STMA Requirements - UWG-Software-Engineering/ServiceVisitManagementSystem GitHub Wiki

User Roles

  • Service Tech – completes onsite portion of service visits

User Stories - ordered by priority

  • As a Service Tech, I want to view assigned visits, so that I can be aware of work needing to be completed and prepare for visits (acceptance tests: 1)
  • As a Service Tech, I want to start a visit, so that I can record the time I began working on a visit (acceptance tests: 1)
  • As a Service Tech, I want to complete a visit, so that I can record the time I finished the visit (acceptance tests: 3)
  • As a Service Tech, I want to add a task, so that I can record work completed during a visit that was not assigned when the visit was created (acceptance tests: 1,2,3)
  • As a Service Tech, I want to mark a task as complete, so that I can record which tasks have been completed (acceptance tests: 3)
  • As a Service Tech, I want to mark a task incomplete, so that I can record work that I was unable to complete during a visit that still needs to be completed (acceptance tests: 1)
  • As a Service Tech, I want to mark a task unnecessary, so that I can indicate tasks added to the visit that do not need to be completed (acceptance tests: 1,2)
  • As a Service Tech, I want to add material used, so that I can log any materials that I used to complete the tasks for a visit (acceptance tests: 2,3)
  • As a Service Tech, I want to add a note to a visit, so that I can record any extra details or concerns related to a visit outside tasks and materials (acceptance tests: 2)
  • As a Service Tech, I want to escalate the task, so that if I am unable to complete it the task will be referred to the Service Manager (acceptance tests: 1,3)

Additional Requirements

  • Text displays in lists should limit to a maximum of 30 characters total. Ellipses may be used to indicate full text is not shown.


  • Service Visit – Stores information related to a real-world visit to install, repair, modify, or uninstall some services rendered by the company. Each Service Visit will include a subject describing the purpose of the visit, customer that requested the visit, service tech that will complete the visit, start time scheduled for the visit, start time the visit was actually started by the service tech, complete time the visit was completed by the service tech, list of tasks associated with the service visit
  • Task – Stores information related to a specific work procedure and will include a description of the work procedure (e.g., connect customer to network), a list of materials used to complete the task, and a status that may be either assigned (added to Task but not attempted yet), complete (completed during Service Visit), incomplete (attempted but unable to complete during Service Visit), unnecessary (not needed to accomplish goals of Service Visit).
  • Material – Indicates physical component used to complete a Task (e.g., coax cable or splitter).