JUNIT Testing and Code Coverage - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

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Testing is an important part of implementing any code whether it be into any software system. Testing aims to reduce bugs and poorly written code and ensures the functionality works. It is important also to consider input handling and how the code manages inputs which might not be expected without crashing the software. Hence, testing is an extremely important part of developing our game and polishing the game for the final sprint.

Code Coverage

Prior to sprint 4, we had only three classes with 100% code coverage and the remainder of our classes had either partial or no code coverage. While we did not achieve 100% code coverage on Sonarcloud all code added to the project was tested either through JUNIT, mocking or our visual testing plan.

Before Sprint 4

The following table shows the code coverage we had prior to sprint 4.

Class Code Coverage
AnimatedImage 0%
AreaIfEffectStatsComponent 100%
AuraPickupComponent 0%
BuffDisplayComponent 0%
PhysicalWeaponStatsComponent 80%
WeaponArrowProjectileComponent 0%
WeaponAuraComponent 96%
WeaponAuraManager 0%
WeaponStatsComponent 94%
PlayerTouchAttackComponent 22%
PlayerCombatAnimationController 37%
CombatStatsComponent 48.7%
AuraConfig 0%
BaseAuraConfig 0%
WeaponConfig 100%
WeaponConfigSetup 100%
WeaponFactory 11%

After Sprint 4

The following table indicates the progress we made in implementing code coverage. Some tests however were not covered by code tests, but by a visual testing plan we created to ensure animations were running smoothly according to player actions. I've highlighted those with major changes made.

Class Code Coverage
AnimatedImage 0%
AreaIfEffectStatsComponent 100%
AuraPickupComponent 6%
BuffDisplayComponent 0%
PhysicalWeaponStatsComponent 100%
WeaponArrowProjectileComponent 0%
WeaponAuraComponent 100%
WeaponAuraManager 21.4%
WeaponStatsComponent 100%
PlayerTouchAttackComponent 22%
PlayerCombatAnimationController 98.8%
CombatStatsComponent (updated our contribution to this class) 48.7%
AuraConfig 100%
BaseAuraConfig 100%
WeaponConfig 100%
WeaponConfigSetup 100%
WeaponFactory 47.8%


The following sections outline what was and wasn't tested in a given class and provides a justification as to why this wasn't completed. This section is specific to those that do not have 100% or close to 100% code coverage.


For the PlayerTouchAttackComponent this was partially tested. In the final revisiting of code smells for this class, we made the decision to re-structure the attackEnemy() function to fix critical code smells. Unfortunately due to the time this took there was not sufficient time to improve test coverage given that there are various components which extend libgdx.


For the AuraPickupComponent while writing the tests for this particular class I encountered issues with passing through the game area specifically for the pickUpAura(). Despite attempting to mock this the test continued to fail. In future directions, this class should be revisited again and perhaps adjusted for more efficient testing.


The WeaponAuraManager was partially tested for all getter and setter methods. Initially all the getter and setter methods for changing variable components such as the weapon stats and name of aura we implemented with the single function ApplyAura(). I changed this so that those getter and setter methods were separated from the single method (which also changes animations) to ensure cleaner code and was more efficient for testing purposes. The checkEffectAura() was a method which was not checked as this relies on the time within to check the game has progressed so far into the future before disposing of an aura on a weapon.

Testing Plan for Libgdx

For the classes that were unable to be tested, this included AnimatedImage, BuffDisplayComponent and WeaponArrowProjectileComponent we created a testing plan which outlines our justification for choosing this method of testing rather than headless and how we tested these components.

See testing plan by clicking here.

Future Directions

A future direction for testing could be to investigate further into headless testing, which is a more complex version of testing. Furthermore the tests I have spoken about as being incomplete should be review to resolve the code coverage. Additionally edit the code further to allow for better testing, ensuring all getter and setters are not declared within methods and separate the functionality out of a single method.

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  • Madison Feddema
  • GitHub: MadiFeddema
  • Discord: MadiFeddema
  • Slack: Madison Feddema