7.1 Building multiple scenes - UWRealityLab/StructuralQueryToolkit GitHub Wiki

Read this if you wish to present multiple models in your project in separate scenes. However, keep in mind that your final build will have to meet a file size constraint to be uploaded and shared to certain websites (itch.io has a 100MB file size limit).

Duplicating the scene

Press ctrl-d (Windows) or cmd-d (MacOS) while the "Toolkit Scene" is selected to duplicate it.

With your duplicated scene, follow the same steps to your new model that you had done with your original model.

Adding the new scene to the build

After you have finished your new scene (importing the model, placing the player, etc.):

  1. Make sure that your new scene is still the active scene that is open
  2. Navigate to "File > Build Settings..."

  1. Select "Add Open Scenes". You should see your new scene added to the list

Add main menu button

To make the new scene selectable from the main menu, there must be a new new button to open it.

  1. Open the "Menu Template" scene
  2. Open the "_Toolkit Prefabs > Main Menu" folder, and there you will see the "Scene Loader Button (template)"
  3. In the Hierarchy window, drag the prefab into the Buttons Menu object as a child. You should see the button show up in the game view

  1. Linking your scene with the button: click on the Scene Loader Button object, and in the inspector window, there is a component called Scene Loader Button. Drag your new scene into that component

  1. Change the name of the button: expand the Scene Loader Button object, select its child object called "text," and change its text component

Done! We recommend entering into play mode in the main menu scene to see if your new scene(s) are loaded when their button is selected.

NEXT STEP: Sharing your build