3.1 Creating your model's material with one texture - UWRealityLab/StructuralQueryToolkit GitHub Wiki

Importing your model's mesh and texture

Open the _Model folder and drag and drop your model's mesh and texture into it

Adjusting your texture's import settings

Afterwards, click on your texture file and adjust its import settings. For reference, here is our import setting for our project's texture. The most important setting is Max Size, where you should set it to be equal or greater than your image's resolution. Values lower will reduce the fidelity of your texture, and any values higher will default it to use its actual resolution. If you do not know your textures' exact resolution, we recommend simply selecting the largest value.

  1. Click on your texture file
  2. In the inspector (right side), be sure to set its max size field


Creating your model's material

A material renders your model with its respective texture, but you will need to specify its shader and texture. We have already made a material file and specified its shader, so your only task is to apply your texture to it.

  1. Click on Model Material
  2. With the Model Material file selected, drag and drop your texture file into its base mask input


Adding your model to your scene

In your "project" window, simply drag your model's mesh into the hierarchy window, where all the scene objects are located. We recommend placing your object into the Environment object, but that is optional.


You will now see your model in your scene. However, it is very likely that your model is incorrectly rotated and has an elevation offset in the y-axis.


NOTE: the back side of your model will not be rendered.

Rotating your model

Often, you will need to rotate its X-axis by either +-90 degrees. Depending on how it was authored, you may need to tinker around with its rotation to make it upright and facing the correct direction.



Apply your material to your model

  1. Fully expand the model you added to your scene hierarchy. You should see an object called default. This is the object that contains the actual model data.
  2. Drag and drop your material to it



NEXT STEP: Finishing the model