Crafting Table Visual Assets Design Sprint Two - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

Updating Sprint 1 Design

Before user testing began, the team decided to utilise our own feedback to make any changes we thought were necessary. The following design was drafted, in order to user test against the intial sprint 1 design:


Design Iterations and Sprint 2 Final Designs

The design of the crafting table has been updated to fit better within the overall game theme and reflect its purpose - on the side tools can be seen to clearly show that it is for crafting purpose. This was decided through the analysis of feedback seen above.

In doing so, the final design was created:


Ideas to be Implemented in Sprint 3

In reviewing the feedback from user testing, all survey-takers were interested in the use of an animation for the crafting table. The following draft was created to simulate how we could implement this feature in sprint 3:
