New Potions - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki


With the dissolution of the Potions team, the inventory team took up the task of potions. Several changes were made, especially during sprint 3. These changes included the addition of several new potion types: Health Potion, Defence Potion, Damage Reduction Potion, and a Health Regen Potion.

User Testing

At the beginning of Sprint 3. Several surveys were released in order to find how many potions per level the studio wanted in the game, and what potions they would like in each level.

Below is the summary of the results of the survey (Last updated 4/10/2022)




Due to these results, the decision was made to have only 2 unique potions per level. This resulted in several similar potions being discontinued from the game. These included: Defence potion, and Health Regen potion. This decision was made as these potions were considered too similar to Damage Reduction Potion and Health Potion.

Potion Design

At one point the game had too many skills without a proper system to handle it, therefore a bomb potion was made to function as a skill.\

Below are several of the designs made for new potions


A poison potion was made for the second level.
