List of Gems - UVicLibrary/Vault GitHub Wiki
Bundled with- Blacklight - search-related behaviours (e.g. faceting)
- Hydra Derivatives - creating derivatives from images, videos, pdfs, etc.
- MiniMagick - creating image derivatives
- RSolr - making calls to Solr
Customized for Vault
- edtf - for date indexing in the work indexer.
- edtf-humanize - for displaying human-readable dates (vs. EDTF dates), primarily on work show pages or search results.
- combine pdf, pdf to image (requires poppler utils) - for making PDF thumbnails. See this wiki page.
- cdm migrator - for uploading collections or extracting metadata out of ContentDM.
- will_paginate, bootstrap-will_paginate - pagination on homepage.
- pdfjs_viewer-rails - viewer for PDF works.