3. Setting up the scene - UWRealityLab/StructuralQueryToolkit GitHub Wiki


For this guide, you will only use these four folders:

  • _Model is where you will place your model's mesh and texture. This folder also contains an unfinished material called "Model Material" that you will later use.
  • _Scenes contains scenes, which are essentially different game levels, or rooms. There is the Field Scene where users can interact with your model(s), and there is a Main Menu scene, which acts as an player introduction to your project. The main menu is covered later.
  • _Toolkit Models contains objects that you may add freely to your project. They are mostly for decoration.
  • _Toolkit Prefabs contains optional objects you can place into your scene. For example, the Altitude Marker object is used to describe the elevation of your model.

These folders are meant purely for organization.

Open the field scene

After importing the package, duplicate and rename the two scene files, then open the "toolkit scene."

Note: Those two scenes should only be copied because they may be updated in future iterations of this project. If they are updated, we recommend duplicating those scenes again and repeating the same steps (placing your model to the scene, placing the player, etc.)


This scene is where you will insert your own model(s) to be used in-game.

By default, we've included a sample scene that you play around with! Feel free to either keep or swap out parts of this sample with your own objects.

This guide will demonstrate replacing this scene with a model of our own.

Note: this view is not exactly what you will see when initially opening the Toolkit scene.

Hiding the user interface for convenience

When you open Toolkit scene, you will notice a rectangle is obstructing the part of the view. This is actually the user interface. We recommend hiding these obstructions in your editor, though this is merely for convenience and has no impact on the final build.

Hover over the "USER INTERFACE" and "TOOLS" object, and simply click on the hide toggle.


Setting the aspect ratio for your editor play mode

This project's user interface was only designed to accustom 16:9 and 16:10 screen aspect ratios. Other aspect ratio may lead to a poor user experience.

Note: this does not affect the final build of the project, where its default resolution is defined elsewhere. This simply gives you a better preview of the in-game look in the Unity editor. In particular, the in-game UI will match what the final build will look like.

Change aspect ratio

Entering play mode

To enter play mode, press the play button.


Always exit play mode before making adjustments! All changes you make to scene will revert back when you exit play mode.

Importing your model

If your model has one texture file, click here to proceed to the next step


If you are using a model that is in obj format with multiple textures and an .mtl file, click here to proceed to the next step