playing music
  • Fix crash with perf graph
  • Fix crash in replay viewer if replays directory doesn't exist
  • Fix crash when selling civilian buildings
  • Fix crashes caused by blank game title / direct connect server textfields
  • Oil derricks, harvester unloading, selling structures shows cash indicator
  • Prerequisites system refactoring to allow non-building prerequisites
  • Fix shift+tab not cycling the build tabs
  • Fix bogus keyboard input in text fields
  • Don't change mods if the same one is selected in the dropdown
  • Support for remapping the control group addition modifier (ctrl) to any modifier key
  • Fix helicopters flying 1 cell off the right or bottom of the map


  • Viceroids! Infantry killed by tiberium or chem warriors may turn into viceroids
  • Fixed death animations
  • Blue tiberium damages infantry
  • Map-placed SAM sites start closed
  • Engineers capturing enemy buildings gives enemy tech
  • Buildings emit minigunners and engineers when sold (no more technicians / civilians)
  • Civilians panic when attacked
  • Fix a rare crash with harvester docking
  • Fix a rare crash with stealth tank
  • New Map: East vs West 3 by pchote
  • Removed Maps: Wargames, Yellowstone II
  • Oil Derricks have a small sight range
  • Apaches have a muzzleflash


  • Service depots repair units faster
  • Fix crash when telling a minelayer to create an empty minefield
  • Fixed interior tileset boxes
  • New Map: Styrian Mountains by ReFlex
  • New Map: Convergence by Arcturus
  • Updated Map: Seaside by nudalz
  • Longbow ammo increased from 6 to 8, description fixed
  • Hind cost decreased from 1500 to 1000, hp increased from 100 to 150, range decreased from 12 to 10
  • Service depot cost increased to from 700 to 1000
  • Radar dome cost increased from 1000 to 1400
  • Artillery now requires war factor and radar dome, inaccuracy decreased from 80 to 40
  • APC moved from Allies to Soviets, hp increased from 200 to 300, price increased from 800 to 850
  • Medium / Heavy / Mammoth tanks now require service depot to build
  • Heavy tank cost reduced from 1200 to 1150
  • Flame turret rate of fire increased from 45 to 65, fires 2 bursts
  • AA guns, flak trucks can now fire over walls
  • Jeeps can carry a single passenger
  • Base defenses no longer provide ground control
  • Vehicle speed on clear ground increased, speed on ore reduced
  • Grenadiers have a 50% chance of exploding when killed
  • Spys are ignored by enemy units when disguised, tooltips show as disguised unit
  • Fix crates being paradropped inside trees, buildings
  • Production hotkey for flame turret changed to t, tesla coil to u
  • Disguised spys now appear correctly on radar and tooltips
  • Fix GPS behavior when alliances change.
  • Aircraft now fly to a target location and circle instead of returning to base
  • Aircraft no longer fly off the map if their Airfield is destroyed


  • New map format (version 5). Maps < Version 4 are no longer supported by the editor or game.
  • Waypoints and MP start locations are now actors
  • Importing C&C/RA maps fixed
  • New png loader to support future tools
  • Editor uses the correct icon under mono
  • Editor only saves non-default values for PlayerReferences in map files
  • Default player colours has been returned to neutral grey.
  • Maps can be loaded from the commandline
  • Option to show actor names
  • Support for veteran / elite actors to be defined in the map yaml


  • Rename .deb package to use debian naming conventions
  • Improve linux package installation / elevation prompts (uses zenity, require mono >= 2.6.7)
  • Fix package installation crash on windows XP
  • Windowed mode now launches in the center of the screen under Windows



  • Informative drop messages - user is notified of kick vs game has started vs server unavailable
  • Fixed render errors with the build palette on the first game tick
  • Improved sync check performance
  • Shp writing capabilities for mod tools
  • Fixed desync due to floating point calculations in unit facing
  • Fixed idle animations
  • Removed launchers on all platforms
  • Asset download/install is now performed ingame
  • Mod selector is now available from the main menu
  • Fixed `lock teams' checkbox
  • Lots of misc. engine refactoring
  • Fixed exploit allowing stance changes when teams are locked
  • Fix crash when capturing last enemy silo
  • Fix units continuing to attack a building after it has been captured
  • Fix floating point issues with missiles (manifests as broken torpedos in ra)
  • Fix location calculation for flying units (manifests as invincible helicopters in cnc)
  • Infantry stack 5-to-a-cell like the original games
  • Craters and scorches smoke for a limited time
  • Added a scatter key (bound to `x')


  • Fixed commando c4
  • Fixed Airfield production notification ("Reinforcements have arrived")
  • Fixed palette bugs with Oil Derricks and walls
  • Fixed tech tree bugs after capturing enemy productions structures
  • "Repairing" eva
  • Proper "pop up" SAM sites. Closed SAMs receive a 50% armor bonus.
  • SAM sites require power to operate
  • Advanced Guard Tower requires power to operate
  • Support structures no longer grant build radius
  • Lower Barracks/Hand health
  • Increase Weapons Factory health
  • Increase rocket bike damage
  • New Map: Crossing the Rubicon (Arcturus)


  • Game assets can be installed from one of the Red Alert cds
  • "Repairing" eva
  • GPS is now shared between allies
  • Submarines are no longer visible to everyone
  • Fixed paradrop flare, spyplane from capturing KOTH points
  • New Map: Nuclear Winter (nudalz)
  • New Map: Seaside (nudalz)


  • Ability to switch mods after launch
  • Refactor hardcoded tools into a generic interface



  • New GTK based launcher for linux.
  • Mod version, version check, and MOTD moved from the main menu into the launchers.
  • Fixes for non-standard mono installations under OSX.
  • Fixes for filepaths with spaces under OSX.

Map Editor / Maps:

  • Fixed crash when using floodfill.
  • New map format (version 4). Open and resave maps with the editor to upgrade them.
  • Added support for compressed (.oramap or .zip) maps.
  • Removed .uid files from maps -- compute the hash on demand now.


  • Mod versions are checked when joining a server. Clients with a different game version / wrong mods will not be able to join.
  • Added 'Stop' command on 'S'.
  • Stop units from autotargeting walls.
  • Added different pip colour for gems vs ore.
  • Fixed several exploits in support powers.
  • Continue to show selected units when firing special powers.
  • Fixed palette effects (nuke, chronoshift) being applied to fog / shroud.
  • Added a replay viewer.
  • Fixed building previews being rendered below bridges.
  • Forced the AI to leave gaps between its buildings.
  • Fixed captured buildings still drawing power from the original owner.
  • Fixed various crashes in the editor when trying to make a new map.
  • Support multiple bot types; added another bot difficulty.
  • Removed option to not save syncreports.
  • Fixed desync related to aircraft.
  • Fixed sync not being checked on World traits.
  • Pick a random available door on production structures with more than one (barracks, subpens, etc).
  • Fixed some rare Harvester-related crashes.
  • Added labels to the perf graph.
  • Locked teams by default.
  • Fixed "No games found" not being displayed when there was an in-progress (hidden) game detected.
  • Added support for multiple shellmaps. Chooses randomly.
  • Fixed dropdowns possibly getting stuck open when the host force-starts the game.
  • Improved scrollpanels - added scrollbars and mousewheel support.
  • Fixed potential desyncs in building refund calculation and unit repair.
  • Added black outline to text drawn over the world, so it can be seen in all cases.
  • Many performance improvements.


  • Fixed footprint of ATWR.
  • Improved harvester docking.
  • Made Oil Derricks capturable.
  • Fixed nuke detonation sound.


  • Fixed Tanya not having the correct pip color.
  • Fixed helicopters spawning in the wrong place.
  • Fixed Spy-related crashes when disguising as civilians.
  • Allow using C4 on friendly buildings.
  • Improved harvester docking.
  • Added proper shareable/revokable GPS.
  • Nerf 1tnk hard.
  • Increase cost of 2tnk slightly, but increase its HP too.
  • Require power to operate SAM sites.
  • Fixed missing tooltips for SHOK and TTNK.
  • Fixed chronoshift power requiring two clicks to cancel.
  • Fixed desync related to chronoshift.
  • Fixed bogus bottom-left spawnpoint on Central Conflict.
  • Production tabs with an item ready now light up yellow.
  • Fixed crash when a WEAP is half-destroyed before it finishes deploying.



  • New launcher for Windows and OS X (Linux coming in a later release) for downloading and installing mods, and launching the game.
  • Disable Surrender button when you win or lose.
  • Fix Minimap orders outside viewport.
  • Render building previews when placing a structure.
  • Buttons offset their contents when pressed.
  • Dropdown listboxes in the game lobby and diplomacy panel.
  • Allow moving the cursor and editing anywhere in textfields.
  • Don't render things outside the map.
  • Render selection boxes / health bars, target lines above everything else
  • Show "cannot move here" cursor when mousing over invalid terrain under the fog, or outside the map.
  • Remove move flashes (they are obsoleted by target lines).
  • Buildings are always visible under fog.
  • Captured refineries no longer give cash to the original owner.
  • New rally point artwork.
  • Fix broken airstrike / parabomb special powers.
  • Fix diplomacy cycling shroud exploit.
  • Change the .rpm package to target Fedora.
  • Fixed idle animations


  • Added "A Path Beyond" map
  • Fix crash when selling iron curtained buildings.
  • Don't stack multiple Invuln render effect on an actor.
  • Fix exploit in Iron Curtain, Chronosphere, Nuke.
  • Fix paradrop flare remaining forever if drop plane is killed.
  • Area of effect Iron Curtain.
  • Area of effect Chronoshift.
  • Remove sandbag in water of "Equal Opportunity" map.
  • Allow chronoshifted and paradropped units to collect crates.
  • Fixed medic crash.
  • Removed end of game crash.
  • Fix dog attack.
  • Missile silo requires power but can be powered down.
  • Fix shellmap low power and invalid gap generator position.
  • Removed Naval Transport until it's cargo capabilities are fixed


  • Fix exploit in Ion Cannon, Nuke.
  • Add some basic scripting to the shellmap.
  • Fix invulnerable stealth tanks.
  • Oil derricks spurt fire when killed.
  • New load screen (unfinished).
  • Fix observers.
  • Helicopters automatically target enemy units


  • Refactored Orders to use less network bandwidth and remove duplication.
  • Dump available extensions to graphics.log when GL Renderer fails to init.
  • Fix Makefile constantly rebuilding, and refactor for readability.
  • Display soft shroud around edge of map instead of hard border.
  • Standardise engine naming of Theatre -> Tileset.
  • Refactor map size queries to all use Map.Bounds.
  • Move all widget delegate into the RA mod dll.
  • Renamed ListBoxWidget -> ScrollPanelWidget.
  • Fix ScrollPanelWidget scrolling beyond the start by 1 velocity tick.
  • Removed duplication from target lines.
  • Extensive refactoring of shroud.
  • Refactor Scale trait to a property on Render*.
  • Refactor idle behavior


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed Tesla causing an out of memory exception
  • Fixed Tesla animations.
  • All players can now see AI players in lobby.
  • Weapon factory sell animation now plays correctly.
  • Utility app now extracts downloaded content packages properly.
  • Fixed helicopters landing in silly places.

New Features:

  • New default renderer using GLSL instead of CG. Removes the dependency on the CG toolkit and fixes issues with Radeon graphics cards using latest drivers.
  • Order queuing with
  • Unlimited power option in dev mode.
  • New King of the Hill game mode with two maps: Crossroads and Island Hoppers
  • Smoke trails for damaged aircraft.


  • Fix Engineer/Tanya/etc refusing to enter buildings in 2010-11-06.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fix crash when hosting a second game.
  • Fixed exploit where you could place a building anywhere.
  • Fix aircraft, infantry becoming invincible in some circumstances.
  • Fix a common aircraft desync.
  • Unmuted the shellmap; it's now at 25% volume.

Balance Changes:

  • reduce cooldown on Chronosphere to 2 minutes (was 4 minutes)
  • reduce cooldown on Iron Curtain to 2 minutes (was 6 minutes)
  • reduce invulnerable time on Iron Curtain the 30 seconds (was 45 seconds)
  • reduce anti-ground damage of rocket soldier to 50 (was 60) and anti-air damage to 40 (was 50)


  • Fix crash in C&C when harvesters return to the refinery (sorry guys)
  • Fix crash in both mods when transports unload
  • Fix ore/tiberium growth not working correctly
  • Fix graphical glitches on screenshake, etc
  • Add contrails to RA planes
  • Added plane crashes in RA
  • Added explosions on impact for all RA aircraft
  • Added more scripting to the RA shellmap
  • Fix Tesla not doing the correct amount of damage
  • Lots of internal cleanup


New C&C Maps:

  • Into the River Below (6p)
  • Algernon (4p)
  • Wargames (4p)
  • Yellowstone II (4p)

Bug Fixes:

  • Client disconnects no longer "double-quit".
  • Units can no longer move over certain water tiles.
  • Checks for destroyed actors to ensure they don't try to perform actions after death.
  • Loose files in mod folders take priority over ones in .mix packages.
  • Fixes for syncing in replays.
  • Fix Iron Curtain.
  • Fixes for units entering a building from the east or south
  • MOTD no longer spits out garbage when behind a proxy needing web authentication.

RA Balance Tweaks:

  • Airfield cost reduced from 1100 to 300
  • Yak cost increased from 800 to 1000
  • Mig cost increased from 1200 to 2000
  • Helipad cost reduced from 1500 to 300
  • Longbow cost increased from 1200 to 2000
  • Hind cost increased from 1200 to 1500
  • Anti-air gun range increased from 6 to 10, spread increased from 3 to 5
  • Flack truck range increased from 6 to 8, spread increased from 3 to 5


  • Fix crash when repair indicator was visible, but the building got destroyed or sold
  • Fix crash if an actor got destroyed twice (blown up & sold, etc)
  • Fix putting units back in BADR and C17.
  • Fix C&C crates being invisible
  • Fix bogus overlapping of MINE with ore trucks
  • Add MCV, napalm, nuke crates to C&C.
  • Fix "(dead)" tags in chat
  • Mute shellmap combat
  • Fix FMV player
  • Fix bug in voice system which made it impossible to add extra sides (thanks raminator)
  • Fixed bogus Missile Silo cameo from RA
  • Fixed engineer goldwrench cursors being reversed
  • Add support for actors that give the owner a small flow of cash (to be used with Oil Derricks)
  • Make teamchat toggle more flexible
  • Fix cloakable units being untargetable while uncloaked (thanks pdovy)
  • Fix crash when clicking repair with no MCV
  • Fix unit crates spawning in inappropriate places
  • Updated 'The Sentinel' map
  • Add base cycling (backspace) in C&C (it previously worked only in RA)
  • Fix planes getting stuck on the edge of the map
  • Fix explosions in air being drawn at ground level
  • Allow map slots to disallow bots
  • Allow map slots to enforce race/color selection
  • Replace C&C LST art (thanks, KatzSmile)
  • Push HackyAI setup into system.yaml, fix HackyAI for C&C
  • Reduce effectiveness of RA GUN vs unarmored
  • Improved mod content download infrastructure for Linux
  • Nerf C&C Orca slightly
  • Nerf speed of C&C bggy/jeep/bike/apc
  • Add new C&C 1v1 map: 'Chokepoint' (thanks Tiberian)
  • Reduce bandwidth usage in multiplayer (1/2)
  • Fix version string showing up twice in bottom-right corner after a game
  • Buff arty damage slightly
  • Nerf V2 reload slightly
  • Add trails to C&C SAM missiles
  • Increase speed of most C&C AA missiles
  • Reduce power requirement for RA AFLD from 50 to 20


  • Fix crash when ordering a helicopter to move while it was falling out of the sky
  • Add blue tiberium
  • Fix aircraft not showing up on radar
  • Fix canceling of production not quite working (would cancel 2 if one was half-built)
  • Fix base-cycling for mac
  • Fix leaks between shellmap world and ingame world
  • Fix crash when the network connection is lost
  • Run the shellmap behind the lobby
  • Fix host not being able to teamchat
  • Declaring war automatically breaks the alliance in both directions
  • Aircraft can attack from their airfields correctly now
  • Attack move added ('A' and then left-click)
  • Add Tiberian's 'The Sentinel' 1v1 C&C map
  • Show the server name in the lobby dialog title
  • Random actually means random
  • Fix crash when destroying a Refinery with docked harvester
  • Add pchote's 'Tundra' 1v1 C&C SNOW! map
  • Lots of internal engine improvements


  • Fix 64bit Linux compatibility
  • Nerf C&C Attack Bike
  • Show mod info in server browser
  • Show MOTD in the main menu
  • Fixed exploit with selling walls
  • Fixed auto-attack not working properly
  • Add an example mod, which adds a single unit to RA.
  • Fix dogs eating walls
  • Fix crash on destroying ore storage buildings
  • Fix Obelisk missing moving target
  • Ban cloak crates for infantry
  • Add nuke "bad" crate
  • Prevent aircraft from firing while landed
  • Reduce nuke charge time from 13min to 9min
  • Reduce parabombs charge time to 1min
  • Add support for minimum ranges on weapons
  • Add support for excluding specific actor types from picking up certain crates
  • FIx silent nukes in RA if they didn't hit a building
  • Fix all AI players getting the same color
  • Fix AI players getting the same team setting as the host
  • Fix AI attacking each other
  • Prevent most awful-looking colors
  • Remove most of the debug spam for aircraft
  • Increase construction yard health (50% in RA, 25% in CNC)
  • AI players now build defenses
  • AI players no longer attack with medics (e1/e2/e3/1tnk/2tnk/3tnk)
  • Much improved order targeting system
  • Add crash animations for helicopters
  • Nerf Hind chainguns
  • Reduce cost of Cruisers from 3.2k to 2.4k
  • Fix CNC airdrop planes getting stuck if the Airfield goes away
  • Fix phantom voices for dead units in control groups
  • Fix dogs sometimes not killing infantry
  • Fix scroll jumping if opposite scroll inputs were applied
  • Fix bogus targeting lines being drawn to 0,0 sometimes
  • Fix VS2010 compatibility
  • Fix the game getting screwed up when people leave


  • Fix various crashes
  • Fix CNC AI never building anything (it's still crap, but at least it does something)
  • Added shader fallbacks for Cg-2.1
  • Fix editor crashing on File->Open on Windows
  • Added scroll speed control (thanks, Gecko)

20100922 through 20100922-4

  • Allow queuing of buildings when a building is ready to place
  • Change the pathfinder to use integers instead of floating point (fixes desync)
  • Create ui widgets on demand instead of at gamestart
  • Begin refactoring activity queuing for cleaner code
  • Re-enable crates
  • Remove desync debug logging
  • Fix editor crash
  • Fix crash when a building being repaired is killed

20100921 through 20100921-6

  • Add yet more logging to search for the packaged build desync

20100920 through 20100920-7

  • Fix crash when building cnc weapons factory
  • Fix crash when harvester and refinery are killed by the same bullet (eg nuke)
  • Move several traits from engine into ra mod
  • Fix several editor bugs
  • Add a lot more logging to search for the packaged build desync


  • Fix crash when un/deploying a damaged mcv


  • Cache the power state of buildings for large performance gains
  • Changes to sync logging for large performance gains
  • Changes to shroud and ore rendering for large performace gains
  • Changes to renderer to fix several z-order bugs
  • Fix osx version string
  • Rename Repeat -> Loop in the music player
  • Fix team selection in the game lobby
  • Don't change production tab when selecting enemy structures

20100918-2 through 20100918-4

  • Fix crashes in the map editor
  • Include menu and desktop shortcuts to the RPM package
  • Add debugging to track down a desync between packaged versions on .net vs packaged versions on mono


  • Fixed lots of crashes
  • AI only tries to attack players that exist (and not itself)
  • Fixed speed of idle animations
  • Fixed exploit with A10 (infinite napalm)
  • Fixed exploits with remote building capturing/destroying
  • Added ability to change tilesize per-mod
  • Fixed delivering ore to an ally's proc
  • Fixed dog attacking ground forever (banned)
  • Fixed most z-order bugs
  • Fixed lots of editor usability problems
  • Fixed bogus XML generated by TSB
  • Added notification when cheats are used
  • Fixed exploit with reverse enter-transport order (didn't check if the passenger was compatible)
  • Fixed a bunch of techtree bugs
  • Fixed walkability of north rivermouth template in RA.
  • Added ability to export minimap as PNG from the editor


  • Infantry idle sequences for ra mod
  • Enable music player by default (requires scores.mix to be installed manually)
  • Flak truck for soviets in ra mod
  • Give dog a selection voice
  • Only scroll when the game window is focused
  • Fixed cursor/order bugs (includes force-fire c4 on allied structures, harvesting ore under shroud, move orders for aircraft, etc)
  • Fixed a collection of crashes related to dead actors
  • Fixed broken rpm package
  • Create Debian packages


  • Fixed attacking helipads
  • Deployed more mirrors
  • Added idle animations in C&C
  • Fixed an issue with the sidebar palette in C&C Desert
  • Integrated Jk's C&C Snow theater
  • Go back to classic C&C refinery model
  • Improve building explosions
  • Add nuke flash to C&C
  • Fix crash when losing FACT with a building ready to place
  • Remove unused MIX files
  • Add support for custom armor types
  • Adjust bounding boxes on vehicles
  • Windows installer prompts to install .NET if you don't have it
  • Windows installer remembers previous location for upgrades
  • Fix various crashes when refineries going away
  • Fix serious performace issue -- Actor leak when failing to spawn units
  • Add support for mobile production units
  • Remove splash damage from Tiberium
  • Fix a crash with actors dying with a projectile in-flight
  • Correctly clean up cargo when a transport dies
  • Fix client crash when the server disconnects
  • Right-clicking on a valid passenger with a transport loads cargo
  • Added zoom to editor
  • Convert sequences to yaml
  • Clean up the mod folders
  • Add a shellmap for C&C
  • Make pathfinder work with a MobileInfo rather than a live actor
  • Add a loadscreen for C&C
  • Correctly back up MIX files when upgrading windows installs


  • Changed MiG prerequisites to AFLD+STEK
  • Removed KENN, build DOG directly from BARR now
  • Chronotank can only teleport when fully charged
  • Improved OpenGL error logging
  • Fixed targeting of FIX
  • Fixed crash when an engineer is trying to repair a building, but it dies/gets sold/etc.
  • Added muzzle flashes to Yak and Hind chainguns
  • Fixed bounding boxes on some units
  • Fixed accuracy of Tesla weapons
  • Changed ownership of GUN and GTWR in CNC to both
  • Fixed crash on destroying things that have a building reserved
  • If ordered to move to an unpathable cell, move somewhere nearby that is pathable instead
  • Fixed RPM linux package


  • Shows game version in main menu screen for windows and linux


  • Improvements to Render performance
  • Improved debugging for performance issues
  • "Give Exploration" developer-mode option
  • Check for .net framework on windows install
  • Allow the viewport to scroll past the map edge to prevent ui from blocking buildings
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