C&C Singleplayer Maps - UberWaffe/OpenRA GitHub Wiki

Chapter II

Editing the .ini file

by mgP <[email protected]>



Now that you have finished making your map with CCMap, you may wish to learn
some things about the .ini file.

Oh yeah... I almost forgot. You are probably asking, `What is an .ini file?'.
Well, every time you save your map to your hard drive in CCMap, it saves it
in two files. One is a file with a .map extension, which is always at 8K
(8192 bytes). This .map file contains information on the location and type of
all the map tiles in your mission. The other file is the .ini file, and is
probably much more important. It saves everything else you put on your map,
such as Tiberium, structures, infantry, units, trees, concrete walls, etc.
The .ini file can be edited through a text editor, such as MS-DOS Edit or
Notepad. By adding new sections to the .ini file, your mission can become
more advanced. The computer opponent(s) can create teams of units to attack
you at time intervals, or drop a load of engineers on a Chinook every once
in a while. Maybe they will fire an Ion Cannon at you once you attack their
base, or maybe launch a nuke at you when you attack their Temple of Nod.

That all sounds pretty cool, huh? Well there's more. You can change the
environment your mission is in, the size of the map you play on, the video
and text briefings you get, and many other things. All of this is done by
editing the .ini file. In this chapter, I'll show you how to do just that,
and give you some examples of other things. Another thing: there is one
drawback to the .ini file. If it exceeds 16 or 17K, you'll start to miss
some things from your mission. Maybe some triggers will disappear, then some
Tiberium, then some units, then...

I am now going to start. Each of the following chapters is a part of the .ini
file, and the heading of each .ini file part is the chapter name. In each, I
will give an example of what it might look like in your .ini file. In some,
I will also give a syntax, the order the variables for the example.




   Table of Contents 
     1.  BASIC 
     2.  MAP 
     3.  WAYPOINTS 
     5.  TERRAIN 
     6.  OVERLAY 
     7.  SMUDGE 
     8.  UNITS 
     9.  INFANTRY 
     10. STRUCTURES 
     11. BASE 
     13. TRIGGERS 
     14. TEAMTYPES 
     15. BRIEFING 

     16. You're done!



The BASIC section is the first part of the .ini file. This tells of the
videos played before and after the mission, what side the player is, the
name of the mission, and some things which are unknown.


CarryOverCap=-1                            1
CarryOverMoney=35                          2
Intro=X                                    3
BuildLevel=13                              4
Theme=No Theme                             5
Percent=30                                 6
Player=BadGuy                              7
Action=X                                   8
Lose=X                                     9
Win=X                                      10
Brief=X                                    11
Name=Terrorists in the Village             12


1.  CarryOverCap: Unknown. 
2.  CarryOverMoney: The amount of credits carried over from the previous
    mission divided by 100. So 35 equals 3500 credits. However, I have found
    this not to be the case.. I think it is the percent of credits carried
    over from the previous mission.
3.  Intro: The introductory video played before the mission starts. See the
    ccmovies.txt file for valid entries. Put an 'x' for no video.
4.  BuildLevel: Changing this number does not really affect what you can build
    in the game. The maximum value for this number is 99. A good way to be
    able to build most things is replace a mission far in the game with your
5.  Theme: What song is playing when the mission starts. Many to choose from.
    See the ccsongs.txt file for valid entries.
6.  Percent: Unknown. 
7.  Player: This is the side you will play as in your mission: 
       Special=GDI and Nod stuff can be built by this team 
       Multi1-Multi6=Individual teams, multiplayer teams 
8.  Action: A video played before the mission, but after the one in Intro.
    See the ccmovies.txt file for valid entries. Put an 'x' for no video.
9.  Lose: The video played if you lose the mission. See the ccmovies.txt file
    for valid entries. Put an 'x' for no video.
10. Win: The video played if you win the mission. See the ccmovies.txt file
    for valid entries. Put an 'x' for no video.
11. Brief: The briefing video... Many too choose from. See the ccmovies.txt
    file for valid entries. Put an 'x' for no video.
12. Name: This is for Covert Operations owners only. It will show up as this
    name and it will show up in the `New Missions' list. Command & Conquer
    owners without Covert Ops can put a name here also to specify the name
    of their mission.


2. MAP

The MAP section of the .ini file tells of how big the map is going to be,
and the environment you will be in.


Height=35                      1
Width=30                       2
X=1                            3
Y=1                            4
Theater=Winter                 5


1.  Height: Change this number to change the height of the map in your
    mission. 64 is the maximum, but never go above 62. If you exceed 62,
    Antanovs and A-10s will be stuck at the border of the map when they fly
    in from the sides / top and bottom. Also, if you exceed 63, CCMap will
    lock up.
2.  Width: Change this number to change the width of the map in your mission.
    64 is the maximum, but never go above 62. If you exceed 62, Antanovs and
    A10s will be stuck at the border of the map when they fly in from the
    sides / top and bottom. Also, if you exceed 63, CCMap will lock up.
3.  X: The horizontal position of the top-left corner of the map. Values
    range from 0 - 2. A value other than 1 lets you view the extra 1 cell
    border on a 62x62 map.
4.  Y: The vertical position of the top-left corner of the map. Values range
    from 0 - 2. A value other than 1 lets you view the extra 1 cell border
    on a 62x62 cell map.
5.  Theater: The mission environment. Choose from Desert, Temperate, or

Note: It is best to change the Height and the Width values of your mission
before you actually create the mission with CCMap. This will adjust the size
map you are creating. It is also a good idea to change the Theater value
before you make your map. Changing theater values in the middle, or after
you create your mission, can mess up the map.



Waypoints are used in the TeamType section. All waypoints are actually cell
numbers, but instead of using the actual cell number, C&C will look up the
cell number in the appropriate waypoint. There are a total of 32 waypoints,
from 0 through 31, which you can define as you wish (as cell numbers). Most
missions have at least 27 waypoints. But three waypoints serve a specific

-   Waypoint 25: The yellow flare is always lit at this waypoint if
-   Waypoint 26: The cell at the top left corner of the screen when the
    mission starts. This is so you don't end up with a black screen at the
    start of the mission, and have to go searching around a dark map until
    you find one of your units.
-   Waypoint 27: This waypoint is the default drop cell for Chinooks and APCs
    if no 'Unload' command is specified.

If a waypoint has a value of '-1' it is unused. 

Syntax: Waypoint=Cell number it represents


^^  ^^
1    2

1.  10: The waypoint # 10.
2.  1377: The cell number waypoint 10 represents.



important. Each of these sections tells of each side, including their allies,
starting credits, what edge of the map reinforcements come from, and some
unknown things.


Flaghome=0                        1
FlagLocation=0                    2
MaxBuilding=70                    3
MaxUnit=150                       4
Allies=BadGuy, Special            5
Edge=East                         6
Credits=70                        7


1.  Flaghome: Unknown. 
2.  FlagLocation: Unknown. 
3.  MaxBuilding: Unknown. 
4.  MaxUnit: Unknown. 
5.  Allies: This tells who your allies are. They won't attack you in your
    mission. You can have multiple entries here.
6.  Edge: Reinforcements by APC, and Chinook come from this side of the map.
    Hovercraft always come from the south.
7.  Credits: This number is the number of credits this side starts with,
    divided by 100. So the 70 equals 7000 credits.



The TERRAIN section has the type and location of all the terrain tiles in
your map. CCMap will handle all this for you. It is to complicated to put
in these entries manually, and too complicated to explain.



This OVERLAY section has the type and location of all the overlay tiles in
your map. They include Tiberium, crates, sandbag walls, chainlink fences,
concrete walls, wooden fences, and barbed wire.

Syntax: Cell number=Overlay 


 ^   ^^
 1   2


1.  541: The cell number this overlay tile is located in. 
2.  TI12: Tiberium with a density rating of 12. 

Other overlay entries go like this: 

       WCRATE: Wooden crate containing 2000 Tiberium credits. 
       SCRATE: A steel crate containing one of the three parts to the nuke.
       TI1: Tiberium with a density rating of 1. 
       TI2: Tiberium with a density rating of 2. 
       TI3: Tiberium with a density rating of 3. 
       TI4: Tiberium with a density rating of 4. 
       TI5: Tiberium with a density rating of 5. 
       TI6: Tiberium with a density rating of 6. 
       TI7: Tiberium with a density rating of 7. 
       TI8: Tiberium with a density rating of 8. 
       TI9: Tiberium with a density rating of 9. 
       TI10: Tiberium with a density rating of 10. 
       TI11: Tiberium with a density rating of 11. 
       TI12: Tiberium with a density rating of 12. 
       BRIK: Concrete wall. 
       SBAG: Sandbag wall. 
       CYCL: Chainlink fence. 
       BARB: Barbed wire. 
       WOOD: Wooden fence. 



Entries in SMUDGE are bomb craters (like the ones Adv. Guard Tower missiles
leave in the ground after they fire) and scorch marks (like the ones on the
ground after a nuke has hit, or when a flame tank scorches the ground).
These craters and scorch marks do not show up in CCMap, but will appear in
the mission. You will have to add these manually.

Syntax: Cell number=Smudge mark. 


 ^   ^
 1   2


1.  964: The cell number this smudge is in. 
2.  SC4: The type of smudge mark. SC1 through SC6 are scorch-marks, and CR1
    through CR6 are bomb craters.



The UNITS section has the entries for all of the units which are on the map
when the mission starts.

Syntax: Number on list=Owner,Type of Unit,Health,Cell number,Direction,
Action,Associated Trigger.


006=GoodGuy,HTNK,256,512,96,Area Guard,att1
 ^   ^^^^^   ^^   ^   ^  ^^   ^^^^^^    ^^
 1     2     3    4   5   6      7      8


1.  006: The number on the list of units in the units section. 
2.  GoodGuy: Owner of the unit. Possible teams are: 
       Special=GDI and Nod stuff can be built by this team 
       Multi1-Multi6=Individual teams, multiplayer teams 
3.  HTNK: What type of unit it is: a Heavy Tank (Mammoth Tank). Choose from: 
       VICE: Viceroid 
       FTNK: Flame Tank 
       STNK: Stealth Tank 
       LTNK: Light Tank 
       MTNK: Medium Tank 
       HTNK: Heavy Tank (Mammoth Tank) 
       MHQ: Mobile Headquarters 
       LST: Hovercraft 
       MRLS: Honest John Rocket Launcher 
       ARTY: Mobile Artillery 
       HARV: Harvester 
       MCV: Mobile Construction Vehicle 
       JEEP: Humm-Vee 
       BGGY: Nod Buggy 
       BIKE: Recon Bike 
       MSAM: Mobile Rocket Launcher 
       APC: Assault Personnel Carrier (APC) 
       BOAT: Gunboat 
       TRIC: Triceratops 
       TREX: Tyrannosaurus Rex 
       RAPT: Velociraptor 
       STEG: Stegosaurus 
4.  256: Health of the unit. 
       256=Maximum health. 
       1=Basicially dead. 
5.  512: Cell number the unit is located at. 
6.  96: Direction the unit is facing. Choose from: 
7.  Area Guard: Action he undertakes during the mission. Choose from: 
       Area Guard : Guard an area of a few cells around the infantry / unit. 
       Attack Base : Attack the enemy base (give Engineers this command to
        take over buildings).
       Attack Civil. : Attack all civilians. 
       Attack Tarcom : Unknown. 
       Attack Units : Attack the enemy units and infantry. 
       Defend Base : Unit / Infantry will defend it's base from enemy attacks. 
       Guard : Unit will only guard a one cell radius, and will only attack
        units which attack it.
       Harvest : Gather Tiberium... Harvesters only. 
       Hunt : Will seek out enemies as long as he is alive. 
       None : No action undertaken by the unit / infantry. 
       Rampage : Like Attack Units, but the unit will attack targets more
       Retreat : Unknown. Maybe it has something to do with when the units
        are attacked, they will retreat to a waypoint?
       Return : Unknown. Maybe the same action as retreat? 
       Sticky : The unit will stay in it's starting cell, regardless of
8.  Att1: The trigger associated with the unit. Put 'None' for no trigger to
    be associated.



The INFANTRY section has the entries for all the infantry on the map when
the mission starts.

Syntax: Number on list=Owner,Type of Infantry,Health,Cell number,
Sub-Cell number,Action,Direction,Associated Trigger.


 ^   ^^^^^   ^^   ^   ^  ^  ^^  ^^  ^^
 1     2     3    4   5  6   7   8  9


1.  011: Number on the list. 
2.  GoodGuy: Owner of the infantry. Possible teams are: 
       Special=GDI and Nod stuff can be built by this team 
       Multi1-Multi6=Individual teams, multiplayer teams 
3.  RMBO: Type of infantry. Choose from: 
       RMBO: Commando 
       DELPHI: Agent Delphi 
       C1-C10: Civilians 
       E1: Minigunner 
       E2: Grenadier 
       E3: Bazooka Troop 
       E4: Flame-thrower Troop 
       E5: Chemical Warrior 
       E6: Engineer 
4.  256: Health of the infantry. 
       256=Maximum health. 
       1=Basicially dead. 
5.  950: The cell number the infantry is located at. 
6.  3: The sub-cell number the infantry is in. 5 infantry can be in one cell,
    thus sub-cell number values of 0 - 4.
7.  Hunt: Action he undertakes during the mission. 
       Area Guard : Guard an area of a few cells around the infantry / unit. 
       Attack Base : Attack the enemy base (give Engineers this command to
        take over buildings).
       Attack Civil. : Attack all civilians. 
       Attack Tarcom : Unknown. 
       Attack Units : Attack the enemy units and infantry. 
       Defend Base : Unit / Infantry will defend it's base from enemy attacks. 
       Guard : Unit will only guard a one cell radius, and will only attack
        units which attack it.
       Harvest : Gather Tiberium... Harvesters only. 
       Hunt : Will seek out enemies as long as he is alive. 
       None : No action undertaken by the unit / infantry. 
       Rampage : Like Attack Units, but the unit will attack targets more
       Retreat : Unknown. Maybe it has something to do with when the units
        are attacked, they will retreat to a waypoint?
       Return : Unknown. Maybe the same action as retreat? 
       Sticky : The unit will stay in it's starting cell, regardless of
8.  64: Direction which the infantry is facing. 
9.  die7: The trigger associated with the infantry. Put `None' for no trigger
    to be associated.



The STRUCTURES section of the .ini file has the data for all the structures,
or buildings, in the mission.

Syntax: Number on list=Owner,Structure type,Health,Cell number,Direction,
Associated Trigger.


 ^   ^^^^   ^^   ^   ^^  ^  ^^
 1    2     3    4    5  6   7


1.  021: It's number on the list of structures in the structure section. 
2.  BadGuy: The owner of the structure. Possible teams are: 
       Special=GDI and Nod stuff can be built by this team 
       Multi1-Multi6=Individual teams, multiplayer teams 
3.  AFLD: The type of structure: an Airfield. Choose from: 
       TMPL: Temple of Nod 
       EYE: Advanced Communications Center 
       WEAP: Weapons Factory 
       GTWR: Guard Tower 
       ATWR: Advanced Guard Tower 
       OBLI: Obelisk of Light 
       GUN: Gun Turret 
       FACT: Construction Yard 
       PROC: Tiberium Refinery 
       SILO: Tiberium Silo 
       HPAD: Helipad (Nod Apaches and GDI Orca pads) 
       HQ: Communications Center 
       SAM: Sam Site 
       AFLD: Airstrip 
       NUKE: Power Plant 
       NUK2: Advanced Power Plant 
       HOSP: Hospital 
       BIO: Biotech Lab 
       PYLE: Barracks 
       HNOD: Hand of Nod 
       ARCO: Civilian Water Pump 
       FIX: Repair Bay 
       MISS: Technology Center / Prison 
       V01 - V37: Civilian Buildings 
4.  256: The health of the structure. 
       256=Full Health 
       1=Basicially Dead. 
5.  1668: The cell number the structure is in. 
6.  0: The direction the structure is facing. For structures, this is only
    useful with Nod Gun Turrets. Here are possible values:
7.  Atk1: A trigger associated with the structure. Put 'None' for no trigger
    to be associated with the structure.


11. BASE

The BASE section defines which structures the computer is to rebuild. This
section of the .ini file is not done by CCMap, but by a utility called
BaseIt. It is included with CCTools, but can be downloaded off the Internet
as a single, separate utility.

Syntax: Number on list=What to Rebuild,Number 


 ^   ^    ^^^^^
 1   2      3


1.  13: Number on the list. 
2.  GUN: Type of structure to rebuild. 
3.  956312320: A strange number which defines where to rebuild the structure. 



CELLTRIGGERS are very unique. When you cross a certain cell, the associated
trigger is activated. With this, you can have reinforcements arrive when you
cross bridges, a nuke hit your base when you enter their base, and many other

Syntax: Cell number=Associated Trigger 


 ^^   ^^
 1    2


1.  2054: The cell which must be crossed for the associated trigger to
2.  drop: The associated trigger. This is actually a shortcut to any of the
    triggers in the trigger section.



The TRIGGERS section is the part of the .ini file which is probably the most
important. This tells when reinforcements to arrive, what the mission
objectives are, etc. It basically tells what happens when. Some triggers may
be associated with buildings, units, and infantry, but other triggers can
activate upon a certain amount of time passing, if something is built, if
something is attacked or destroyed, or many other things. Some trigger
entries may be associated to TeamType entries.

Syntax: Trigger Name=Why Activated,What Happens,Counter,Who Activates
Trigger,Associated TeamType Entry,Loop


SPY=Discovered,Ion Cannon,0,BadGuy,dstry,0
 ^    ^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^  ^   ^^    ^^^  ^
 1      2           3     4   5      6   7


1.  SPY: The name of the trigger. These can be anything you want... 
2.  Discovered: This is why the trigger was activated. For example, this
    trigger would be activated if a unit associated with trigger SPY was
    discovered by the player. Others entries are:
       # Bldgs Dstr. : Trigger activates when the number of buildings in the
        counter section are destroyed for the associated side.
       # Units Dstr. : Trigger activates when the number of units in the
        counter section are destroyed for the associated side.
       All Destr. : Trigger activates when everything of the associated side
        is destroyed.
       Any : Used in association with the Cap=Win/Des=Lose variable. 
       Attacked : Trigger activates if the associated infantry / structure /
        unit is attacked.
       Bldgs Destr. : Trigger activates when all buildings of the associated
        side have been destroyed.
       Built It : Trigger is activated when the specified structure is built.
        See the builtit.txt file on how to use this trigger.
       Civ. Evac. : Trigger activates when all civilians are evacuated. 
       Credits : Trigger activates when the number of credits have been
        reached in the counter section (credits / 10).
       Destroyed : Trigger activates if the associated infantry / structure /
        unit has been destroyed.
       Discovered: Trigger activates if the associated infantry / structure /
        unit has been discovered.
       House Discovered : Trigger activates if the associated house (side)
        has been seen by the player.
       No Factories : Trigger activates if all unit / infantry producing
        buildings have been destroyed (Nod: Hand of Nod & Airstrip; GDI:
        Barracks & Weapons Factory) for the associated side.
       None : Nothing activates the trigger. 
       Player Enters : Trigger activates when the player enters the cell
        associated in the CellTriggers section.
       Time : Trigger activates when a certain amount of time units has
       Units Destr. : Trigger activates when all units of the associated
        side have been destroyed.
3.  Ion Cannon: This is what happened when the trigger is activated. Other
    entries are:
       Airsrike : A-10 Airstrike occurs. 
       All to Hunt : When the Trigger is activated, the associated side's
        units & infantry go hunting for you.
       Allow Win : Even if the Win trigger has been activated, you can not
        complete the mission until the Allow Win trigger has been activated.
       Autocreate : When the Trigger is activated, the computer player
        randomly creates a team from the TeamType section.
       Cap=Win/Des=Lose : When the buildings is captured, the mission is won.
        If destroyed, you lose the mission. 
       Create Team : Create the associated TeamType entry (used only with the
        1,0,0,1,0,15,1,0,0, combo).
       Dstry Teams : Unknown. But in one .ini file for C&C, I did see a
        Teams entry, but no teams were listed.
       Dstry Trig 'XXXX' : Destroys the trigger called XXXX. 
       Dstry Trig 'YYYY' : Destroys the trigger called YYYY. 
       Dstry Trig 'ZZZZ' : Destroys the trigger called ZZZZ. 
       DZ at 'Z' : This lights up the yellow flare at Waypoint 25. 
       Ion Cannon : Ion Cannon is fired. 
       Lose : You lose the mission when the trigger is activated. 
       None : Nothing is activated. 
       Nuclear Missile : Nuclear Missile is fired. 
       Production : Reproduce destroyed buildings with using BaseIt, enables
        the associated side to create teams.
       Reinforce. : Reinforcements via A10s, APC, Chinook, Hovercraft, or
        rolling off the side of the screen.
       Win : You win the mission when the trigger is activated. 
4.  0: This is a counter. Depending on your trigger action (entry 2,
    Discovered) it can count credits, time, number of buildings destroyed,
    and represent what structure is used with the Build It trigger.
5.  BadGuy: Who activates the trigger. 
6.  dstry: TeamType entry associated with the trigger. Put 'None' for no
7.  0: How many times the trigger is activated. 
       1 or 2=Trigger repeats once entry 4 (the counter) is reached again. 



TEAMTYPE entries are hard to understand... they are the entries which were
associated at the end of the Trigger entries. They tell specifically what the
Chinooks drop off, when the Chinooks come in, when APCs drop off, when APCs
come in, when the computer opponent creates teams of units, when A-10
Airstrikes arrive, and when reinforcements come in off the side of the

Syntax: TeamType Name=Team Owner,Number Combo,Number of Units,Units and
Quantity,Number of Actions,Actions.


atck=GoodGuy,1,0,0,1,0,15,1,0,0,2,MTNK:2,RMBO:1,2,Move:5,Attack Base:80,0,0
 ^^    ^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^  ^^^^^^^^^^^  ^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 1      2             3         4       5       6           7


1.  atck: The TeamType name, as associated to the trigger entries. 
2.  GoodGuy: The 'owner' of the team. Again, possible values are: 
       Special=GDI and Nod stuff can be built by this team 
       Multi1-Multi6=Individual teams, multiplayer teams 
3.  1,0,0,1,0,15,1,0,0,: The number combo. This defines what will happen in
    this TeamType entry. Use the following templates:
       1,0,0,1,0,15,1,0,0, or 0,0,0,0,0,15,0,0,0,: Create a team of units. 
       0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,: Reinforce by hovercraft, APC, Chinook, or by
        rolling off the side of the screen.
       1,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,: Reinforce by A10 Airstrike, or by reinforcements
        rolling off the side of the screen. See the text file on how to do
4.  2: Number of units / infantry types in the team (not the total quantity). 
5.  MTNK:2,RMBO:1,: The units / infantry in the team and their quantity. We
    know what the MTNK, and RMBO stand for (if you don't, see sections UNITS
    and INFANTRY). Notice that each one is followed by a colon, then a
    number. The number after the colon is the quantity of the preceding
    unit / infantry in the TeamType. So this entry creates 2 Medium tanks and
    1 Commando.
6.  2: Number of actions which they will under take. Here they move to
    waypoint 5 then attack your base for 80 time units. The last action
    entry should end with ,0,0. Other actions are:
       Move : The units / infantry go to the designated waypoint. The
        waypoint is the number after the colon.
       Loop : Used at the end of all the actions. It will make the actions
        loop over and over. Use a 1 after the colon.
       Unload : For Chinooks, APCs, and Hovercraft, this command will have
        them unload their cargo at the waypoint they are at. First give them
        a move command to a specific waypoint, then an unload command with
        the waypoint (i.e. Move:7,Unload:7)
       Attack Units : Attacks enemy units. The number after the colon is for
        how long the units are to attack.
       Attack Base : Attacks enemy base (use this command for engineers
        unloading off of Chinooks, APCs of Hovercraft to have them attempt
        to capture buildings. Commandos do not use their C4 when given this
        command). The number after the colon is for how long the units are
        to attack.



The BRIEFING section is for Covert Operations only. This is the text briefing
given every time you choose a new mission from the New Missions menu, and
the same text given when you Restate your mission objectives.

Every mission briefing may contain 304 characters. You may split the 304
characters into 4 lines (76 per line), or have many more lines, but with
less characters per line.

Here is an example of a BRIEFING section: 

       1=This is an example mission briefing for this document. 
       2=Don't put this briefing in your real mission or you're stupid. 
       3=If you do, consult your psychiatrist immediately: you are insane. 
       4=But don't worry, he can help you. 

For those of you without Covert Ops, below is how you make your mission
briefing. First, remember that set of letters and numbers which are the
prefix to the .ini and .bin files of your mission? For example, say that
mine were SCG12EA. Now, create a new file called MISSION.INI in the
Command & Conquer directory. Edit it through a DOS text editor. I would put
mine to look like this:

       1=This is an example mission briefing for this document. 
       2=Don't put this briefing in your real mission or you're stupid. 
       3=If you do, consult your psychiatrist immediately: you are insane. 
       4=But don't worry, he can help you. 

Of course, your mission briefing may look (well, I hope it does) much
different then this one. Most likely the text and the combo of letters and
numbers at the top.


16. You're done!

Hope this gives you a good idea how to edit your .ini file. If you still
don't understand some things (or maybe a lot of things) visit our WebBoard
and ask around. It's at

                Copyright (C) 1996 Mark Smeltzer aka WarZone
                          Built It Trigger FAQ

[1-1] Reasons why you would want to use it
[1-2] A thorough explaination of how to use it
[1-3] An advertisement of sorts for...The Ultimate C&C Startup Program!
      *** Note: This is freeware! ***
[1-1] Reasons why you would want to use the "Built It" trigger:

* suppose you want the AI to be able to start production when the "player"
  creates a specific building (ex. a comm. centre)
* suppose that when a guard tower (etc.) is built you want a bunch of units
  to attack
* suppose you want reinforcements to come when the "player" build an
  adavanced comm. center
* suppose computer rebuilds its temple then the "player" gets reinforced
* and there are hundreds more!
[1-2] A thorough explaination of the "Built It" trigger:
*** Note: this is the complicated part ***

Here's the format:

aaaa=Built It,bbbb,cccc,dddd,eeee,ffff
ex.= rein=Built It,Reinforce.,0,GoodGuy,rein1,0

aaaa= The name of the trigger (whatever you want here)
bbbb= the action the will occur when the structure is built
cccc= This is a number value that represents the sturcture to be rebuilt

 Here are the values:
 TMPL = 20
 EYE  = 21
 WEAP = 0
 GTWR = 1
 ATWR = 2
 OBLI = 3
 GUN  = 5
 FACT = 6
 PROC = 7
 SILO = 8
 HPAD = 9
 HQ   = 4
 SAM  = 10
 AFLD = 11
 NUKE = 12
 NUK2 = 13
 PYLE = 15
 HAND = 19
 FIX  = 17
 Sandbag Wall    = 60 *
 Chainlink Fence = 61 *
 Concrete Wall   = 62 *
 Barbed Wire     = 63 *
 Wooden Fence    = 64 *
 * I haven't tested these...but the numbers are right.

dddd= which side builds the sturctures that activates the action
      *** this can be the computer ***
 Possible Values Are:
 GoodGuy BadGuy Special Neutral Muilt1 - Muilt6
eeee= the teamtype to build/reinforce id the action is Reinforce. or
      Create Team
ffff= specifies the trigger to loop
 0 = don't loop
 < 0 = loop (1 to 9) * 
 * not sure what the difference in behavior between these numbers's is