Inventory Button Visual Assets User Test - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki
User Testing
Since the survey method used for user testing in sprint 2 did not respond well, we used interview-based user testing in sprint 3 to collect available feedback. Questions are as follows. (10 responser)
The purpose of this user test is to evaluate user perceptions and feedback on how the inventory button looks in-game. Also, the other questions are to gather opinions on the button effect and future final iterations.
First of all, we can see that our button design is relatively complete. Most of the respondents were characters that were suitable for our game and acceptable. 70% of people think our existing color combination is suitable, if we have time we will try other color combinations later.
For the effect of the button, some users will want to make some optimizations in the effect.
Future Test Plan
The future design plan of the inventory button should be optimized and changed in terms of appearance and animation. Therefore, we need to user test the design, appearance and effect of these buttons. In addition, if more buttons and button animations need to be designed, these buttons will be designed according to the style of the existing buttons and will be used together for the next stage of user testing, which will be conducted in the studio using interviews.
- Zhenyu Ding
- GitHub: @7ayuu
- Discord: 7ayuu#3089
- Slack: Zhenyu Ding