When to Reconvert - UVA-CAMA/NICUHDF5Viewer GitHub Wiki

So, you have an HDF5 file and you want to know if it has been converted with a new-enough version of the UFC. Here is how you figure that out!

Start by figuring out what version of UFC it was converted with. To do that, check out What UFC Version Is This HDF5 File From. Then, depending on your source file type, use the following list to determine whether or not to re-convert. Note, if you don't know your source file type, go to Matlab and type h5readatt('PathToYourFile','/','Source Reader').


  • Must reconvert if converted using 1.1.0 (build ee05b9a6) or earlier
  • Best if using 1.2.0 (build 0119e4b3) or later (HDF5 layout has been updated, but algorithms will still work with older layout versions), but not necessary to reconvert.
  • If you converted using 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 1.1.6, or 1.1.7 and aren't sure if you want to re-convert, shoot Ryan Bobko and Amanda Zimmet an email to see what we should do in your case.
  • No change in UFC v1.4.0 (build 7eecb17b)

Data Warehouse Connect:

  • Must use UFC 1.2.0 (build 0119e4b3) or later
  • No change in UFC v1.4.0 (build 7eecb17b)


  • Must use UFC v1.4.0 (build 7eecb17b)


  • Must use UFC 1.2.0 (build 0119e4b3) or later
  • No change in UFC v1.4.0 (build 7eecb17b)

Case Western .dat Files:

  • You don't have to convert, of course!