9. Sharing your build - UWRealityLab/StructuralQueryToolkit GitHub Wiki

If you do not have your own domain/server to host your build, we recommend using the free hosting services itch.io or simmer.io. Both services have similar policies, so we will just cover itch.io below.

Here is the itch.io FAQ for uploaders, but its most relevant points are:

  • You keep ownership of your project. You can remove it at any time.
  • You can restrict access to who can access your build, such as setting your build to be restricted and handing individual keys to people to access it. More on how access works here.

Below is a screenshot of the access options you can pick between when uploading to itch.io.


To upload it, you will need to compress your build folder.


Here are the publishing settings we used in itch.io for our Whaleback project:


Congratulations! You should now have a presentable project to share with others!