Skill Tree 3 - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki


This is the early version of skill_tree_icon that was designed in sprint1. skill-tree-icon01

To make the SKILL tree icon more connected to the skill tree, I designed the skill tree to look like the skill tree icon opened. image image

then I add more details(like level elements) to it. image image

After the discussion with teammates, I made some changes to my skill_tree based on this draft(Some skills are one out of two). By AndySong~


Made a google survey and collected the user data as my user_test

Based on the data I obtained, I plan to make changes to the skill tree I designed in Sprint3, such as redesigning the fonts and colours.(Yongzhi zhou and I have both made skill trees, picture 1 is my version, picture 2 is Yongzhi zhou's version, and we will select one of them in Sprint3 to optimise)