Haiti Notes - USAID-OHA-SI/Wavelength GitHub Wiki


  • All indicators are located on one tab in a long table (blank columns separate each indicator group)
  • Documentation show this is collected monthly (template uploaded appear to just contain Q1 months)
  • Indicators collected are show in the table below

Structure Notes and Questions

  • Difficult to create "fluid" code agnostic to time period with this template. Either months will be added or will change all three for the new reporting period, which makes it difficult to code for given the table is only human, not computer readable.
    • Resolved by reading in both header rows and merging
  • Kept HTS, TX_NEW, TX_CURR, and TX_ML
  • added OU name to dataset
  • Geography assumptions: psnu = Department, community = Arrondissement, partner = Clinical Partner
  • Mapped month abbreviations to full months
  • add FY manually
  • TX_ML has Outcome disaggs, everything else is Total Numerator
Indicators Reporting Definition
HTS_TST Entered Monthly Number of HIV Test done for a specific reporting period
Index HTS_TST Entered Monthly Number of HIV test done for a specific reporting period that can be attributed to index testing
HTS_TST_POS Entered Monthly Number of HIV positive tests in a reporting period
Index HTS_TST_POS Entered Monthly Number of HIV positive tests identified through index testing
HTS Yield Calculated = Number of positive / number of test done
Index HTS Yield Calculated = Number of positive / number of test done among index testing
Linkage Calculated Number of newly identified positive enrolled on treatment / Number of newly identified positive
TX_NEW Entered Monthly Number of people newly enrolled on treatment
TX_CURR Entered Monthly Number of people currently enrolled (active) on treatment
TX NET NEW Calculated Difference between TX_CURR over time. In this context, Net New is the difference between TX_CURR in the current month and the previous month.
VL Eligible in Month Entered Monthly Number of patients eligible for a VL test in the month who have not yet had a test and are active on treatment (doesn't include LTFU clients)
VL  Samples Collected in Month Entered Monthly Number of patients for whom a VL sample has been collected  and sent to the lab in the month
% of Eligible Reached in Month Calculated = VL samples collected / VL eligible in month
VL  Results Received in the past 12 months Entered Monthly Number of patients for whom a VL test results received from the lab in the past 12 months
VL Suppressed in the past 12 months Entered Monthly Number of patients with VL test results < 1000 copies in the past 12 months
% VL Coverage Calculated = VL Results received in the past 12 months / TX_CURR. This is a proxy for VL coverage (since the denominator should actually be a sub-set of TX_CURR)
% VL Suppression Calculated = VL suppressed in the past 12 months / VL results received in the past 12 months
LTFU Potential Entered Monthly Current number of patients flagged as potential LTFU  (includes all who have missed an appt or have not had a contact with the site in the last 90 days)
LTFU Re-enrolled in Month Entered Monthly Number of patients from lost to follow up list re-enrolled back to care this month
TX_ML Died Entered Monthly LTFU patients confirmed as dead
TX_ML Previously transferred Entered Monthly LTFU patents confirmed as previously transferred
TX_ML Traced patient (unable to locate) Entered Monthly Suspected LTFU patient who was traced but could not be located
TX_ML Not traced Entered Monthly Suspected LTFU patient who was not traced