Tanzania Notes - USAID-OHA-SI/Wavelength GitHub Wiki


  • data reported monthly; weekly data available for the 241 surge sites
  • reported into one system and export available for each month
  • 85 indicators (many of which are disaggregates)

Standardization Notes and Questions

  • renaming org hiearachy to align with MSD -> SNU1, PSNU
  • how to handle additional org units?
  • keeping all agencies
  • add OU name, operatingunit
  • add reporting frequency
  • change month to date
  • what to enter for sex for <15? -> left as NA
  • keeping partner as it does not match primepartner
  • include any "Total Numerators" or avoid all double counting?
    • Tanzania has HTS_TST and HTS_TST_POS -> is it easier for the user if we have HTS_TST with pos and neg (ie create HTS_TST_NEG)
  • need to determine which indicators we're keeping and then standardize names
    • limited it to HTS_TST, HTS_TST_POS, HTS_INDEX, TX_LINK (custom), TX_NEW, TX_CURR, TX_PVLS
  • does index testing need to be duplicated as a HTS_TST modality?
  • is index testing also counted under HTS_TST in their reporting?
  • what is the best way to bring in mechanism IDs? ideally pull from DATIM API, but the partner names listed do not match primepartner or implementingmechanismid
  • including MMD -> TX_MMD, with a disagg of Period
  • including same day initiations -> TX_SDI, with a disagg of Period
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