Project Milestones - UW-COSMOS/project-docs GitHub Wiki

Phase 3 (completed)

Milestone Task Exit Criteria Target Date Product
1 Kickoff meeting (Virtual) and Initial Platform Integration Plans Initial Platform Integration Plans 08/2020 Kickoff Plenary slides
2 Stakeholder workshop and Milestone Report Milestone 1 Report 10/2020 Progress report
3 Prototype platforms release, interim code release Interim code release 11/2020 COSMOS 0.2.0 release
4 Stakeholder workshop, Interim platform demos, and Milestone Report Demos & Milestone 2 Report 12/2020 Milestone report
5 Joint PI/Stakeholder meeting, and Milestone Report Milestone 3 Report 01/2021 Primarily Live Demo, Update Report
6 Updated Platform Integration Plan Report and schedule Integration Plan Report and schedule 02/2021 PI presentation
7 Stakeholder meeting and Milestone report Milestone Report 04/2021 Milestone 4 report
8 Final platforms release and demos Final platforms release & Demos 08/2021 Demo Slides (partial)
9 Final code release and Final Report Final Report 01/2022 Final Summary,Final Report Slides, COSMOS release

Phase 2 (completed)

Milestone Task Exit Criteria Target Date Product
6 TA1-Task1 & 2-Connection of initial KB with cGENIE model code elements Key elements of the cGENIE model are linked with high-precision to elements of the KB (created by our KBC model). 05/2019 Prelim. fortran code ingestion
7 TA1-Task 1 & 2-Assessment of KBC system based on results from Milestone 6 Assessment report with detailed evaluation 06/2019 Workshop report
8 TA1-Task1-Update initial architecture and prototype-implementation of extraction methods for model metadata, Update initial architecture and develop methods for data extraction from tables/figures Release design and prototype implementation of extraction methods 06/2019 COSMOS code, table object extraction, table extraction
9 TA1-Task1 & 2-Evaluation of model coupling to KB and proposing evaluation metrics KB contributes to model parameterization and/or output evaluation 08/2019 Video showing model-coupling
10 TA1-Task1 & 2-Implementation of metadata extraction and linking to extraction results of KBC system from Phase 1-coupling with cGENIE, Implementation of data extraction methods from tables and figures-coupling with cGENIE Open-source release of updated KBC system targeting models and model metadata 10/2019 Demo Day poster, Updated model code
11 TA1-Task1 & 2-Milestone report Milestone report 11/2019 Milestone Report
12 TA1-Task1 & 2-Quantify pipeline rate, quantify KBC growth rate, evaluate KBC output (precision/recall) compare with SOTA, evaluate time to science End-to-end system performance statistics and report 12/2019 PI Meeting Report
13 TA1-Task1 & 2- Deployment of full KBC system for models & evaluation on cGENIE.

NB: Project pivoted to COVID-19 end-to-end response.
Release of finalized full KB for model specifications, deployment to GDD, and API for querying KB as-a-service. Final performance report 03/2020
  • COVID-19 response report
  • Final Demo Presentation
  • Live COSMOS visualizer over COVID19 corpus
  • Narration of interface functionality
  • Code
  • 14 TA1-Task1 & 2-Final report including architecture, algorithms, results, comparison with other methods and accuracy and generalizability assessment Final code release and Phase 2 report documenting final architectures, algorithms, results, and assessments of robustness and generalizability 07/2020
  • Phase 2 report
  • Dockerized end-to-end COSMOS pipeline and documentation
  • COVID19 demo data set
  • xDD API search access to 12.6M document full-texts
  • Phase 1 (completed):

    Milestone Task Exit Criteria Target Date Product
    1 TA1-Task1&2-Hardware and Infrastructure Deployment. Connect Fonduer, GDD, and Condor Pipeline in place. Ready for document ingestion and initial classification. Report on architecture and methods. 12/2018 Initial report
    2 TA1-Task1-Design and implementation of model extraction methods Open-source release of Fonduer-based components for model extraction. Interim report on system. 02/2019 Interim report
    2 TA1-Task2-Design and implementation of table/figure extraction methods. Open-source release of table and figure extraction methods. Interim report on system. 02/2019 Interim report
    3 TA1-Task1-Development and deployment of barebone KBC system Open-source release of KBC system and deployment on GDD for continuous ingestion of relevant input documents. Phase 1 report. 04/2019 Final report/code release
    3 TA1-Task2-Refinement and deployment of table/figure extraction in GDD Open-source release of table/figure methods and deployment in GDD for continuous ingestion of relevant input documents. Phase 1 report. 04/2019 Final report/code release
    3 TA1-Task1-Earth systems models KBC containing model specification Release of barebone-KB (with model specification) from ingested documents. Assessment. Publication of system for Scientific models. 04/2019 Final report/code release
    3 TA1-Task2-Earth systems models KBC containing model tables/figures Release of barebone-KB (with figures and tables) from ingested documents. Assessment. Publication of table/figure extraction system. 04/2019 Final report/code release
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