Menu Soundtrack Design - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki
Menu Background Music Design
BeepBox is an online tool for sketching chiptune melodies and can be found in our Toolbox.
Inspiration & Design for Background Music
Because our game background location is in the sewer, and the protagonist is a plumber. My first impression of the background of the sewer is that it's a darker theme. So the main tone of Overcast is more gloomy.
Also based on the backstory, the protagonist is bored with work and wants to turn off the power plug in Atlantis by reaching the bottom. I think it also expresses the indignation of the protagonist. Therefore, the main tone of Flames is more passionate.
Inspiration & Design for Button Sound Effect
Button Sound Effect Atlantis is surrounded by ocean, so I made a short wave sound effect that triggers when the player clicks the button.
User Test Plan
Use Google Forms for user testing and subsequent functionality as needed.
User Test
We received 10 replies in total and ended up choosing Overcast as our game menu background music. Based on feedback, we will implement the ability to switch music in the future.
- Zhenyu Ding
- GitHub: @7ayuu
- Discord: 7ayuu#3089
- Slack: Zhenyu Ding