Material Drops by on Enemy Death - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

This sprint in order to allow the user to attain materials required for crafting, materials will be dropped by enemies once they are killed which can then be picked up by the player and added to their inventory. Only certain materials are dropped by enemies. All materials except for golden poop and toilet paper which can only be attained from interaction with NPCs. The materials are dropped with a random number generator determining which material will drop or if no material will drop at all.

10% Chance of silver drop 20% Chance of gold drop 10% Chance of plastic drop 10% Chance of Rubber drop 10% Chance of Iron drop 10% Chance of Platinum drop 10% Chance of Wood drop 10% Chance of Steel drop 10% Chance of no drop

Collaboration was done with the NPC team to ensure certain weapons can only be crafted with NPC obtainable items. With the materials for lead pipe being given to the player at the start of the game. The golden poop being given by the plumber and the toilet paper being given by the crocodile.