Rules For New Issues And Feature Requests - UPBGE/upbge GitHub Wiki

The UPBGE team is busy most of the time. We work on a lot of things and sometimes we don't have time to cater to everyone. That's why rules must be defined in order to mantain the Issues page simple and ordered.

If you infringe any of these rules your post will be deleted without a warning!

  1. No Spam

    Don't create repeated issues, ie, with identical questions or reports.

  2. Unrealistic/Unfeasible requests

    The Blender 2.8 milestone is just about to happen, we don't want to make big changes to the code, we never know what will happen and we will probably need to throw away some things. So don't make requests that are out of this world, don't expect us to be wizards and understand everything like magic.

  3. Offenses/Fights

    Don't fight with other users, don't be offensive, don't be a troll. Your personal problems are not people's fault. Don't be a jerk, don't be boring, so you don't trigger the above reactions.