Dialogue Icon Indicator - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

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After researching on how a dialogue icon indicator looked like, I found some images that showed how they would look like and almost every image looked the same or similar. There were different shapes for the icon such as a round icon and a rectangle icon. Hence, I took some inspiration from the images and created a dialogue icon indicator design.

First Iteration


The image above is the first iteration of the dialogue icon. I decided to go with the rectangle shaped icon to go with the 'box-like' pixel theme.

Second Iteration


This second iteration is an animation of the icon moving up and down.

Final Iteration


After looking at the second iteration, I noticed that the icon was a bit distracting when it is moving up and down so I decided to instead move the dots in the icon to move in a 'wavy' motion. This 'wavy' motion fits the theme of Atlantis as it imitates the ocean waves.