Objectives Design - UQdeco2800/2022-studio-1 GitHub Wiki
The main purpose of objectives is to guide the player through the first day, introducing all major aspects in the game.
The main inspiration for objectives has been from World of Warcraft. Objectives work slightly differently in there, however, they still aim to aid the player.
Image 1:
Image 2:
Objectives Design
Since we want to bring attention to the objectives, a way to do that is with an exclamation mark. Thus, this was the base for the design. It was then also encased to further make it stand out. Additionally, the word "OBJECTIVE" was also added (due to user testing, users asked for clarification of the !, adding text greatly improved the clarity of the objective).
Initial Exploration of Objectives
Exploring Objectives
After exploring what different objectives the game should have, we came up with 9 main objectives that will serve to guide the player.
- Collect 100 of each material. (Introducing resources)
- Upgrade the crystal to increase its defences. (Should be shown after you collect materials)
- Use the Shop to buy a new building. (Shown after #2)
- Use the Shop to buy a new equipment.
- Use the Shop to buy a new artefact.
- Open up your inventory to access your purchases (shown right after your first purchase)
- Kill all enemies during the night. (Show this right when the night phase begins)
- Spend all remaining resources in preparation for Typhon (should be shown before last night)
- Kill the final boss Typhon to win the game. (Show this when Typhon shows up)
This covers all major aspects of the game, after completing these objectives, the player should have a good understanding of how the game works.
Image References
Image 1: https://images.app.goo.gl/uamE8d4TR4HgnTQL8 Image 2: https://images.app.goo.gl/sPsTiz6YNinAvUuf6