Coding Standard - UberWaffe/OpenRA GitHub Wiki

As of release-20110511, this is the official coding standard, which should be used as part of the process for reviewing patches. It is based on the .NET conventions, which should be consulted where guidelines are missing here. You can use StyleCop to check your own code prior to submission.

For your convenience this repository supports EditorConfig to set up source code editors according to this projects format convention.


  • One class per file, except in very special cases. The only common exception is traits, which require a Foo/FooInfo pair. TraitsInterfaces is another prominent exception. The rationale here is that having a bunch of largely one-line interfaces all in one file is easier for mod authors. This might change at some point.

  • Files should have the same name as the (primary) class they contain.

  • Don't create new dependencies between assemblies unless you have a really good reason for it.

  • Put classes in the namespace which fits their purpose best. A long-standing example of doing this wrong is putting client-side master server support in the OpenRA.Server namespace. It belongs in OpenRA.Network.


  • Type names are PascalCase. If a typename contains an acronym longer than two characters, don't capitalize the whole thing. For two character acronyms, the correct case depends on context. GL, AL, etc should probably be capitalized; but Cg is always written with the lowercase 'g'. RA is capitalized by convention. Command & Conquer should be abbreviated Cnc.

  • All methods, properties, and events are PascalCase, regardless of visibility.

  • Public fields are PascalCase. There is nothing evil about public fields -- they are preferable to 'dumb' properties.

  • Private fields are camelCase.

  • Function parameters are camelCase. This allows the Foo = foo; pattern without requiring one side to be qualified with this.

  • Local variables are camelCase.

  • The name for a lambda argument which you don't care about is _. For example, _ => Foo.Bar() is a lambda function which ignores its argument.

  • Spell typenames correctly. If the spelling varies between dialects of English, prefer the US spelling. Color, not Colour. Program, not Programme. This is for consistency with the platform APIs, which are almost always US English.

  • If a variable is going to be bound to yaml, it is important for it to have a descriptive name. In many other cases, you should not use long names, especially for locals.

  • Type parameters are T, U, V and so on.

  • If there is one function you're talking about, it is reasonable to call it f. If there are two or three, g and h are perfectly good too. If you need four, you're trying to do too much in one function.

  • s is a reasonable name for a string, if there is exactly one;

  • i, j, k are perfectly good induction variables;

  • If you have one value of generic type T, call it t. If you have a sequence [IEnumerable<T>], call it ts. If you have an Actor or an Action or an Activity, you can use often use a with no loss of readability.

  • int2 or float2 values are often u or v.

  • An exception object should be named e or ex. If you don't actually want the object, don't give it a name at all [catch(FooException) {} or catch {}]. In most cases you do want the object, at least to log.

Use of variables, etc.

  • Assign to each local variable exactly once, at its point of definition. Use var instead of writing a typename if at all possible (there are a few cases where you can't).

Use of types:

  • Do not declare your own delegate types, unless it is impossible to use Action<> or Func<>. A rare but valid case where this is impossible is if a delegate type must take an out or ref parameter. To obtain a delegate type which would match void Foo(ref int x), you cannot say Action<ref int>, since ref int is not a valid type parameter. This occurs in the Blowfish implementation, don't treat it as a good pattern to copy.

  • If you need pairs of things, use Pair<>. Pair.New() enables type inference for this. If at some point you need a third item, don't do Pair<A,Pair<B,C>>; that way lies madness. That's a good time to make a real type.

  • If computing some value repeatedly is expensive, don't roll your own caching. Use Lazy<>, and use the Lazy.New() wrapper to enable type inference.

  • If you want caching which can be invalidated, use Cached<>, and use the Cached.New() wrapper to enable type inference there too.

  • If you want a lazy key-value mapping, don't roll your own on Dictionary<>; use Cache<>, and Cache.New() for the type inference.

  • Avoid nested types. They are poorly supported by various tools (VS included), and cannot be made less verbose by using. A partial exception to this is an enum of values to be used only by the enclosing class, but this is usually poor design.

General guidelines:

  • Convert break/continue to return by extracting a function.

  • Favor standard query operators (in System.Linq) over hand-rolled loops whenever possible.

  • The forever loop is written for(;;), not while(true).

  • Iterator blocks for infinite sequences are good. They can be easily composed with a filter such as .Take(n).

  • Iterator blocks which may take an arbitrarily long time to produce an element are very bad. For example, this simple iterator for infinitely repeating a sequence is poorly-behaved, since it hangs forever if ts is empty:

IEnumerable<T> Cycle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> ts)
		foreach(var t in ts)
			yield return t;
  • Do not use XML comments. If you feel something is not obvious and needs comments, use the regular // comments.

TODO: Talk about a lot more things.

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