Block Skill - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-2 GitHub Wiki

--- Block Icon

block copy


This is also inspired by a character in a MOBA-type game called League of Legends. One of his skills is to set up a shield to block damage for his teammates, so I used this prototype as a reference and conceived the shield as the main content of my block icon.

--- User Testing for block Icon

In the block icon questionnaire, although most people thought it was okay, one person mentioned that they wanted the block icon to be consistent with other icons (because the style of my other icon designs was not quite the same as this one), so as to avoid unnecessary confusion. I think this is pertinent, so I redesigned an icon with the same style as my previous icon, which is also designed with a shield as the prototype, and also reflects the ability of block as a skill.

Finalised Block Icon


--- Animation of Block

Animation of Block Design Process

My idea for the block is mainly to highlight the shield and have a barrier these two elements, and the barrier for the translucent colour processing so that its visual effect will not overshadow the player itself, while the shield elements are shown in a progressive manner.

Finalised Animation of Block
