7. Building to WebGL - UWRealityLab/StructuralQueryToolkit GitHub Wiki

It's very important that your build settings look exactly like in the screenshots below!

First, open the "Build Settings..." window

Open Build Settings

First, switch to WebGL builds if you haven't yet.

Your build list should have the main menu as the first entry (index 0), and any of your custom scene where your model resides should be in subsequent listings. If you do not see your scene name in the list, or if you intend to build your application with multiple scenes, then press the "Add Open Scenes" button while you have your scene open in the Unity editor.


Select "Build" to build your project. When asked for a directory, we recommend storing it in a separate and empty folder outside of the project. To avoid any potential for your build failing due to file permissions, we recommend building to your desktop.

After it has finished building, compress the folder in order to share it.

Building your project can be a slow process, taking several minutes.

NEXT STEP: Sharing your build

NOTE: if you wish to present multiple models in your project, proceed to this step instead