operatingunit |
PEPFAR Operating Unit or Country |
fundingagency |
associated PEPFAR funding agency |
date |
reporting date or starting date of reporting period |
fy |
fiscal year |
snu1 |
PEPFAR OU Sub National Unit (SNU) 1 level below national |
psnu |
PEPFAR Priority SNU |
community |
PEPFAR SNU level of community programming |
facility |
PEPFAR facility |
orgunituid |
PEPFAR's unique identify for the facility |
partner |
implementing partner name reported |
mechanismid |
PEPFAR implementing mechanism ID number |
indicator |
indicator reported results on |
agecoarse |
age group, <15/15+ |
sex |
sex, M/F |
otherdisaggregate |
additional disaggregate componets no already captured; TX_MMD - 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4-5 months, 6 months or more |
resultstatus |
HIV status |
val |
value reported |