Logbook:WAM PC Setup - UW-Advanced-Robotics-Lab/lab-wiki GitHub Wiki

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[Last generated: Wed 4 Oct 2023 15:34:19 EDT]

Install Libbarrett hardware (external PC) direct support through PEAK USB CAN (PCAN)

CF WAM Internal PC Setup:

Re-Install CF:

  • Clear CF card and delete all occupied spaces
  • install on a Ubuntu PC by running scripts in https://support.barrett.com/wiki/WAM/CreateCF
    • Download the install bash script, and modify the grep such that it installed at the disk you specified under /dev/sd##

Install End-of-service ROS:

sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-sensor-msgs
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-sensor-msgs

rosdep install --from-paths src/ --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro

Make a image copy of the entire CF card:

Click here to check the original reference

  1. check disks $ sudo fdisk -l
  2. unmount the SD card $ sudo umount /dev/sdb
  3. Create an image $ sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/media/uwarl-orin/VIP_FILE_BAK/WAM_SYSTEM_IMG_BACKUP/wam-internal-back-2022-oct-04.img bs=1M status=progress
  4. Write to disk from an image (MUCH SLOWER): sudo dd if=/media/uwarl-orin/VIP_FILE_BAK/WAM_SYSTEM_IMG_BACKUP/wam-internal-back-2022-oct-04.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress

WAM External PC

ADLINK Box | Ubuntu 18.04 Melodic | libbarrett 2.0.0


Zero Cal:

with /etc/barrett/* default, and /UWARL_drivers/barrett/* customized to Waterloo steel

{22-07-22 18:01}uwarl-MXE210-18:~/UWARL_drivers uwarl% diff -r barrett/ /etc/barrett
diff --color -r barrett/calibration_data/wam7w/zerocal.conf /etc/barrett/calibration_data/wam7w/zerocal.conf
< home = ( -0.0001095700572, -1.868457755, -0.003420908008, 3.087304199, 0.001106996437, 0.137188488, -0.006267436993 );
< zeroangle = ( 4.667903538, 4.980835618, 4.649495768, 5.850602725, 2.110757564, 0.788466125, 4.420932631 );
> home = ( 0, -2, 0, 3.13, 0, 0, 0 );
Only in barrett/calibration_data/wam7w: zerocal.conf.1
Only in barrett/calibration_data/wam7w: zerocal.conf.2
Only in barrett/calibration_data/wam7w: zerocal.conf.3
Only in barrett/calibration_data/wam7w: zerocal.conf.4
Only in barrett/calibration_data/wam7w: zerocal.conf.5

📢 Now, available @ https://github.com/UW-Advanced-Robotics-Lab/uwarl-libbarrett

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