v3_Change Log - USEPA/ATtILA2 GitHub Wiki

Version 3.0 Changes

Converted the ATtILA v2 toolbox from a classic tbx file to ArcGIS Pro atbx format.

Added log file generation as an Optional selection for all tools in the Landscape Characteristics, People in the Landscape, and Riparian Characteristics toolsets.

The log file option has been incorporated into the new Create Walkability Cost Raster utility.

Added a new utility, Create Walkability Cost Raster, that will generate a cost surface raster for use in a new tool to evaluate the availability of park space to individuals.

Patch Metrics now calculates the median patch size.

Adjusted Patch Metrics in order to record higher numbers for output metrics.

Cleaned up code. Removed unnecessary comments and/or old code.

Pedestrian Access and Availability is fully implemented with the ability to accept both a raster and polygon population feature input.

Changed default short field types to either double or long to allow larger numbers in count and sum type fields. Kept float default field type for percentage value fields.

Bug Fix. Needed to place a conditional operation in Patch Metrics to check for the existence of an ATtILA generated field index in the Reporting unit feature's attribute table before attempting to delete it. The index could sometimes persist between Patch Metrics runs. The temporary field index is used to speed up patch selections.

Bug Fix. Fixed issue where the Patch Metrics MDCP option would fail when no land cover class patches existed after processing the input land cover grid to identify connected patches of a minimum size.

Bug Fix. Fixed issue where Patch metrics would create the MDCP field when the option was not selected.

Bug fix. Needed to go to zoneValue >= 1 in the land cover per capita calculations as dividing the amount of land cover in the reporting unit with values below 1 assigns more land cover to the individual than exists in the reporting unit. In addition, if the zoneValue is very, very small (e.g. 0.000009), the perValueCalc value can be so large that it will not fit in the output field and will cause the tool to fail. Reporting units with population counts below 1 now receive a value of -99999 in the per capita field.

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