Data Dictionary - USAID-OHA-SI/Wavelength GitHub Wiki

variable variable_description
operatingunit PEPFAR Operating Unit or Country
fundingagency associated PEPFAR funding agency
date reporting date or starting date of reporting period
fy fiscal year
snu1 PEPFAR OU Sub National Unit (SNU) 1 level below national
psnu PEPFAR Priority SNU
community PEPFAR SNU level of community programming
facility PEPFAR facility
orgunituid PEPFAR's unique identify for the facility
partner implementing partner name reported
mechanismid PEPFAR implementing mechanism ID number
indicator indicator reported results on
agecoarse age group, <15/15+
sex sex, M/F
otherdisaggregate additional disaggregate componets no already captured; TX_MMD - 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4-5 months, 6 months or more
resultstatus HIV status
val value reported