Developer Cheatsheet - UVicLibrary/Vault GitHub Wiki

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Command Line

Navigating the Rails Console

Find [. . .] , given a [. . . ]

Create a Sample or Test Object

Working with Metadata

The Solr Admin Panel


General Navigation (Command Line)

Start the rails console for

  • login and cd into home/sufia/vault
rails c -e production
AccountElevator.switch! ""

Restart the server (i.e. Apache)

  • sudo systemctl restart httpd
  • pushes changes into production
  • remember to also exit and restart the rails console!
  • if a job is running, remember to restart sidekiq too

Change the permissions or ownership of a file or folder (recursively)

  • Change ownership: sudo chown [username] [file name or path] -R
  • Change group writing permissions (when logged in as the eponymous user of a group): sudo chmod g+w [file name or path] -R
  • See who a group's members are: groups [group name] or just groups to see members of current user's group

Clear the rails console

  • Press cntrl + l

Search recursively for a string (of text) in a directory or file

  • recursive = search that directory and all the directories and files it contains
  • searches file names as well as the text within those files
grep -rnw path/to/dir -e "search text"

Search for a string within a list of an object's methods

  • For when you think there's already a method that returns what you want, but you don't remember what it's called

Find [. . .] , given a [. . . ]

Find the corresponding solr document, given a collection, work, or file set

  • where object is the Collection, GenericWork, or FileSet object: SolrDocument.find(

Find all works in a collection, given that collection's ID

GenericWork.where(member_of_collection_ids_ssim: collection_id)

Find an array of all collection IDs that a work is in, given that work


Create a Sample or Test Object

Every collection/work/file set presenter needs two parameters:

  1. a solr_document, which you can find like this
  2. a current_ability (we'll set this to admin)

Collection presenter with admin privileges, "admin")

Work show presenter with admin privileges, "admin")

File set presenter with admin privileges, "admin")

Working with Metadata

List IIIF metadata fields


  • This is defined in lib/hyrax/configuration.rb

List controlled vocabulary fields

fs = FileSet.last # Pick a specific file set or generic work
=> [:creator, :contributor, etc.]

List required fields

  • For a generic work: Hyrax::GenericWorkForm.required_fields
  • For a file set: Hyrax::FileSetForm.required_fields
  • See hyrax list of notable methods

List primary terms

  • For a generic work: Hyrax::GenericWorkForm.primary_terms
  • For a file set: Hyrax::FileSetForm.primary_terms
  • See hyrax list of notable methods

List secondary terms

  • For a generic work: Hyrax::GenericWorkForm.secondary_terms
  • For a file set: Hyrax::FileSetForm.secondary_terms
  • See hyrax list of notable methods

List all terms

  • For a generic work: Hyrax::GenericWorkForm.terms
  • For a file set: Hyrax::FileSetForm.terms
  • See hyrax list of notable methods

The Solr Admin Panel

Finding a document by ID

  • Navigate to a show page for a work or file set
  • Copy its ID from the URL
  • Go to the Query page in the Solr dashboard
  • In fq, type id: and then paste in the item ID
  • Click Query

Common query parameters

Limiting results by model

  • Go to the Query page in the Solr dashboard
  • In fq, type has_model_ssim: and then the model name (e.g. GenericWork, FileSet)
  • Click Query

Updating or posting information

Return all index entries where a field is blank

  • Example: a field called year_tesim
  • In the fq box: -year_tesim:["" TO *]

Return all index entries where a field is NOT blank

  • Example: a field called year_tesim
  • In the fq box: -year_tesim:[* TO *]


Change visibility of a collection, work, or file set

  • See instructions on how to do this through the interface
  • For a generic work, for example:
gw = GenericWork.last
gw.visibility = "open"
  • To make a work private, you would do gw.visibility = "restricted" and

Link_to tag with route helpers

  • If you are using a helper path that is outside the hyrax namespace (e.g. toggle_downloads_path), you will have to format the link_to tag like this:
<%= link_to "link text", main_app.toggle_downloads_path(local_variable: value...), remote: true, method: post, class: "some-class" %>
  • See views/hyrax/dashboard/collections/_form_discovery.html.erb as an example

Reindex an item

  • gw.update_index (same for collections and file sets)

Return the current host/tenant

  • request.base_url (for views) or Account.find_by(tenant: Apartment::Tenant.current).&cname (where request.base_url doesn't work)
  • As a true/false statement to check which tenant:
    • request.base_url.include? "vault" or Account.find_by(tenant: Apartment::Tenant.current).&cname.include? "vault"