Workflow - UTNuclearRobotics/utexas_sterling GitHub Wiki

The files linked are on a nchan branch under a forked NRG repository.

Collect rosbag


  • sensor_msgs/Imu
  • sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
  • nav_msgs/msg/Odometry

Preprocess rosbag

Converts rosbag into a pickle file with data:

  • Images: Processed images or bird's-eye view (BEV) images.
  • IMU Data: Flattened IMU data from both Kinect and Jackal sensors.
  • Odometry Data: Position and orientation data from odometry.
  • Orientation Data: Orientation data from the Jackal robot.

Train model

Defines the PyTorch models.

Converts pickle file into representation clusters:

  • Saves the k-means clustering model.
  • Saves the k-means clustering labels and sample indices.
  • Saves the state dictionaries of the visual and proprioceptive encoders.

Maps from representations to raw cost values:

  • Saves the PyTorch neural network model
    • Combination of the visual encoder and the cost network
    • Saved as a state dictionary, which includes the parameters (weights and biases) of the neural network.

Robot deployment

// Determines cost of potential paths based on parsing RGB cost image.
std::shared_ptr<PathRolloutBase> TerrainEvaluator::FindBest(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PathRolloutBase>> &paths);

// Computes a scalar cost image from a birds-eye-view (BEV) image from 'cost_model_'.
cv::Mat1f TerrainEvaluator::GetScalarCostImage(const cv::Mat3b &bev_image)

// Loads the 'evaluator_' for graph navigation.
if (params_.evaluator_type == "terrain") {
  auto terrain_eauto terrain_evaluator = std::make_shared<TerrainEvaluator>();
  evaluator_ = terrain_evaluator;
// Gets best candidate PathRolloutBase path.
auto best_path = evaluator_->FindBest(paths);

amrl spot_autonomy

Used to deploy the graph navigation stack on robot: