Dialogue Box Changes - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

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Documentation of Dialogue Box Designs by @MonitaMegaele


  • The NPC Dialogue Boxes had to change width and
  • Some boxes having small changes to them

Changed Dialogue Box

Dialogue Box Changed Dialogue Box Before


These changes were made from previous User Testing done where it was suggested to move the dialogue box to the middle of the screen to imply importance of the story. The dialogue boxes were moved to the middle of the screen. However it needed to be longer because

  1. It looked too small being in the middle with the previous width and
  2. The text could not be seen properly with smaller width of dialogue boxes

These reasonings were taken into consideration because our main goal was to show importance to the dialogue in the game. Story dialogue can be an important aspect of game immersion and therefore these reasonings had to be taken seriously.

Source in Game


How To Access Dialogue Box in Game

  1. Walk Up to an NPC
  2. Hit F
  3. Dialogue should show up and can be seen at the bottom center of the frame