week07 Conclusion - UX-UI-Design-Lab/DesignAesthetics3 GitHub Wiki
- what we learned and did - review the learning objectives
- references for the next step
something you may want to remember
You did make a great start!
It is NOT easy one to start. Computational thinking is a bit close to math -- it needs time to master (like addition/subtraction/multiplication and (wow) the division). You just learned how to write code and how to read code. That is a great start! Next time you meet the computational method, any algorithm or code, you can find it much easier (than this time) to grasp an idea of what is going on and how to start (what to make a change and test). Many designers are not comfortable with numbers/quantitative data/ or code, so you will take good advantage from this learning at least with familiarity.
Just try to remember the basic concepts
We covered:
- coordinate system (always start from the top(y=0) and left(x=0).
- how to use draw functions (line, abstract shapes, curve, polygon, ...)
- how to utilize transform (translate, rotate, scale, ...) - and reset
- how to repeat by FOR
- how to do or not-to-do by IF
- how to make basic animation (ex. moon rising!)
- how to use random()
- how to make some parts interactive (mouseX, mouseY)
- how to use fonts and images
- how to make the work responsive
We also learn (soft skills)
- how to collaborate with other people (remember the awesome group works!)
- how to analyze the visuals by logic
- how to write a rule for the (generative) design
- how to document and present the creative works
- how to leave constructive comments
Hope it helps someday to develop your design ideas and working with other people.
about advanced P5
More examples for generative art
About creative coding
Nature of code (for gaming, simulation, visualization) - Kahn academy has the series of lectures based on that book.
Form&Code by Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, LUST -http://formandcode.com/code-examples/
About Web-coding
In regard to Kahn academy, there are a few great (and easy to follow, trust me my 10year old kids can do it!) courses in terms of the basics of html + css + javascript.
- https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/programming
- https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/programming-games-visualizations
- https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/html-css-js
Some helpful css codes
Data visualization
If you want to explore what designers can do with codes to inspire people, data/information visualization would be interesting to you.
Thank you!