Copy TCL questions from other courses - UQ-eLIPSE/think-chat-learn GitHub Wiki

Occasionally courses use the same content as the previous semester so it is easier to copy the content from that previous course.

  1. Launch the old course using the LTI tool (Or if you’re enrolled, then access from blackboard). Information can be found here on what variables are required in the LTI tool: . Accessing the previous course can be used as a guide to make the sessions for the new course.
  2. Go to Admin Panel
  3. Go to the question list page (Chat Icon).
  4. Edit the question you want to copy and then in the TINYMCE editor, go to Tools → Source Code.
  5. Copy the source code and repeat steps 1-3 for the new course.
  6. Create the question and similarly with step 4, go to the Source Code and paste the contents copied.
  7. The content should be copied.
  8. Title will still be required to be entered manually.

Identify Previous Offerings using Question:

> db.uq_question.find({ title: /dead/i, courseId: /^CHEM1100S_7/ }, { title: 1, _id: 0, courseId: 1 })
{ title: 'Dead Sea Equilibria', courseId: 'CHEM1100S_7160_63037' }
{ title: 'Dead Sea - Reflection', courseId: 'CHEM1100S_7160_63037' }

Once course identified follow instructions given above.

Confirm new sessions:

db.uq_quizSchedule.find({ course: /^CHEM1100S_7220_/, title: /^TCL Session 2/ }, {})
{ _id: ObjectId("626ba55d8cd301643771329b"),
  availableEnd: 2022-05-04T06:00:00.000Z,
  availableStart: 2022-05-04T05:30:00.000Z,
  title: 'TCL Session 2.1 ( Wed, 4th May ) (3:30pm - 4:00 pm)',
  course: 'CHEM1100S_7220_21157',
   [ { title: 'Question',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '10',
       _id: '626ba55d8cd3016437713298' },
     { title: 'Discussion',
       content: '',
       type: 'DISCUSSION_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '15',
       _id: '626ba55d8cd3016437713299' },
     { title: 'Reflection',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba4ac8cd3016437713297',
       timeoutInMins: '5',
       _id: '626ba55d8cd301643771329a' } ],
  markingConfiguration: { allowMultipleMarkers: false, maximumMarks: 5 },
  groupSize: 4,
  rubricId: '624a6c078cd3016437710b5e',
  isPublic: true,
  marksPublic: false }
{ _id: ObjectId("626ba5b28cd301643771329f"),
  availableEnd: 2022-05-05T03:30:00.000Z,
  availableStart: 2022-05-05T03:00:00.000Z,
  title: 'TCL Session 2.2 ( Thurs, 5th May ) (1:00pm - 1:30 pm)',
  course: 'CHEM1100S_7220_21157',
   [ { title: 'Question',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '10',
       _id: '626ba5b28cd301643771329c' },
     { title: 'Discussion',
       content: '',
       type: 'DISCUSSION_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '15',
       _id: '626ba5b28cd301643771329d' },
     { title: 'Reflection',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba4ac8cd3016437713297',
       timeoutInMins: '5',
       _id: '626ba5b28cd301643771329e' } ],
  markingConfiguration: { allowMultipleMarkers: false, maximumMarks: 5 },
  groupSize: 4,
  rubricId: '624a6c078cd3016437710b5e',
  isPublic: true,
  marksPublic: false }
{ _id: ObjectId("626ba5e38cd30164377132a3"),
  availableEnd: 2022-05-05T09:00:00.000Z,
  availableStart: 2022-05-05T08:30:00.000Z,
  title: 'TCL Session 2.3 ( Thurs, 5th May ) (6:30pm - 7:00 pm)',
  course: 'CHEM1100S_7220_21157',
   [ { title: 'Question',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '10',
       _id: '626ba5e38cd30164377132a0' },
     { title: 'Discussion',
       content: '',
       type: 'DISCUSSION_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '15',
       _id: '626ba5e38cd30164377132a1' },
     { title: 'Reflection',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba4ac8cd3016437713297',
       timeoutInMins: '5',
       _id: '626ba5e38cd30164377132a2' } ],
  markingConfiguration: { allowMultipleMarkers: false, maximumMarks: 5 },
  groupSize: 4,
  rubricId: '624a6c078cd3016437710b5e',
  isPublic: true,
  marksPublic: false }
{ _id: ObjectId("626ba6328cd30164377132a7"),
  availableEnd: 2022-05-06T02:30:00.000Z,
  availableStart: 2022-05-06T02:00:00.000Z,
  title: 'TCL Session 2.4 ( Fri, 6th May ) (12:00pm - 12:30 pm)',
  course: 'CHEM1100S_7220_21157',
   [ { title: 'Question',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '10',
       _id: '626ba6328cd30164377132a4' },
     { title: 'Discussion',
       content: '',
       type: 'DISCUSSION_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '15',
       _id: '626ba6328cd30164377132a5' },
     { title: 'Reflection',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba4ac8cd3016437713297',
       timeoutInMins: '5',
       _id: '626ba6328cd30164377132a6' } ],
  markingConfiguration: { allowMultipleMarkers: false, maximumMarks: 5 },
  groupSize: 4,
  rubricId: '624a6c078cd3016437710b5e',
  isPublic: true,
  marksPublic: false }
{ _id: ObjectId("626ba6668cd30164377132ab"),
  availableEnd: 2022-05-06T04:30:00.000Z,
  availableStart: 2022-05-06T04:00:00.000Z,
  title: 'TCL Session 2.5 ( Fri, 6th May ) (2:00pm - 2:30 pm)',
  course: 'CHEM1100S_7220_21157',
   [ { title: 'Question',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '10',
       _id: '626ba6668cd30164377132a8' },
     { title: 'Discussion',
       content: '',
       type: 'DISCUSSION_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba47c8cd3016437713296',
       timeoutInMins: '15',
       _id: '626ba6668cd30164377132a9' },
     { title: 'Reflection',
       content: '',
       type: 'QUESTION_ANSWER_PAGE',
       questionId: '626ba4ac8cd3016437713297',
       timeoutInMins: '5',
       _id: '626ba6668cd30164377132aa' } ],
  markingConfiguration: { allowMultipleMarkers: false, maximumMarks: 5 },
  groupSize: 4,
  rubricId: '624a6c078cd3016437710b5e',
  isPublic: true,
  marksPublic: false }