6. Additional Features - UWRealityLab/StructuralQueryToolkit GitHub Wiki

Setting your model's elevation

Do you want to see the elevation of your pole measurements?

By default, showing elevation data is turned off. To enable it, find the "Settings" object in the scene hierarchy, and enable "Show Elevation Data"

Enable Show Elevation

IMPORTANT: if your model was imported with an offset representing its elevation, then skip the rest of this section. You should be able to get accurate elevation results with your pole measurements.

Using altitude markers is only relevant if:

  • Your model was not imported with an offset representing its elevation in meters

  • You have visible GPS markers (i.e. specific spots where you know the elevation of) in your model.

Note: The Unity game engine uses the metric system, where one unit is one meter, so scale and translate your model accordingly.


GPS Marker

In our Whaleback project, our GPS marker is marked in the model's texture. We know the exact elevation at that point.

Open the Assets->_Toolkit Prefabs folder and drag the Altitude Marker object into your scene. Afterwards, manually place the altitude marker into your real-world GPS-marker.


After placing your altitude marker, specify its real-world elevation in meters.


Note: The "Anchor Down button allows your altitude marker to fall down to the nearest object (that has a collider) in your scene. It is simply for convenience and is optional to use.

You should now see the elevation of your latest pole measurements.

Elevation data shown

Enabling random sampling radius

To mitigate the effects of noise during your pole measurements, you can enable the sampling of multiple points around your clicks.

By default, random sampling is disabled. To enable it or to change its settings, go to the "Settings" object in your hierarchy view.

Select Settings Gameobject

Enable Sampling Radius

Next, go into play mode what start taking pole measurements! You will see white lines representing the extra measurements that are taking place and are averaged when plotting to the stereonet.

With the default settings, you should see something similar to this:

Gizmos preview

The white lines are the extra random samples taken in your measurement. These lines are rendered even when occluded by objects.

Note: These white lines, in addition to other visuals that you see when "Gizmos" is enabled is only inside the editor, and not in the final build. Gizmos should already be enabled by default.

The "Gizmos" toggle in the top-right corner of your game tab (not the scene tab!). You should leave it enabled for both the scene and the game view. Turn on Gizmos

Placing a floor to your scene

If you need a floor to stand on for you model, then we have provided 4 different floors for you to place.

Go to _Tookit Prefabs > Floors to access them

Place Floor

Adding Popup UI Objects

Inside the _Toolkit Prefabs folder, you will see two files called Popup UI (text only)* and Popup UI (two images)*

They can be used to put text and images into your scene. Drag any version of them into your scene.


Editing the UI canvas

In your object hierarchy view, expand the object you just added. You should see a canvas that you can edit

We recommend editing your canvas in 2D mode in the scene view.

Adding hyperlinks to your text

In any objects in your scene that contain a TextMeshPro component, you can add another component to it called Hyperlink, this allows you to imbed links inside your TextMeshPro input.


Adding Rock Popup UI

Inside the _Toolkit Prefabs folder, there is a file called Rock Popup UI. This can be used to show rock models to players.

Drag and drop the prefab file to your scene.

Make sure its pivot point is where you want the Rock Hammer to hit.


Adding a new rock model

Drag and drop your rock model (such as the obj file) and add it to the Rock Model Prefab field.

NEXT STEP: Building to WebGL