Script to Run BAP Command Line on Multiple Folders - UVA-CAMA/NICUHDF5Viewer GitHub Wiki

Narayanan wrote the following code to run BAP Command Line on different folders - thanks Narayanan!

Please find the following Matlab code to run BAP on multiple selected directories at once

% Program to run BAP algorithm for various hdf5 files under a given
% directory. The benefit of running this code is that we can analyze the hdf5 files provided in different
% directories in a single run.

% Please provide the list of directories
% The contents of the directories variable should be changed accordingly
% and one can add as many rows as they need. Please note that the each
% directory path is within quotes and separated by a semicolon except the
% last one.

directories = ["C:\Users\Naray\Ann Lurie Childrens Hospital\Research\BAP\111";
    "C:\Users\Naray\Ann Lurie Childrens Hospital\Research\BAP\113";
    "C:\Users\Naray\Ann Lurie Childrens Hospital\Research\Data\Test"];

len = length(directories);

for i = 1:len
    cd(directories(i)); % Changing the path to a particular directory to get the list of hdf5 files
                                    % under that directory
    List = dir('**\*.hdf5'); % Listing the files with hdf5 extension
    pwd % The present directory is printed just to know which directory is currently running

    % The following path is used since the exe file is in that directory
    cd('C:\Program Files\University of Virginia\run_all_tagging_algs\application');
    for iFile = 1:numel(List)
        file_info = [List(iFile).folder, '\', List(iFile).name];
        str_a = '"';
        str_b = file_info;
        str_c = '"';
        str_d = ' "[]"';
        str_e = ' "[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]"';
        run_info = ['run_all_tagging_algs' ' ' str_a str_b str_c str_d str_e];
        clear file_info; clear str_*; clear run_info;
    clear List;