Entered Monthly |
Number of HIV Test done for a specific reporting period |
Index HTS_TST |
Entered Monthly |
Number of HIV test done for a specific reporting period that can be attributed to index testing |
Entered Monthly |
Number of HIV positive tests in a reporting period |
Entered Monthly |
Number of HIV positive tests identified through index testing |
HTS Yield |
Calculated |
= Number of positive / number of test done |
Index HTS Yield |
Calculated |
= Number of positive / number of test done among index testing |
Linkage |
Calculated |
Number of newly identified positive enrolled on treatment / Number of newly identified positive |
Entered Monthly |
Number of people newly enrolled on treatment |
Entered Monthly |
Number of people currently enrolled (active) on treatment |
Calculated |
Difference between TX_CURR over time. In this context, Net New is the difference between TX_CURR in the current month and the previous month. |
VL Eligible in Month |
Entered Monthly |
Number of patients eligible for a VL test in the month who have not yet had a test and are active on treatment (doesn't include LTFU clients) |
VL Samples Collected in Month |
Entered Monthly |
Number of patients for whom a VL sample has been collected and sent to the lab in the month |
% of Eligible Reached in Month |
Calculated |
= VL samples collected / VL eligible in month |
VL Results Received in the past 12 months |
Entered Monthly |
Number of patients for whom a VL test results received from the lab in the past 12 months |
VL Suppressed in the past 12 months |
Entered Monthly |
Number of patients with VL test results < 1000 copies in the past 12 months |
% VL Coverage |
Calculated |
= VL Results received in the past 12 months / TX_CURR. This is a proxy for VL coverage (since the denominator should actually be a sub-set of TX_CURR) |
% VL Suppression |
Calculated |
= VL suppressed in the past 12 months / VL results received in the past 12 months |
LTFU Potential |
Entered Monthly |
Current number of patients flagged as potential LTFU (includes all who have missed an appt or have not had a contact with the site in the last 90 days) |
LTFU Re-enrolled in Month |
Entered Monthly |
Number of patients from lost to follow up list re-enrolled back to care this month |
TX_ML Died |
Entered Monthly |
LTFU patients confirmed as dead |
TX_ML Previously transferred |
Entered Monthly |
LTFU patents confirmed as previously transferred |
TX_ML Traced patient (unable to locate) |
Entered Monthly |
Suspected LTFU patient who was traced but could not be located |
TX_ML Not traced |
Entered Monthly |
Suspected LTFU patient who was not traced |