Testing Plan for Libgdx Components - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

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Introduction- Reasoning

Rather than conducting headless testing we will be going through the following testing plan to ensure the correct graphics are implemented in the game environment. The reason behind this is due the complex nature of the combat items. The combat items have multiple different states due to their ability to be buffed. Further the amount of combat items that were implemented (as expected to user expectation found in user testing) made it irrational to conduct headless testing as a the test to confirm the user interface components. It would be more valueable for us to create a testing plan and test upon the different combat items and its states interacting with other components in the game.


As part of testing the graphics, we need to confirm that the following user interface components change upon interacting in the game.

For each weapon:

  1. Craft weapon
  2. Equip weapon from inventory
  3. Press ‘space’ to attack and show swing animation
  4. Equip buff
  5. Press ‘space’ to attack and show buff swing animation

Success Criteria:

  1. Weapon craftable
  2. Weapon equipable from inventory
  3. Animation works on 'space'
  4. Weapon deals damage to enemy on 'space'
  5. Buff equipable -> State of weapon changes to respected buff
  6. Buff Animation works on 'space'
  7. Weapon deals extra damage to enemy on 'space'

The first two success criteria are not within the specific scope of the feature that we worked on within the game. However, it is essential to test them to adhere to the balance of the game and the collaboration that has been done throughout every sprint.

Weapon Graphics Testing Table

Weapon Player Equips Weapon from Inventory Swing animation activated upon attack Results
Plunger Success
Plunger Bow NOT success - It was found that the plunger bow projectiles travels for an infinite distance and never gets disposed until the game area is changed/reset. This causes the memory usage of the game to be high, which is not good for optimisation overall. Therefore we can classify this as a critical change needed.
PVC Pipe Success
Athena Dagger Success
Hera Dagger Success
Athena and Hera Dagger Success
Trident Success
Sword Success

Buff Weapon Graphics Testing Table

Weapon Player Equips Weapon from Inventory Swing animation activated upon attack
PVC Pipe Success - for every 4 buffs Success -for every 4 buffs
Plunger Bow Success - for each 4 buffs Success -for every 4 buffs
Plunger Success - for every 4 buffs Success -for every 4 buffs
Athena Dagger Success - for every 4 buffs Success -for every 4 buffs
Hera Dagger Success - for every 4 buffs Success -for every 4 buffs
Athena and Hera Dagger Success - for every 4 buffs Success -for every 4 buffs
Trident Success - for every 4 buffs Success -for every 4 buffs
Sword Success - for every 4 buffs Success -for every 4 buffs

Future Direction

Although we have reached the end of the scope for our assignment, the following future directions can be made. The direction that we need to take is the above testing plan should be followed for the next sprints to ensure that all elements are functional and to our behaviour standard. Furthermore, knowledge and research need to be conducted into headless testing so that perhaps this process can be automated and our efforts can be put elsewhere.

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  • Nisha Vashist, Madison Feddema
  • GitHub: NishaVashist0, MadiFeddema
  • Discord: nishavashist#4270, MadiFeddema
  • Slack: Nisha Vashist, Madison Feddema